Hur durr Sweden is the rape capital of the world
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honestly we should kill anyone that resembles that thing in the profile pic
But she has a point
That tranny actually looks like a girl so thats a plus.
>actually punished
pls anons, post the articles about the fucking rapists that only got community service
>S W E D E N - G A T E
The controversy started at the FL Trump rally when Trump made mention of "Just look at whats happening in Sweden. Sweden! Sweden of all places! They're having problems that you wouldn't believe!"
What has been happening in Sweden is an epic increase in refugee crimes. The media blew it out and said Trump was trying to reference a terrorist attack when he wasn't. He was talking about the immigration problems with rapefugees. Trump later tweeted to destroy the fake news stories being created about what he had said at the rally.
Trump's tweet on 2/19/17: "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden."
The Fox news story he watched about Sweden on 2/17/17:
Recent Trump tweet where he goes fucking savage af 2/20/17: "Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!"
>60 Minutes crew in Sweden attacked by refugees:
Mudslime riots in Sweden:
Fun stuff:
Chinese citizens fuck up mudslimes:
Mudslime super scary cringe:
Sweden fighting sexism at every corner and snowstorm
lol. like ummm try again swedie
>what do you mean 90% of the accused are muslim arabs?
I get they're retarded but I don't see how people not getting convicted for crimes means they did it and got away with it rather than THEY DIDN'T DO IT???
So this cows argument is that they over report sexual assaults which is awesome or, everyone else under reports theirs...thats also awesome.....never mind the appalling phenomena of negroe/muslim refugees viewing infidel women as property and raping the shit out of them....
once again confirmation bias & cognitive dissonance is a bitch
ha only in sweden, rape isn't rape but sexual harrassment is rape
they take these things very seriously!
another total shit thread.
kill yourself shareblue nerd virgin.
>"rape conviction . . . is currently at .6%"
>tarring people as having committed one of the most heinous crimes a person can commit even though they were never convicted
>being proud of a justice system that arrests and punishes people with little evidence
>ignoring the fact that the rape rate, regardless of how it's measured in Sweden, has risen precipitously in tandem with immigration/refugee rates
This reminds me of when Liberals use IQ tests to show that Conservatives are dumber than Liberals. This is, of course, ignoring that those IQ tests also show that blacks, on average, are actually retarded. They frequently manipulate evidence by ignoring the parts that they don't like or the implications produced by their reasoning.
The redefinition of rape was in what, 2005? And rape statistics are still rising, while in other countries they are generally falling.
>99.4% of rape reports are actually fake
this is what americans actually believe
You can use statistics to prove anything. Fourty percent of people know that.
The best argument is the one like:
> In Sweden (and other countries insert X here) rape is only reported more frequently because women are more comfortable coming forward about being raped than in other countries, in other countries the rape rate is just as high but women don't report it as much because they aren't as comfortable reporting it to the police
Like WTF, how do you even quantify or qualify such an argument? How do you quantify "Comfortability in coming forward about being raped" among a nation's populace?
so let me get this straight
swedecucks are admitting that not only is rape a social construct, but rape in sweden doesn't count because they've defined non-rape things as rape just to be tough on ``rape''
and this is somehow supposed to mean, what that these rapes don't count when Trump mentions them? If they don't count, why are men going to jail?
easy, just lie and make shit up
> Fourty
To be fair I can't actually judge you harshly for misspelling that, it's pretty logical.
>tfw le rape epidemic is going mainstream
any publicity is good publicity right
Look at who's committing the rapes
where is your evidence that this is not the case?
there's at least a slight chance it is true. here's a test:
have you raped anyone?
do you know anyone who has raped anyone?
of all the people you know, do THEY know anyone who has raped anyone?
the answer is no for me, and i bet it is for most people. so where does the 'rape epidemic' come from?
I'd always thought it was the british-english or canadian spelling. Such as behaviour vs behavior. However I looked it up and apparently "fourty" is always wrong.
>how do you even quantify or qualify such an argument?
you don't, that's why it's an easy argument to make
and it's a bitch to disprove, since there are actually ways that justice departments are trying to survey statistics about unreported incidences but thlose are notoriously unreliable. not sure if they do it in sweden, but they try it in most rich countries.
Can someone post her twitter? I want to read the replies
Everybody knows Trump fucked up on sweden. It's why I'm rethinking my political alignment
What happened?
>Wow look at all those sources!
Yea sure the victims will see "justice" when the perps are let go, sentenced to pathetic "punishments" or just claim to be under 18 and walk out the door laughing.
Or the charges will be dropped because of lack of evidence or that the police have too much other shit to handle. This would create LESS of an incentive to even bother filing a police report.
(((Feminist ideology))) truly is a cancer to western women. It's all about virtue signalling to show how tolerant you are while living nowhere near these filthy subhumans. Real working class women have to deal with real problems and since women bullying is 10x worse than male bullying they are mocked to silence by their so-called empowered sisters.
>the rape conviction statistic in the US is currently at .6% meaning that 99.4% of rapists don't spend a day in jail
I took it to mean that somewhere around 99% of women have no fucking evidence to back up their rape claims, but okay. Dumb bitch.
>Like WTF, how do you even quantify or qualify such an argument?
Depends on how clever of a pollster you want to be.
One way would be to just ask people if they've been raped, and if so, did they report it. Not too hard. But maybe people wouldn't want to admit this. Then there are trickier ways to poll to get the same information, statistically, but so that no individual response can be determined. This trick was used to find out drug use rates in the military once upon a time. Of course, statistically members would admit to doing drugs to a stranger from the government, even if they were told it was "confidential". So what they do is answer a complex question, like, "Did you do X or did you use marijuana in the last 30 days?" If they know the base rate for X, and they get enough responses, then they can determine with some accuracy the underlying use of marijuana, even though no single response could ever tell you if a person used marijuana.
The chances that some feminist is this clever are quite low, even though this is a standard trick. It only is used when you want actual responses and not responses to fit your narrative.
This guy gets it, guys. It's all good. Illegal immigrants (more like immigrants, because how can people be illegal, it's 2017 guys, c'mon, what are you? a racist? BTFO Drumpfkin), and Middle Eastern Refugees are extremely peaceful.
They only want to bring their high skill level, trademark industriousness, world renowned penchant for peaceful integration into host societies, and legendary tolerance of Western culture and values.
For example, I read recently on CNN that Muslims have been much more tolerant of LGBTQAI culture for hundreds of years of years than were their brutal, oppressive Western counterparts that used to torture gays and lesbians in the streets and even throw them off buildings! (It makes me so sick to be of Swedish descent, I literally vomit in my mouth when I think of how disgusting and intolerant European culture is, and has been historically)
Let's not forget about the Crusades, when billions of innocent, peaceful Muslims who were minding their own business were ruthlessly slaughtered by evil Europeans.
t. History Export
ACHTUNG - Memetic Warfare ammo depo below
>Trump and The Truth about Sweden
>The Feminist Government That Hates Women
>Google "Peter Springare". He's a cop. An very honest one.
>Another peter
>Map of Migrant Crime In Sweden Since 2010:
>Tino Sandajis new book (for Swedes):
>Sexual harrasment (for Swedes):
PewDiePie vs The Media (yes this is is important too)
wrong. Norway has the same legal definitions and is just as feminist, but much lower rape rate.
A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, Britbong.
DELETE THIS you right wing wing retard!
What proof do you have that Sweden is hell on earth? What if someone went there and said, "it's not that bad guys, you're being too emotional." Would you still feel the same way?
Dumb cunt doesn't take into account that no matter what crime on sexual basis is reported as rape, whatever it'd be rose several hundred percent since in rate since Sweden started acceptign refugees, with lower - but still mindboggling increase in murders, assaults, muggings.
Sweetie-posting is now Swedie-posting.
Innocent until proven guilty you dumb bitch
The rape rates are raising each year in Sweden alone (without comparing to another country), so unless Swede feminists became extra cunts suddenly, the rape deffinition difference doesnt expain it.
This is too perfect. It's like the abused wife answering the door with a huge shiner and saying "oh no, you don't understand. See we were just moving some furniture and-"
All while the nigger boyfriend is digging around in the kitchen for his Hi-point
Nothing to see here, guys, just the annual Swedish, "let's have Muslims rape all of our women and children festival."
It's a traditional festival with roots going back to the Middle Ages, Swedish men that choose to participate in the festival can either bend over for their Muslim brothers or, as is more traditional, jerk off in the corner of the room as their wives, daughters and young sons are gang raped.
The festival culminates in the national Day of Thanksgiving, where Swedish men kneel down to suck off their Muslim masters and thank them for destroying the social fabric of Scandinavian, and European society.
Everything is totally 100% fine. We all know as long as we keep ignoring something, eventually it goes away, and as long as we don't acknowledge it exists, then it really doesn't. That's why doctors use this "ignore the problem until it solves itself" method to treat serious illnesses like HIV/AIDS and cancer. That's just science.
Checkmate, bigots!
I wish Drumpf would check his facts before making comments like this, I mean, c'mon guys, it's 2017. Even if your country has a crippling problem with rape, migrant crime, migrant joblessness and public subsidy, you can't just come out and say that, what are you? A buncha racists? Huh?
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is hilarious watching Drumpf crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes. He's literally worse than Hitler, people.
Um, can you not??
Did Trump know???
Some good points but foreigners from the Middle-East and Africa are five times more likely to commit sexual crimes compared Swedes.