What the fuck is wrong with these glasses? Anyone who wears them is either snug/super liberal/gay or fucking annoying. It's gotten to the point where I don't trust anyone who wears these
These fucking things
Sunglass version okay?
I like them on women. Not dykes, so don't even fucking go there.
But on nice, cute librarians and teachers...
I got a pair like these, with more of a flat part on the nose bridge. It's better to be formless like the jew and slip infiltrate OP.
Actually yes they are, just not the clear
I have ones that are more rectangular and the arms are more flush with the lens frames. They're nice and light, don't look autistic and don't hurt my nose
Yes but it's like dog attacks, most dog attacks are pitbulls but not every pitbull attacks others
t. Combine shill
>Needing glasses
When will visionlets ever learn?
Kek. Had to think about that for a sec...
tfw I actually wear these but I am an engineering student and I go to the gym 4 times a week (training and sauna).
I do eye exercises, and it's helped a bit actually, but feels bad man. Maybe I should just try no internet/screens for a long time to see if that helps.
Eye exercises?
There was this Russian doctor who demonstrated it. It involves looking at things from a far distance for a extended bit of time, straining the eyes to the sides, and applying heat to them.
Fuck off, thin frame glasses are autistic af.
Yeah but they're kind of the best glasses. I hate the nose pieces on wire frame glasses. Big chunky plastic is light durable and cheap. Black goes with everything. I dress very professionally and usually wear a US flag lapel pin to counteract the negative connotation of my glasses.
I like this Anglo. Nice digits.
Mein glasses
I wear these because thin wire frame glasses look like shit and contacts/surgery is too expensive.
Stop judging me pls.
I'm watching you...
At least those are tortoise, I'm talking about just plain black
No idea since I watched it like 10 years ago, and only recently started doing it a few months back. It's not going to get you from 20/200 to 20/20, but it should help a little after a few months.
There's something called palming which is part of the exercise. Also there's Russian sniper eye exercise you can do.
get some Adidas glasses they look p spiff
I look like a numale though. Right now I got wild hair that goes everywhere so that's my defense from looking like a complete numale.
are you 5'6?
Those are fine
Fuck them. I got mine because they were free.
Thank you based NHS
Aren't those just normal glasses? The round ones are the cancerous ones or the cat eye ones.
Fuck you, I actually need them to see shit properly.
Those are actually amazing.
ty, right now i'm wearing gold aviators with magnetic clip-on shades. pic very related. Got a pair right after trump won.
Sup Forumstards never read any books or used their computer extensively during most of their lives, therefore their vision is practically intact
Such great dubbles wasted on a factually inaccurate post
To me it kinda makes sense if nearsightedness is a result of long periods of looking at things close up the opposite should be doable by looking at things far away, but don't expect it to perfect your shit vision.
I wear these, and I am far from liberal
Titanium Rimless or gtfo...
Soros doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly trained professional!
? These are the most common type
Would you rather me look like some retard from the 1950s?
Yo Shaun king can I get that autograph my fellow black person
I need new glasses. Are pic related Sup Forums approved?
Cheap, comfy, durable, and large enough to provide a useful viewing area. Those are the exact ones I use. I'm not some smug liberal who annoyingly flaunts his sexuality in other peoples' faces. If I wore a flannel shirt (combined with my full beard and stache) I could blend in with hipsters. Keeps 'em guessing. Also a natural people leader.
>wearing anything but half frame or frameless
An Aryan Übermensch would wear nothing less.
>tfw bought Österreicher half frames and then found out that the hinge is of the same design that Hitler liked
I have one of those. Picked the glasses based on facial composition.
For example, if you have straight eyebrows, you should go for straight glasses and not round ones.
It becomes fucking gay the moment you start looking at these things like you have to have them to fit in instead of just vision tools.
I was thinking about buying something like that.
right now I have rimless glasses
What about pic realted?
woah dude, uncool
At least serial killers like them. Does that help?
steph curry