Anyone else feel HATRED for his Country?

>garbage shithole where I fear getting shot just for going outside
>has contributed nothing to the world outside of poisoned soy, trannies and footballers
>will tax you for breathing, demand a document for eating and a license to kill yourself once you realize this shit is a scam
>impossible to keep up with all the burocracy
>police officers main income comes from mugging people for not having the right meaningless document
>braindead 85 IQ brazillions will still say "brazil is bad cause u no love brazil, anonnn!" like they'd say to a wife beaten to death by her husband that she should love him and he'll change
>just today a girl got shot in the throat waiting train
>father and son drove in a specific murder district in Rio, got mugged and father got shot
>civil war in the prison systems with more than 200 deaths by decapitation
>trannies will overpower you, chokehold you and steal from you if you don't pay them extra
>federal government running 780 billion in debt and about to crash
>state governments already crashed
>communist who caused all this has more than 54% of votes and will become president again

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No one cares.

I hate what it has become, but love what it once was and what it could be again.

>love what it once was and what it could be again.
The destroyer of europe? Well, you're actually working hard on that, brexit fag.

Amen brother. I feel them same about my country too.

B-b...but the bundas, brazilbro...

Brazil will be included in the new manifest destiny, no need to need to worry comrade.

I hate what it is, hate what it will become and hate the useless shithole without neither legacy, nor values that it has always been.

There is nothing worth to preserve. I have no empire to feel proud of. We have not invented a single thing that could justify the color of our flag on the world map. We are a nation that scams its few productive citizens and that hasn't learned the basic lesson learned since Caim and Abel that thou shalt not fucking murder your own neighbor.

If I were a british person, I'd look back to the beautiful sillyness of trying to civilize the world, the effort to stay free from europeans for thousands of years, the end of slavery and all the great history that Britain has forgotten in the museums and unrevised history books.

Brazil has nothing. All our heroes were defeated. Our greatest pride is football yet the first thing our good players do is to leave Brazil when they get the opportunity. We have nothing to expect from life except getting a bullet to the head or shouted at by commies while we get taxed into starvation for services that never come.

I don't even want to work anymore. I don't go study anything. I don't want to ever produce anything that this bastard country will claim pride of. Brazil must die for every person who are know depressed and on the verge of suicide because their lives are ruined thanks to taxes, central planning of the economy and crime.

My country died in 45.
I don't care about the mess(es) they put in it's stead.

My country on the other hand is an abortion.

It's really that bad? I heard from some Brazilians studying here that southern Brazil is pretty decent.

get a load of this hypocrite lmao

>garbage shithole where I fear that female members of my family get raped just for going outside
>corrupted by jews
>will tax you for breathing, demand a document for eating and a TV license where you have to pay 20 bucks every month or else prison
>impossible to keep up with all the burocracy
>police officers main income comes from busting harmless weed dealers instead doing something against organised crime
>braindead 85 IQ germans will still say "germany is bad cause nazis, anonnn!" like they'd say to a woman raped to death by muslims that she should love them and they will change
>just today a girl got raped in the throat waiting train
>prison systems are a joke and rapists and murderers can simply walk away from it
>antifa will overpower you, chokehold you and steal from you if you don't pay them extra
>government running surplus money but dumps it all into rapefugees while white germans starve on the streets
>Merkels who caused all this has more than 54% of votes and will become Kanzler again

South Brazil is 1/10 of what it could be.

South Brazil is basically a mix of German + Italian genes. They could be at least Spain-levels of developed.

My only hope for Brazil is to shill so hard for freedom to the South that we might make a decent country out of it. But southists are already called racists and the military (ultra cuck right-wing socialists) won't allow it. The military betrayed the south in the previous war for freedom and will repeat the next time.


Never forget it took men from 71 nations to take down Germany.

And only one woman to do so a few decades later.

calling bongs the destroyers of Europe when you krauts have done it at least two times with a third in progress
what kind of alternative history do they teach you over there

If I lived in Brazil I would hate it too.

Whats your flag again ?

I fully agree on the first two times, but i have no idea what the third should be.


I hate that half my country is sayinh a liberal republican is a facists dictator who is in cahoots with soviet Russia to destroy democracy, while at the same time, thinking the system of government that killed millions in Russia and China alone would be ideal for America.
Other than that, I love america.

It's okay brazilbro, we all share the pain.

If I lived anywhere else but Switzerland I would have killed myself already.

A little. soon there won't be much to be patriotic about. Because "America" won't even mean anything. maybe we're already there and I'm just a white person in denial.

my country is ok if you have money. Our laws are very easy to follow and you can technically do whatever the fuck you want inside limits.

that aside, if you don't have money and if you work for a local company or the government you are fucked.

Yes, but I'm from Quebec, so it's expected.

become a Brazilian portuguese foreign language teacher in america

start a language blog teaching us how to speak Brazillian portuguese

become an intelligence assist?




brazilian alternative media leader?

>organized crime

what? aren't you one of the safest countries in the world? before rapefugies of course


>become police officer
>go off duty 24/7
>kill random people on the street who are "criminals"
>end up on live leak


I don't think of Brasil as a country.

>rannies will overpower you, chokehold you and steal from you if you don't pay them extra

yeah, most of Brazil's bad because we all already know why but man, wtf, paying trannies?! Degenerate

America is pretty ok desu fampai. Fuck niggers tho.

behold our next leader.

a lot.

my city for example is infested with all kinds of shit since the 90s.

>albanian gangs
>Russian Mob
>Italian Mafia
>turkroach mob
>other organized scum from other poorshit european nations
>Bikers, like Hells Angels and Banditos
>literal Drug cartels

The Aegean Apocalypse, and the Sea People, were brought about by overcentralization and neglect of all but the lavish capital cities. Organize a starving peasant revolt against the government. If you can dream it you can meme it.

the EU, friendo

Have yo been living under a fucking rock?

Every single day I pray for a nuclear war or some sort of cataclysm to completely wipe out this hellhole. Fuck this place.

>could have been a beautiful savior nation to mankind
>could have been a beacon of self-sufficiency and progress
>could have taken us all to the stars and beyond
>Instead they imported a bunch of nigger labor and forever reduced us to a quivering pile of welfare and debt
>it will take no less than 10 Trump presidencies to save our nation
God Damn I hate this bizarro-America

Daily reminder that (((they))) confiscated our guns so we can't kill ourselves

We should meme our sheer hatred into a chaotic being that will bring chaos and destruction.

>pic related

Not to mention Portuguese is a disgusting language.

Why don't you leave? If you're german why don't you go back? If not maybe Portugal will take you?

take that back

Mestizo here. Look white but has mixed blood from the people who ruined my family.

>trannies will overpower you, chokehold you and steal from you if you don't pay them extra

I'm diamonds

End my pain already. Just fucking nuke this shithole.

IDK what you can do against the indos. From my experience, they're feral retards who love torture and death. They drag whites down to their level out of insecurity. If you try and make a move for something better, they torture you for fun. Even if it hurts them.

The civilized races of the world need to band together and re-enslave the sub-90 IQ races. Global Apartheid is the only solution.

It's true. All of it.

It's objectively not true.

Can any Meme Warlock veteran from the Meme War help me cast a spell on Brazil?

We have a yellow fever crisis going on right now. Maybe use it?

You're still better then roaches that have no respect to western society. Get out of this shithole user.

I hereby meme a Freedom Revolution in Brazil. Whomsoever hears this call will be blessed with untold fortune and wisdom, to lead their people to greatness.

We need the help of republican Jesus to save Brazil.

A good overthrow of the commie regime to be replaced with freedom and prosperity.