Wake up. Steve Bannon is a white supremacist.
Wake up. Steve Bannon is a white supremacist
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Wow another terrible political cartoonist implying that Trump is a Bannon puppet. How original.
is it a bad thing?
the Jews are going all out goys!
Everyone can see it, I wonder how far they will go.
Hate and love, interconnected
Non whites do not deserve to live in Europe and America.
wtf I love black supremacy now!
Even if that were true and if you'd have spent even 5 minutes on Sup Forums you'd realise that not that many here would even care. In fact they'd be over the moon.
>lefties preach about hate all day every day
>who are they ones that actually practice hate and intimidation through violence?
kind of true, even if most of us ain't wearing that outfit
wake up? where the fuck do you think you are you retarded shill?
I HOPE he's a white supremacist you fucking monkey
Whats wrong with being a white supremacist?
You brainwashed liberals call anyone that disagrees with you "white supremacist".
That's why nobody takes you left wing zealots seriously.
Nigger do you know where the fuck ur posting this thread?
You're a nigger
How is Banonon a white supremacist? I hear this all the tome, but no evidence has ever been presented.
Really makes ya think huh
Fucking nice
Ok, let's say he is and lets say he has trumps ear, why are the left pushing this? After accusing everyone who voted for trump for being racist, why do they think that it will bother the right that their leader is being manipulated by a racist, it sure does boggle my mind.
Are you kidding me???
> oh no, how does fucking drumpf dare to listen to his loyal base who got him elected instead of Voice of Reason and Tolerance who hates him and every his policy
styx here. fuck blumpf and remember to watch my video and to support my tatas
Bannon has literally never done anything wrong. hes just a conservative that looks shady, so libs assume hes the devil.
To be fair, going after Bannon is a solid move by the fakestream media. He's a relative unknown and they can make up pretty much anything they like.
I thought Putin was his puppet master?
Now its Bannon?
It is almost like it doesn't matter who puppets him. They only care that you think he is a puppet.
bogposting is such fucking cancerous bullshit
Why do people regard the KKK as some sort of major hate group when they haven't had any relevancy whatsoever for over half a century?
Wow, labeling anyone who supports President Trump as a white supremacist and nazi, how original, this is like high school level tactics.
Somehow America now has millions of nazis in the country.
tell about ice cubes
According to the leftists, ONLY puppets of George Soros may become president. A president is only legitimate if he is the one chosen by the leftist dictator.
>everyone who supports Trump is his puppetmaster
>Sup Forums is actually the ur-master