Milo basically making a sad sounding almost crying apology live stream on facebook.
Why the fuck is he doing it? There must be some sort of behind the scenes benefactor who is making him do it.
Was Milo a shill all along?
Milo basically making a sad sounding almost crying apology live stream on facebook.
Why the fuck is he doing it? There must be some sort of behind the scenes benefactor who is making him do it.
Was Milo a shill all along?
He might have to get a real job.
Of course he was a shill; it's like the faggots pushing Richard Spencer. We have no leader, we have no faction, we are anonymous.
I used to hate him, but now I know that he likes to fuck kids, is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
>Was the gay Jew a shill all along?
Come on, Sweden. Think real hard
Feels like someone like Milo would only apologize like this if he was actually afraid of losing some major funding.
This pedo shit would otherwise not affect his fucking college tours.
he was always a shill
>Was Milo a shill all along?
Milo is an opportunistic jackass who will latch on to any controversy to give himself more publicity.
He must have really fucked up because he NEVER did this before and he said worst shit.
Can anyone give me the Quick Rundown on why we're calling this faggot a paedo all of a sudden?!
because he's a jew and this scandal is costing him money
>doxx trans and illegals and potentially ruin people's lives
>cry when others do it to you
I hope his fucking life is ruined, stupid faggot.
Anyone have a link to what he actually said?
They all end up apologizing, don't they?
Turning into David Schneider
Because he was raped as a kid and left is using that against him.
Obama was successful in assisting the (((LGBT))) to normalize homosexuality during his presidency.
I have no doubt the (((LGBT))) was planning on normalizing pedophilia during Hillary's presidency considering how much of her campaign staff are involved in pizzagate and other pedo associates.
Milo is confirming homosexuality is a gateway to pedophilia.
Milo is a kamikaze faggot flying his gay plane into the heart of the (((LGBT))) community and exposing the pedophile cesspool that lies within.
>help a jew
kek no. voting for Trump was my good goy deed for the year.
Wait, is this news? This is old news, of course the degenerate jew is, surprise surprise A DEGENERATE JEW.
Milo was joking about his personal experiences. He wasn't justifying pedophilia. Literally fake news.
He's not that much of an altruist.
I guess the ride does end.
Its over for him.
It's live.
Yes (((he))) was, ffs. People should have figured it out faster. But nah, ,,Hey look the gay 'right wing'! Their purpose is clearly not to lower our standards into accepting degeneracy!" All this while (((Milo)))was gaining more shekels.w
he fucked up. it's like if every Sup Forums post you ever made went public. he tried to be too edgy and is getting punished for it.
Styx just made a video about this. If you continue to support milo after this then you're a joke.
Damn, he looks really bad.....
whoa! don't throw him under the bus ffs!
never liked milo or the faggy the_donald alt righter youtubers, fuck this guy
He's groveling to try to salvage what is left of his career. He's done as a leading voice on the right, and will likely be fired by breitbart before long. All he can do is try to salvage some fans and start a youtube/own site career. The good thing is, now that he's done, the alt light is going to be looking for more figure heads, and will invariably find their way here and sites like the daily stormer and the right stuff.
>almost crying
lol no.
He's clarifying because he's not pro-pedophilia.
Hes always been riding the popularity wave and he doesnt want to get trapped under it.
He ok. Relax shills.
Because people forgot that he was actually speaking as a victim of sexual abuse, trying to rationalize what happened to him, perhaps as a defense mechanism.
Is he actually apologizing or are you exaggerating like a CTR shill?
Its because he knows he is a self loathing perv with deviant and even illegal sexual proclivities.
We should send Mike Pence to sort him out.
HE DIDN'T say being a pedo is ok, he said some young (16/17) gay men go looking for older men for guidance and it isn't evil. Obviously it's against the law to fuck someone underage but the scenario he described is not equivalent to fucking a little girl or boy.
Never really supported him. I'm with Styx, he was a somewhat entertaining stunt that makes liberals angry.
But it really get my conspiracy juices flowing why a guy like Milo who have millions of supporters which would basically NEVER abandon him would be apologizing like this. Especially not over him saying being fucked as a 13-year old is fine, since he have been saying that for a long fucking time.
There is definitely something shady going on here.
It's like Akkadcuck would make a apology video over all his interracial shit.
That's the one good thing. We can now redpill normies on gays, showing that it's not genetic or born this way bullshit, but that gays are mostly created out of environmental influence. We've already known this anyway, as 50% of gay men admit to being molested as boys, but now we have testimony from one of the media's leading faggots.
>Styx just made a video about this.
Holy shit! Milo is finished!
>he doesnt use catalog + 4chanX filters
Just a pro-pederast
I'm so happy to be correct all-along about this alt.lite peedo. That's all that really matters for me, as I can't make other people (you bitches) BTFO from your milo/breitbag fanboy love
He have written like two long apologies on Facebook basically and yes he just did a livestream on facebook where he apologized and said it was wrong and if he could do it again, he wouldn't(saying what he said).
Now I'm torn. This is an opportunity to accuse SJWs and co of victim-blaming. Milo should carry around a big blue mattress.
You assume I mean he is doing this consciously...
> All those Milo threads in Sup Forums
> This is what you get when you openly support Trump.
Fucking idiots helping the left destroy someone just because they hate jews and fags.
The left NEVER EVER EVER EVER turns on leftists.
Yea. He is.
>but there are certainly some people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age, i certainly consider myself one of them. people who are sexually active younger.
>i think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way... (i hate leftists etc...) this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys the understanding that many of us have, the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships, you know, people are messy and complex, and actually, in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, these sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love, and a reliable sort of rock, where they cant speak to their parents.
>it sounds like catholic priest molestation to me
>and you know what, i'm grateful for father michael, i wouldnt give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him
>oh my god i cant handle it
bald guy talks for a bit...
>you're misunderstanding what pedophilia is, pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. pedophilia is attraction to children. pedophilia is attraction to people who do not have functioning sex organs yet, who have not gone through puberty, who are too young to be able to understand the way their body works. that is not what we're talking about
>you are advocating for cross generational relationships, can we be honest about that?
>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.
Doesn't say age shill.
STOP agreeing with leftists about this issue, it was deliberately concocted to bring milo down, don't help jake (((tapper))) et all by doing their dirty work!
He's not a shill. It's possible to be a homosexual and/or a pedo and right wing at the same time, you know.
You have a childish view of the left. There's more than one left
Milo wouldnt be the FACE of Breitbart without Bannon's express approval. This means one of 3 things:
1. Only you see Milo as the jewish subversion agent while Bannon cannot, meaning Bannon is dangerously incompetent.
2. Bannon is a Jew shill. Which means Trump is a Jew shill.
3. HE IS THERE FOR A REASON - TO BE THE "agent provocateur".
Look at all the support Milo's drummed up. Look at all the media controversy he has caused. Look at all the riots that have been done against him showing the world the dangers of the left.
If Bannon is /ourguy/, Milo is /ourguy/ as well.
Preface, I hate Milo and the notion that most fags aren't degenerates. Go anywhere where faggot degeneracy is tolerated, if not outright propagated. I 've heard of many gay rapes of straight, unconscious men at the UC's in northern california, in and including UCSC and Chico State
But I've heard and read worse from leftist professors, including sociology professors and most of their academic writings. I know of Northern Californian professors who have rumors of them being involved in NAMBLA-like orgs.
So of course it's the right who have to crusade against this. But Jake Tapper is a hypocritical faggot. It's always a fucking treat to watch lefties go on a moral crusade, when they usually crusade for a lack of morals, or at least a lack of public judgment of morals.
This guy is the personification of confusion.
Its always about money. He is only apologizing because he will lose a lot of money from being dropped by his business contacts. All these alt right celebs are full of shit.
Holy Fuck you are gay
go back to breitbag, fagget
I'm not going to die on this hill.
Nah, you can have this car crash of a human being.
I'll stick with conservatives that are a little more traditional.
Thanks for all the Gamergate shit though.
He is a gay greek. Is anyone remotely surprised?
No one on pol actually supported him, at least not after they became Sup Forumsocks. He's simply a stepping stone to white nationalism, polism, nazism, what ever you want to call it. And it's actually good that he just fell, as he was starting to counter signal us hard. With him gone, people will gravitate to other alt light leaders. We have to make sure they go to the right ones (Molyneux, Lauren Southern) instead of faggots like crowder.
Because he's legit
Milo is sincere and real
>Why the fuck is he doing it?
For as much as we've pushed back against all the Left's bullshit - calling people racist, sexist, islamaphobic, xenophobic, etc... there's one trump card they'll always have in reserve and that's accusing people of being pedophiles.
It's definitely their last resort and this move reeks of desperation, but it works every time.
No, it is an emotional topic that hits very close to home for him. The way he is right now is probably because of it. Remember that he is still young.
Spoken like a true fedora
He's not destroyed though, he never will be.
He have a huge core fanbase.
Just like the amazin atheist did not get destroyed when he shoved a banana up his ass, MIlo will be fine.
The interesting part is why he is apologizing in such a way.
I would have imagined he would have just laughed about it. Since this would have no affect on the shit that he is doing, his tours and his books.
Unless he have some sort of backers who are putting the screws to him, or if he's trying to get some or if he is actually aiming to become some mainstream guy.
Don't tell me apologizing like some mainstream cuck doesn't get your conspiracy radar beeping?
he basically said it happens in the gay world and some teens below 18 know what they are doing sexually
stop blowing this up into something big, the alt right needs milo, he has done a lot more good than basement dwellers here
Yeah he is a shill, its sad to see people falling for a gay jew and their (((alt-right))) agenda.
>Trump is a Jew shill.
well his daughter is jewish and he is sucking up to israel so...
ding ding
He was raped by a priest apparently
the leftists won, even if they edited videos of him to making him sound like he is for "pedophilia", now they'll constantly yell "pedo" at him. it's over.
Why didn't he make an explanation vlog instead of apologizing?
This. The election is over and the 15 minutes are up for most of these attention whores.
Bannon is great. He is part of the new right but he is definitely not some anti-jewish nationalist.
He's the Le Pen of the US. Stop kidding yourself, thinking he's the next savior of the white race.
Definitely not a shill, the "CIA" doesnt go after its own
Degenerate shill
How anyone ever believed he was legit is beyond me
A faggot that fucks niggers? Give me a break
>people on Sup Forums would shoot this movement in foot and help the other side
stop being baited
Well done sir, that makes complete sense to anyone with a brain - Trump is another kosher president.
>Bannon is great.
Then why do you insist on supporting disarming and weakening him? Milo has been a key part of Bannon's media strategies.
He's not a sub trap-no, but losing him is a blow
I wouldn't let any member of my family near this sick man, even if you gave me an H1B. What a stupid edgy sad little lonely faggot! Shameful.
Jesus, people like you are the biggest cucks of all.
You do realize that supporting a well known person with lots of influence doesn't mean you're subjugate to them right? You don't gotta act like some faggy fedora like:
>Hmph, I'll go it alone
>*sheats katana* I walk my own path
I get the whole, think for yourself shit, but crucifying flagship representatives because they're mainstream or normie whateverthefuck is whats sabotaging this movement. It's what invented cuckservatives, and what make Conservatives splinter.
Yeah, Milo is a faggot and degenerate as shit. He might even be a pedo but he makes lots of good points that red-pill a shitload of people.
I aint saying suck his dick or lighten up on degeneracy, just telling you not to be a fucking turncoat just because of muh hipster mainstreamphobia
>it's not genetic or born this way bullshit
wow retard. it's clearly a genetical defect.
Why didn't he just casually laugh it off saying he's not a pedophile and have never advocated that. He did say 13 so really he's not really wrong in that.
Note that he ALSO apologized about saying jews control the media, saying it was a joke and that he should be more careful.
>I aint saying suck his dick or lighten up on degeneracy, just telling you not to be a fucking turncoat just because of muh hipst
Milo will survive.
>Why the fuck is he doing it? There must be some sort of behind the scenes benefactor who is making him do it.
because his career is crashing with no survivors, that's why.
milo is a faggot jew race mixer. No shit he's been a fucking shill this entire time. He is the jews back up plan.
>extreme right wing rises
>jews attempt to make it less extreme by inserting their own moderate kikes as the media leaders
>create alt right so they can insert leaders of the extreme right sentient to make the movement more moderate.
He is the muh civic nationalism shill.
>alt-right/reddit stands behind race mixing jewish faggot
>goes into full damage control when it turns out he fucks kids too
HAHAHAHAHAHA That's what you get for siding with a sodomite kike that was pandering for irl (you)s.
Sup Forums is not your "movements" safe space
Bannon sucks ass. He and Trump are getting rekt, and Trump will probably be removed from office within the year for one reason or another