>Avoids WW1 due to instability
>avoids WW2 due to instability
>joins EU and bailed out due to instability
>avoids taking in refugees due to instability
Is it being Spanish or instability that's the real key to success
>Avoids WW1 due to instability
>avoids WW2 due to instability
>joins EU and bailed out due to instability
>avoids taking in refugees due to instability
Is it being Spanish or instability that's the real key to success
As spanish I can say I have the same feeling, but there is nothing to celebrate. Spain always had a purpose in history, with no purpose it becomes just a sad story of a country.
Will prevail when other nations fail, tough.
instability since 1812
feels goodman (not)
Our actual key is being so irrelevant that not even Portugal knows where you are.
>avoids WW2 due to instability
It just came out of a very grueling civil war and the pseudo-monarchist government that ruled it couldn't build it's economy because trade tariffs and isolationist policies. However, Francoist Spain was managed pretty well by the end.
Should have become anarchist during the civil war.
How's life in the rightful dutch clay? Is it comfy?
>couldn't get their shit together because ideology differences
>join the Republicans and the communist because they sucked at fighting.
>Moorish soldiers from Morocco were better trained soldiers than they were thus resulting in heavy losses
Choosing anarchy is death.
and we are also invading USA without firing a single shot
fuck of those fuckers kill the republic just like commies
>how to lose land 101
Its Spanish it made us lazy pic is me
It is like living in a bubble in both the good and the worst way, but comfy might be the perfect way to describe this. Also, the old city is basically a fortress built on top of a rock, we improved it when here. 5 years and I'm starting to miss it there. Don't plan on coming back either.
Fucking hell I wish you guys were the illegals we had to deal with. Maybe then they wouldn't be fucking everything up.
Tactically not having your shit together at decisive moments is an underrated survival strategy.
>we were so preoccupied with whether or not we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should.
Soon there won't be any Spain to know about
Let Galicia go.
Greater Portugal when?
As a proud half Spaniards we support Catalan exit
Galicians are some of the most Spain loving provinces
So good luck with that
Everything is gonna be cool
>letting spain go in exchange for joining a country poorer than extremadura
how about no? maybe greater galicia with portugal as subjects
Both, white countries don't trust us, so we get moneis but not responsibilities. Having such a divided nation, both economically and politically, is a very strong argument in favour of keeping it that way.
So let the cash flow, my white friends.
>5 million inmigrants
>20% unemployment rate
really makes yout think
Who says they didn't? Where do you think all the instability comes from?
What's Spain done for humanity anyway?
What invention? What contribution to advance the human race?
discovering America
oh wait that was an Italian
Spain is pretty feminist though... They're lucky they are relatively poor so very few refugees will head their way
Did the jews target Spain with their subversive crap because they're still mad about the expulsion of 1492? They have to be... It's the second most tragic incident in jewish history next to the destruction of the temple by the Romans
They were the first colonists
Nvm that was Portugal
Google is your friend:
Finally found a use for Spain, they can act as a buffer zone of Arab migrants so they don't enter actually important European countries. The one use I can think of for Spain.
Nigger just go and see for yourself. Spain is filled with beautiful cities
Pretty empty for a Western European Empire, literally fucking shitskins and sandniggers have contributed more to society than Spain.
I actually keked hard with this post
not really
That's nice to know, Mohammed, what did the contribute to humanity?
>Western European Empire
Excuse you, but Spain has only existed since 1492.
Funny how we are "Western Europeans" depending on the argument.
>shitskins have done more to society
But those shitskins were Spanish, m8, are you forgetting Al-Ándalus? Are you forgetting Córdoba being the largest and mos developed city in the planet?
Also, that list doesn't include cultural relevance.
Good lord...anglos are truly one of the most disgusting creatures in the entire world
The only cool thing about Spain is that it has somehow proven that both anarcho-communism and fascism work.
>are you forgetting Al-Ándalus? Are you forgetting Córdoba being the largest and mos developed city in the planet?
pégate un tiro anda
>>joins EU and bailed out due to instability
Why you think this is somthing positive?
Its not like bailouts are free
You know that we have to pay it back to our masters the Germans?
So Spanish people have nice cities and work well under the rule of Arabs
I can see why the government wants Abdul back into Spain
>Españolazo revisionist ASÍ de picado
Hazme el favor y pégate tú el tiro, escoria.
What do you expect from a country whose largest industry is pickpocketing tourists?
oi oi
Your most successful colony is Mexico.
I needn't say more.
pero si tu mismo pones una imagen que te contradice
Argentina and is a ashithole
ya te recuerdo de otros hilos
conviértete de una puta vez y ya
At last you truly see!
Nobody wants mudslimes here. That's why we expelled them some centuries ago.
In fact I know another "western" country whose capital city is ruled by a muslim.
>people would rather worship a literal criminal like Pinochet instead of a real man's man (and actual anti-communist nationalist) like Franco
>Using kids as cannon fodder
>Battles are filled with heavy loses because "You can't be my boss, everyone is equal here!"
>Even when you're on the anti-franco side, you still fuck with your own allies because "muh ideology"
They were probably the worse thing in spain at that time
The civil war was bad for Spain as a nation, things could've been solved more easily, but I'm glad that anarchists were purged.
Búscalo tú mismo, hijo de mi vida.
¿Qué coño tiene que ver que Córdoba fuera la más grande y desarrollada con mis creencias? ¿Tanto te duele el pasado? Estás proyectando demasiado.
Our most successful colonies were Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela, which were richer than you. But you then fucked them up. As the eternal, beady eyed, perfidious Anglo always does.
kek how will that inbred britbong ever recover
Difference is that Spain needs Muslim overlords to work effectively, British people work best when ruled by Brits alike
Would this guy pass as a Spaniard ? Kinda looks like one
They cristianised an entire continent and fought off the muslims from their own country...
ah espera que eres de córdoba
The left doesn't hate him enough for some reason. He needs to be memed more.
yes, from the south
You got MOORED, son
That's like saying that your most successful colony is India
And look! Not only you had to divide the nation between muslims and non-muslims, even worse, they still act the same way than before you encontered them
I'm sure those people shitting in the streets reflects the real value of Britain, as Britain shits in everyone that doesn't like them
They were the first to defend Christians
Oh wait that was France
They gained ground they lost
So the overall work was 0
Muy bien mi hermana, Abdul
Don Quixote
They made numerals
That's one contribution
That's more than Spain
They are literally more useful than you
>ah espera que eres de córdoba
Soy de Madrid, lo que pasa es que sé leer y no soy un revisionista españolazo.
Deja de responder, a menos que seas un castellanista nacionalista, no merece la pena ni que hables.
Viva Castilla.
Everything BUT the eyes; too chinky.
But you know that's not true. The eternal anglo in his humid and putrid island strikes yet again.
>Contributions of Spain
>Fucking british women when they come to Spain as tourists
That's one too, but I don't let those filthy sluts have their mouth near my dick, those dirty teeth might be infected
Andalusia has a strong muslim heritage, yet it's probably one of the most catholic regions in Spain and Europe.
That was the Byzantines.
>revisionista españolazo.
revisionista eres tu que se piensa que cordoba superaba a bagdad o bizancio simplemente porque estaba en españa, tu eres el españolazo
It is also a socialist shithole nowadays
>Is it being Spanish or instability that's the real key to success
it's neither. Being unstable or Spanish has never been a benefit to anything.
But Spain as a great power is nonetheless needed to undersand the history of our world. Not as many inventions, sure, but culture and influence, undenable.
Pretty sure Spain's productivity was highest at this point in history
Most of your achievements happened under Muslim rule
Sounds like only Abdul can make Espanol great again
>religious fanatic and socialist
>Mfw people believe there's no connection between race and culture
>simplemente porque estaba en españa
No, simplémente porque en Al-Ándalus hubo un periodo de paz en el que la cultura y la ciencia explotaron.
El españolazo eres tú, reescribiendo el Al-Ándalus como el Magreb contemporáneo.
Te repito: a menos que sea un castellano nacionalista, no hables conmigo, no merece ni la pena discutir con seres inferiores.
One of our greatest contributions is killing anglos. We're actually really good at it. Do you know Battle of Cartagena de Indias? Beating the shit out of you, sinking the greatest fleet invasion after D-day.
>Religious fanatic
Sorry Hans, but there's a difference between Andalusians going to church every sunday, wanting free gibs while napping, and a muslim raping your daughter and blowing himself in the name of Allah
But you know that's not true. Even in your version, some might say that Almohads were better as a whole. Learn 2 search.
The undeniable fact of the flourishment in the 16th and 17th century is something that you don't like, eh, Britbong?
The fantastic culture of dressing up as a devil and jumping over children, this has great influence over the many great Spanish speaking emerging economies such as Brazil
Oh wait nvm you cucked that to Portugal
>Is it being Spanish or instability that's the real key to success
"Instability" means balance in Spanish
World wars were fought during siesta time
>expel all moors and jews
>become world power for 500 years
What you described is literally the life of the average religious Turk though. Real crime and terrorism came with the North Africans and after 9/11.
Didn't even fight against the Nazis I just realised. Literally worse than Stalin
Really makes me think
>Especially after 912, during the reign of Abd-ar-Rahman III and his son, Al-Hakam II, the Jews prospered culturally, and some notable figures held high posts in the Caliphate of Cordoba. Jewish philosophers, mathematicians, astronomers, poets, and rabbinical scholars, composed highly rich cultural and scientific work. Many devoted themselves to the study of the sciences and philosophy, composing many of the most valuable texts of Jewish Philosophy. Jews took part in the overall prosperity of Muslim Al-Andalus. Jewish economic expansion was unparalleled. In Toledo after the Christian reconquest in 1085, Jews were involved in translating Arabic texts to the romance languages in the so-called Toledo School of Translators, as they had been previously in translating Greek and Hebrew texts into Arabic. Jews also contributed to botany, geography, medicine, mathematics, poetry and philosophy.[5]
La era de oro isliámica fue en verdad una era de oro judia, los moros simplemente eran sicarios.
Hasta que a los moros les vino la idea de masacrar a los judios y entonces el estado isliámico se fue a la mierda.
Seems we are only good to remove islam.
AHAHAHAHAHAHHA are any of you white????
Cool so you flourished, you still haven't exactly told me what you did during that period except flourish
We are cursed to have permanent instability because of shitty and corrupt politicians, it´s part of this country´s culture
I'm happy that I don't give a fuck about moors or kikes, get the fuck out of spain and be great in africa moro de mierda.