MILO could be fired

Wash Post Reporter - There are ongoing discussions at Breitbart this afternoon about Milo's future with the company, per sources

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opinion discarded

>Report: Sources say that many officials allege possible link...

this guy has a pretty good track record... hes an actually reporter

fake news

>he didn't lose his virginity at 13
>what are you ? a NEET ?


I'm tired of him taking up half of their news feed.

>according to unverified report by officials


that shit is onion tier fake news

In the one interview Milo is clearly speaking about his own personal experiences, and that's his right.

In the second interview transcript I read, he unequivocally states that children + older men is a wonderful thing.

I don't see any way he can escape being fired.

Dude fagged so hard he flew right off the train track.

This. It's not "le sjws taking things out of context", he's a pedophile and should be shunned from society.

>fucking your children is okay
>I can say that because my dad fucked me
No, that's not how it works.

>milo could be fired

oh shit, how's he gonna heat his pool now


It can't possibly be .

t. Shareblue


(((per sources)))

Literally "it's okay for grown men to fuck kids because it happened to me and I turned out okay"
With the irony of him having grown into a attention-seeking sodomite provocateur apparently going over everyone's heads

What sources..


Sup Forums's true leader has SPOKEN

This video is retarded. Joe literally says "you were anti-pedophile earlier"

fake news at it again.

If he is an actual reporter why does he work at Washington Post

>supporting fake news

>literally taken from a discussion where he says the Salon are scum for giving a non-offending pedophile a platform and Joe Rogan was the one defending the pedo

>But there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age. I tihnk it particular happens in the gay world
really made me think...

I'm still baffled they actually think an attention whoring faggot is a worthy nemesis. Journalism is now high school gossip.

>If the kid is gay then they enjoy getting sodomized by grown men
Reminder that homosexuality is a mental illness and the """alt-right""" was tricked into letting these freaks speak for them

Just want to take this opportunity to point out that this is a prime example of just how easily it is to defame somebody under the pretense of being a pedophile. Even if your words were misconstrued or the accusation is out, it doesn't matter what you say anymore. You are forever branded a pedophile, regardless of whether you are one or not.

It's trivial for the media or any agencies of third parties to utterly ruin your life this way, so if you're going to blow the whistle on some wrong doing, you had better be damn fucking careful. There's no coming back once they brand you, innocent or not.

So the WaPo is even making shit up about other journalists now? Milo didn't advocate pedophilia, he talked about how he was raped as a young child.

Every homo has this experience timeline:

1. Raped/molested/booty fingered as young impressionable teen

2. Look for older man to fuck you in the ass to replicate what feels normal

3. Justify horrible non conducive actions as completely normal

4. Become that old man, finger blast a bootyhole of a young teen confused about sexuality.

5. Die of AIDS by 50.

Fags. Never normalize this cycle

Sup Forums's true leader spoke about this MONTHS AGO.

Checked. This.

>per sources
I appreciate journalists telling me their own articles are bullshit

What, fucking BREITBART is gonna fire Milo, over an old ass convo on a podcast that was recently taken out of context and youtubed around?

Someone just kill me. I'm sick of everyone and their shit.

Purge fags


>Washington Post

you mean the guys who broke Watergate?

/leftypol/ here


Look how desperately they're attacking the right wing. They can't afford to have a gay jew make fun of them like Milo does.

They'll dogpile and ruin the reputation of anyone who undermines the liberal orthodoxy.

He lost the minute he apologized. Fucking idiot. Played his role well though, more useful than not in the end.

>per sources

Kikes found out that the "racist/sexist/homophobic/islamophobic" labels are broken.

But the pedophile label still hits at full strength. Be prepared for lots of conservatives to be labelled pedophiles in the future.

It of course doesnt work if the person is on the left, because they wont brodcast it. Didnt lena dunham or amy schumer brag about fingering her much younger sister?

Mad that it's getting more traffic than trash like CNN, faggot?

Why is no one just starting a twitter trending tag #Victimblaming

We can just concerntroll the left about the fact that he was raped as a child and has stockholms.

That ID speaks for itself

I could die today

Milo needs to go

my goodness it's been a precipitous drop for them

He's literally getting pewdiepie'd




Fuck Milo and who ever supports him.

I never liked the fuck from the start when ever I see him I get this nasty gut feeling like I watching some uncanny valley shit. His way of dressing his way of talking it's repulsive. I have no fucking idea how this guy got to be adored by the right in the fist place.


>raging homosexual


>the guys who broke watergate

That was over 40 years ago, not really the same guys

>but there are certainly some people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age, i certainly consider myself one of them. people who are sexually active younger.

>i think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way... (i hate leftists etc...) this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys the understanding that many of us have, the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships, you know, people are messy and complex, and actually, in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, these sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love, and a reliable sort of rock, where they cant speak to their parents.

>it sounds like catholic priest molestation to me

>and you know what, i'm grateful for father michael, i wouldnt give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him

>oh my god i cant handle it
bald guy talks for a bit...

>you're misunderstanding what pedophilia is, pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. pedophilia is attraction to children. pedophilia is attraction to people who do not have functioning sex organs yet, who have not gone through puberty, who are too young to be able to understand the way their body works. that is not what we're talking about

>you are advocating for cross generational relationships, can we be honest about that?

>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.

everybody knows gay men like boys... It's comparable to straight men liking 'teens.'

>"it's okay for grown men to fuck kids because it happened to me and I turned out okay"
sounds to me like any of the "outrageous" things he says for attention 2bh

i don't think he really meant that

I'm the true leader

>I'm still baffled they actually think an attention whoring faggot is a worthy nemesis. Journalism is now high school gossip.
He triggered a whole bunch of SJWs and that is why he is so popular. As for news being shit now, yep and it's depressing. I have the USAtoday app on my phone and like to check the news when I drop a deuce. Almost every story contains tweets from a bunch of nobodies and the opinions of said nobodies.

>tfw Sally Thundercunt Nobody's tweet is included in a news article

Also, nupol worshiping kike literal nigger loving faggot is embarrassing.

you're shit tier.


It's Lena Dunham. Openly admitted in a published book to behaving exactly like a predator to her younger sister, but she's lauded as some bastion of feminist morality.

Kek, they are so dumb. Bannon wouldn't fire him, but I don't know who's running it now.

I'm not going to waste time defending a disgusting homosexual. Milo is useful as long as he costs us nothing, but now he is a liability.

Fox is now reporting it.

Group of shills getting together again to create and comment in the same thread.

I would put a bullet in everyone of your heads and wank over the image every night and even think of it, if I was fucking a 10/10.

Who cares. He's a gay jew

I wonder who could be behind this post

so if milos gay and a pedophile does that mean hes a democrat now


Milo also named the Lena kik at Bill Maher, jews are going full force against him. And he's not with us anymore because using the jewish card.

He's fucking alone now, suicide incoming.


kek confirm it

Bob Woodward who broke Watergate is actually still there. He's an associate editor. And it's won 47 Pulitzers, six in 2008 alone. It still has some chops.

A normal member of Sup Forums who doesn't like degenerate fags being the face of Trump supporters.

If this is true, good. In all honesty, do we need a neo nazi as the leader of the anti-immigration, anti-socialism movement?

Remember this? Miilo is a lightweight faggot.

Don't let this hit be successful, read and share.


This is fake news


He doesn't even do anything at Breitbart except write really, really unfunny blog posts

all he can do is TV appearances. and if he's not smart enough like Ann Coulter to actually write good books, he has no reason to be invited on.

ded career.

There's already two sources posted here. It's gonna happen, regardless how much you cry "fake news wahhhhh!!!"

shut up milo, fucking worthless faggot.


Don't you fucking chimps realise what they are doing. You might hate Milo but don't forget that he is one of the most powerful and influential people in the west for converting normies and triggering the left.

Do you know how many people he converts just by turning up to a college campus?

He is close with Bannon and can execute topics for them on his behalf etc.

Do you know how much harder it is for the left to critisie him being a gay, Jewish, nigger lover.

Stop being little bitches and open your God damn eyes you supposedly redpilled cunts. Think of the bigger picture.

What is the source of this webm?

I hate milo, but these people are clearly the enemy.

The right need to stop ostracizing it's fringe elements. Milo is a degenerate but he's such a useful weapon against the left.

>him being a gay, Jewish, nigger lover.
That's what's wrong with him. He should be sent to the gas chamber. If you support this degenerate then you are part of the problem

Is anybody else finally happy that we now have an excuse to eternally purge degenerate faggots out of the right wing?

>right removes milo
>bans speech at the same time
>proceeds back to obscurity

Fuck Milo.

Breitbart is like the 29th most visited website in America and like the 4th most visited political one. They're not going to drop their golden boy over accusations that will blow over in a week. It was Hillary's speech quoting Milo headlines that netted them millions of clicks alone.


in fucking pink writing.