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You ARE right leaning on the spectrum, RIGHT?
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You ARE right leaning on the spectrum, RIGHT?
Of course, I am not an idiot.
That's the old one, pre-2014. After years of globalist and leftoid degeneracy I stand pretty much here.
anything too far from the center of this chart i will from now consider idiotic
The main thing is to get people into family structures
After that I don't mind payments to the heads of families so they can look after their poor and sick, and have insurance in case something happens to the father
>purple square
>being a (((Rothbard))) fag
You are indeed an idiot
>he wants to preserve the family unit
Only one way desu
>tfw used to lolbertarian but grew out of it once i realized how laissez faire is a self contradictory thesis
crypto jew = jew, the free market is not a religion.
I would make this mandatory to post on Sup Forums, and make it perma avatar : )
So you're like what, a savage genocider AND corporations slayer?
you're all faggots and i hate you
Of course I'm right leaning.
Softcore fascist nationalist, so no I'd rather people just be expelled. Also free market corporatism is not fascist corporatism, corporations exist only to serve the people not the profits of speculating investors
People in the center are the only one that can be actually trusted to run shit.
It is indeed flawed, but so are all other ideologies.
>tfw when enlightened by my own euphoria
How would Hitler solve it?
>tfw too intelligent to hold an opinion
Not a Hitlerist m80, modern natsocs are LARP'ers.
Youre on the spectrum alright
Fuck off, Micola, edgy fence sitting radical centrist retards like you are the reason we're in deep shit right now. Either you pick a side, or wait to be shot for being a shill, no third option
>Literally Hitler
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no leaf is that smart, nice try though
do you expect me to believe that?
Its called being reasonable and not going full retard on issues.
Examples; yes people should be able to be rich, no they can not use that richness to buy power over others.
Its okay if u are gay, we will not burn u alive; but nah you will not create gay culture to shove down everyone's throats
Its okay if u smoke marijuana but Nah, abusing drugs and selling kids heroin is no no
But, either way, there is only one solution
>Expulsion of the jews and punishment for people promoting vices to such extremes.
>No central banking and extreme debt finance
>return to religious teachings being an integral part of education
>racial awareness
That said not all fascism is the same but i think Hitler was right about a lot of things.
Of course, though in a different quadrant.
No need to user
alt left / radical centrist
Sup Forums has always been a good ally to the alt left (Pepe Mujica, Bashar al-Assad, Gaddafi, Jill Stein, Iran, etc) but I fall more in line with the radical center these days
I swear I am capable of using logic and reason doh.
>Tfw right on the edge between patrician, administrators of tmrw and productive citizen
Moderation is for faggots
well duh
What does the gutter taste like?
>tfw commie scum
Would be all the way at the bottom left, but I do not believe things like welfare, regulation, and infrastructure belong in the hands of governments or corporations, so I don't fit the questions.
How would I know. I'm Jew.
hello friend
come on, it's a free ride
How does this work? If you give those things to the 'people' then they become the government no?
Or are you implying the cosmos should still be in charge?
I am also an ENFP libertarian, although I am much closer to center than you.
Welcome to my gulag, you fucking Anarcho-Motherfucker
>Inb4 no step on snek
>on the line between hippy filth and decent person
As far as these parody analysis' go this one is the funniest.
not when i see a commie
>tfw not intellectually restricted by petty left or right ideology
How can you call yourself a man if you haven't taken the Centrist pill?
I actually believe more in control over economic state of affairs (would ban private owned banks), which would pull me more to the right side.
But i am happy with this result
What's wrong with central banking?
If they pursued low interest and high inflation that would be good for net borrowers, like most families, especially young families
I don't see religion or religious teachings coming back any time soon. Might be better if they just taught the values and arguments without the religion.
Publicly-managed multinational non-profits that serve as consumers unions and labor unions would take on the role. Membership would be optional, but would definitely have its privileges.
Shit, is Aurini still alive after that documentary fiasco?
Rate me faggots
Get on my level, mate.
Thought that you gonna hit me up with
>commies aren't people
hah we are not too far away, i think if i was to put me self somewhere alone it would be dead center.
But i think i have a hippy buried deep down inside of me. kek
yeah, they aren't
>tfw horizontal 0.0
i am this too, am i a lefty?
I swear to fucking God, this is as far right as the modern krauts go nowadays, fucking cucks
Don't worry. It takes time, but you'll grow out of it. ;)
Nah, i am centrist. maybe one or two questions threw me a bit on the left but i am happy with this. Its a good place to be. Being center means being reasonable
mate stop jerking yourself off about being a centrist
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Fact that you are Italian makes me kek, I will buy myself a no step on snek meme patch to wear on my hat or jacket, just for keks
And who would'nt want a commie gf?
i can't, feeling of being superior to radicals is just soo damn soft.
>And who would'nt want a commie gf?
only if she wears no step on snek in bed
truly tier opinions, might aswell end it now
I fucking need a patch like this
Commie gf would be so much fun and nice, just think about it
Last time I did one of those it basically made me a UKIP type of guy. I should take the test again
Fractional reserve banking is essential debt slavery and the final most esoteric redpill one can take after going through a existential phase is that there is no such things as a person who is a-religious and your race and your folk are as much your family as your actual family.
Modernity is a lie founded on egalitarianism and likewise the social trends of today are due to people becoming more narcissistic and secluded from their community in large excesses.
that's my fetish
i don't know, depends if she's a commie down there too if you know what i mean
Thank you, morons assuming an extreme stance is the answer to every single issue is why we are a fundamentally fucked species.
dont touch my weed or my guns faggot
I'd like my commie girl step on my snek, if you know what I mean
I personally think that communist women are the most loving women on earth
if they're commie down there too they are going to "love" more people than you man, think about it
Central banking is different from fractional reserve banking. You could have fiat currency without any banks, with full reserve banks, or with fractional reserve banking