I recently found out we starved millions of Bengalis in WWII because we didn't care about them because they were not white. We also starved millions of Irish people because they were Irish (White on the outside but black on the inside) Why is this not a central point of education in every British school? Imagine the German children didn't learn about the holocaust, we'd be shocked and appalled but we just ignore our own holocausts. It's disgusting.
I recently found out we starved millions of Bengalis in WWII because we didn't care about them because they were not...
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why dont you focus on the millions of native bongs getting replaced by pakis?
You didn't starve the Irish. In the middle of a potato blight they decided to export rather than eat. So you sent them seeds and they ate them instead of planting.
The fields were overplanted cunt, that's why the blight even occurred.
you also starved jews by bombing their food suply
I thought there was a virulent spread of disease attacking the one kind of potato that they'd come to rely on, so when whole crops failed they had nothing to eat?
Related joke, how many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
wtf? i love the british empire now!
Your country also torpedoed and bombed a helpless destroyer to the point where the better option for its surviving crew was to send volunteer(s) down to detonate the ammunition storage. Then, upon surveying the wreckage, literally kicked wounded soldiers off your boat who had declared you victorious in the battle and were begging for their lives.
Would you rather England starved?
also IIRC the '43 Bengal famine wasn't deliberate it was shitty weather and the fact that we couldn't transport enough food around as we were fighting a bloody war at the time.
>meanwhile in london
yeah nah pretty sure the pakis won the war otherwise you'd be running their country not the other way around.
I don't no clue wtf your'e going on about but it sounds ok because it was war
Feels good man
Bangladesh is an overpopulated muslim shithole.
It's like crying because you stepped on a cockroach 10 years ago whilst they infest your house.
No fucking way there were 63 million abbos in australia
They are the winners of WW2 don't forget it.
You do realize podado seeds are potatoes
Yeah it's bullshit. Not even 1 million.
>Why is this not a central point of education
Because it was inconsequential
Literally nothing
You know.
France is not so clean either.
But we deal with it, and the true patriots learn to forgive what their nation did for its own good.
Be kind to others, but in time of war, only the strongest survives.
Then what was the first potato?
Britain did what they could. Churchill wrote to FDR:
"I am seriously concerned about the food situation in India and its possible reactions on our joint operations. Last year we had a grievous famine in Bengal through which at least 700,000 people died….By cutting down military shipments and other means, I have been able to arrange for 350,000 tons of wheat to be shipped to India from Australia during the first nine months of 1944. This is the shortest haul. I cannot see how to do more...."
Teach children demoralisation propagands?
Fuck off traitor.
They will become white guilt cucks letting their women get blacked for repairations.
Why do you think most cucks are dems?
Very fast karen moves at incredible hihg >speed.jpg
Nobody cared because they're not jews
Because we were busy. We were at war, doing war things. And we DON'T ignore whatever transpired in the past, we just look above it because we've done slightly more important shit than starving some Bengalis that you're only giving a fuck about because there's nothing particularly wrong in your life, and you're looking for something to feel guilty about.
They didn't decide to export, the landowners did as the Irish didn't have any money to pay for the crops.
Can I say that about the holocaust, too?
Sorry what was that cunt I can't hear you over the sound of chinks buying your country wholesale
Ofcourse not Jews are God's chosen people
this is an entirely different ballpark because it actually happened
>irish """people"""
how the fuck can you tolerate their existence? the US used them as fucking slaves, finish the job brits end the eternal leprechaun
The food supplies were redirected to feed liberated German towns, not British people. UK had more than enough food, so instead of feeding loyal people in the colony of India we decided to give the food to Nazis
>liberated german towns
you wot m8
Yes, why don't we teach children about our glorious past? It's a disgrace!
>be paddy
>potato blight
>how will I eat...
>plant other crops?
>fish in the ocean that surrounds my country?
Nah callahan, lets starve eh? Maybe we can dress up as civillians and start a war in the streets while hiding in our fellow peoples houses and using them as fodder. Boy do I love bombing children!
>refuse to diversify crops
>get famine
You'd need to really boost the education budget to teach children the history of Anglo war crimes.
>british come and take food
>say no
>burn house
>forced to give food
>can grow potatos to feed family
>enough to feed them, quick and capable of keeping them alive
>hundreds of years later
>a literal monkey and a bunch of pakis say we refuse to diversify crops and it was all our fault
You act like Americans (niggers).
>we dindu nuffin it was those damn redcoats I swear!
>refuse to learn history
Ahh yes like a true monkey.
Still got the Faulkland Islands tho
This just in: during war people starve.
Lots of them.
For example all those starving Africans they show you to get you to donate?
In war zones.
No matter how much you give they won't stop starving because food won't end the wars they are caught in.