Blacks BTFO!!! Kid angry that he had to write a paper on MLK and puts them on blast

St. Micheal’s principal sent out a letter on Sunday afternoon that read:

“Dear Friends of St. Michael High School,

Working with students is always a challenge. As a school community, we want our students to explore ideas and express feelings as part of their formation. While doing so, we sometimes find some of those ideas and feelings are not supported by our school or our Church. Our Catholic Church teaches us that every person is made in the image and likeness of God. We are called to embrace and appreciate both the uniqueness of all persons and their equal standing before God. This is the faith journey that we take with our students.

In the past, dialogue remained in the classroom where ideas were heard, and students had an opportunity to grow in their thinking and reasoning. Unfortunately, there is a side to technology and the internet that short circuits this process and inhibits those discussions and that growth.

What is said or written by individual students may be contrary to the teachings of the Church and the mission of our school, as is the case in the recent message posted on the internet. We apologize to anyone who was offended by this writing. The ideas and writings of this student, and their subsequent posting on the web, were not within the school’s control. We look at this incident as a teachable moment and as an opportunity for education and growth for all involved, particularly through reflection on the wisdom of our Catholic faith.

The Mission Statement of St. Michael the Archangel High calls us to be committed disciples of Christ. Please be assured that we will continue to work with all of our students to seek the truth, live the faith, and serve like Christ.

Sincerely, Ellen B. Lee, Principal
Baton Rouge, LA

St. Michael the Archangel High School

>>>>pic is of the kids paper


>not an argument

Holy shit that lazy cunt really does not want to write an essay!

Fuck the church. I am so sick of the church and Christians. I hope Islam really does take over. The church needs to be destroyed.

He's so lazy he wrote an essay about not wanting to write an essay and then turned it into a racist manifesto!

Did you get diddled by a priest?

Good kid. Fuck Cucktholics and their nigger feet kissing Pope

The church is the enemy of all white European people. It's obvious to me now.

Hitler was right about christcuckstianity.

This is a high school paper? I guess standards have dropped again...

>Principal releases a nice, fat Virtue Signal instead of handling the matter in an appropriate and private manner
>Kid just gets badass reputation in school for being edgiest 6th grader in existence

God bless the little tad/pol/e

Haha, can imagine roll-call the following morning
Just standing there like John McClain in Harlem

>jesus and the apostles were white

Really activates my almonds. What did he think middle easterners looked like back then?

>implying the nigglets show up for roll call

The most offensive thing about this paper is how poorly it's written


Heh, white "people" are funny.

Ya. the kid comes across as borderline retarded. pretty entertaining though, quite ballsy also.

>i am not fully racist
>but i hate almost every black person

holy kek. clearly he isn't fully racist, otherwise he would have hated all of them.

At least it was actually written by a kid and not the kid's parent.

If it was written by the parent they'd be sucking black dick and complaining about Drumpf.


Catholicism yeah
Even in its founding it's been lies from Paul.

hello Tavistock employee, you forgot we don't use names here
back to ATS with you
good post, though, I kek'd.