Boomer hate thread cont
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fuck them desu
>Was a pretty creative child when it came to art, painting and scultping
>Boomer parents pushed hard that I should make it into a career
>Boomer parents push hard for college
>Boomer parents push hard for me to work part time at a family business
>Now 26, college was a mistake, have no worthwhile skills, broke, still working part time at family business because I can't get a job in this city and can't afford to live on my own anyways.
I wish I hadn't been so naive. Its probably more my fault than theirs because of it.
I saw people discussing buying gold and silver in the last thread and I would like to add another, possibly overlooked "buy and hold"
Firearms, if you're in the US that is. As long as you don't buy overpriced garbage and take decent enough care, you'll at least make your money back. If you buy surplus guns which are usually fairly inexpensive, the price is guaranteed to go up when the supply dries up.
Just food for thought. Oh and if the apocalypse happens you'll have guns.
Ignore thread topic.
Tell me more about smart investments and precious metals security.
i don't think trusting the advice of your parents is your fault desu
>keeping a safe full of tens of thousands of dollars worth of metal
>not owning guns
yeah.. kinda manditory
Did you go into cgi or painting?
You could actually use those natural talents for cad and such.
from last thread: post yfw the Boomers are smashed by the next crash
Yeah we should all have guns to begin with.
I do get pissed off whenever someone says you should have gold and/or silver and some fucktard comes in and jumps right into a fucking Walking Dead scenario to say that precious metals are stupid.
>yfw the Boomers are smashed by the next crash
desu i wish they could live way longer just to make them eat their cake
College wasn't a fucking meme in their day, but they live in a bubble and they're old so their neuro-plasticity is fucked so they don't understand things have changed.
Even Dr. Jordan fuckin Peterson, former Harvard professor and current University of Toronto professor, says to send your kids to trade school instead of a university. He said it on the Joe Rogan Experience.
There's that too, but I'm mainly talking about the perspective of an investment. Granted it's not as liquid of an asset as precious metals or stock, but if you buy surplus firearms they will increase in value. At a minimum though, they won't decrease significantly. Just don't overpay and do your homework.
If you would have bought a mosin nagant back in 2011 when they were still $80, you can sell one now for $250.
I just heard (((Dave Ramsey))) on the radio bitching about how he worked 60 hours a week and put himself through college.
>his ass still ended up in debt
>tfw I got a "final notice" letter from Navient and threw it in the trash
>some fucktard comes in and jumps right into a fucking Walking Dead scenario to say that precious metals are stupid.
Yeah I don't understand that.
>hurrdurr it's just a shiny metal it's just as worthless as paper money.
Well human history would prove that wrong, but that's okay.
Yeah I shouldn't have listened to my mom either. I'd been better off going to welding school and learning that/underwater and making bank. Oh well I'm a college educated man! Fuck.
They'll die poor and sick, a lot of them anyway.
These cunts destroyed monogamy and lived easy because they lived in a time with less automation and easy jobs and let Big G Daddy rack up staggering debt for the future generations to pay for.
They can't even own up to it, they're sanctimonious self righteous cunts to the bitter end.
Painting and digital art mostly, although I'm actually better at the former which is fucking useless to me. No 3D or rendered work, wouldn't mind trying someday though.
I just wonder what would have happened if I hadn't.
In retrospect I don't even know why I did. He works private construction and she works medical report filing. Both hadn't done college and are basically full life fuckups.
All they've left me is a huge house I won't be able to afford the upkeep of, but can't sell, and the fact that I'm probably going to have to take care of them once they'd become "retired".
Now I spend my days working, sleeping, doing some hobbyist art or contemplating when in the next 4 years I should kill myself.
Reminder that Baby Boomers Left These Great Things to Their Future Posterity and This Legacy For America!
>20 Trillion Dollar National Debt
>Unfunded Pensions
>Unfunded Social Security
>Unfunded Medicare and Medicaid
>Broken Healthcare System
>Over 100 Trillion Dollars in Unfunded Liabilities
>Welfare State
>Affirmative Action
>No Fault Divorce
>LGBTQ Agenda Began
>Premarital Sex
>Massive Porn Usage
>Degeneracy (Woodstock)
>Lost to Vietnamese Farmers
>Ended Gold Standard
>Impeached Based Richard Nixon
>Elected LBJ and Jimmie Carter (Fucking Dumbasses)
>Created Housing Bubbles
>Unfettered Illegal Immigration
>Massive Use of H1B Visas
>Anchor Babies
>Destroyed Americas Demographics (Was 90% White)
>Destroyed the Black Family
>Destroyed Iran's Westernization
>Raised the Millennial Generation
>Blames the Millennials for all of these problems
>Will Never Admit or Take Responsibility for Any of These Things (Just Ask These Fuckers)
K Boomers I'm Ready For Your Fucking Excuses
The worst thing is they've somehow managed to convince everyone that the economic problems we face today are the fault of lazy millennials. Millennials don't just happen to be the first generation in the existence of humanity to be inherently lazy, they were fucking raised to be that way.
it's funny cuz millennials work many more hours than boomers ever did, for less pay
>That one boomer in the last thread shifting all the blame to the current generations.
>No 3D or rendered work, wouldn't mind trying someday though.
You should look into if any of your credits would apply to a degree in that field. If you could go back to college for 1-2 semesters and actually have a degree worth a shit, it might be a lucrative path to take or even just do some self study in the mean time, you're sitting in front of the biggest library that's ever existed.
They use the "you can't eat it" argument too, which tells me they don't understand that barter economies are an inconvenient bitch, and they don't understand that money is a medium of exchange and store of value.
>I want to buy your beans
>you want oil for the beans
>I have no oil but I have 2 cows
>you don't need a cow or at least a whole cow
>some other guy does have oil but he doesn't need your beans or my cows
>this kind of shit happens all the time
This is where a "medium of exchange" is needed, which gold and silver are. We don;t have what we each need, but we have something to facilitate the exchange.
Oh and I should probably mention:
Meanwhile, my sister, who rebelled against my parents at a young age, dropped her hobby career dreams and went into pharmaceuticals (which is booming like fucking crazy in the coastal northwest), and is now in medical school and has obtained her white coat, and is basically going to have a large portion of her school debt wiped away I guess once she's full practice.
Meanwhile I'm a lazy indecisive loser spoiled as a child into believing the world was mine, and a dropout with a associates with no drive.
>Pablo wants to be hardcore, but his mom won't let him
>premarital sex
>porn usage
>losing wars
>destroyed black families
these things have existed forever
Don't be hard on yourself. It's not impossible to get a job nowadays, just painfully difficult and soul-crushing.
They honestly believe that that whatever's happening in the moment must be the fault of whoever's there at the moment.
It's the same shit with Presidents; each is blamed for the negative effects of shit the previous one(s) did. Trump will be blamed for Obongo's debt, bailouts and QE. Albeit Trump's policies won't exactly help the situation either.
Gen X here. The boomers created a great society it's you fucking millennials that are ruining everything. Quite expecting free stuff and for people to pay for you in real life. We are not your parents. Work for a living and start at the bottom. You do not deserve to skip the bottom or make a ton of money just starting out because you have a college degree. That's not how the real world works. I know many boomers and Gen X who make many times more then millennials without a college degree because they were willing to start at the bottom.
>You do not deserve to skip the bottom or make a ton of money just starting out because you have a college degree.
Isn't that the whole point of a college degree you fuck?
That being beside the point, it's not that even getting a degree sets you up for an entry level job in that field. The majority can't get jobs and are working and starcucks with a degree. Granted there are a lot of tards out there who got memeral arts degrees, but even actual degree holders are put in this position.
The bottom back then wasn't working fast food and needing to take foodstamps just to scrape by. So yes I'm sure they all started out on the bottom back then. The problem is now millennial are starting out in a hole.
>Oh, user is doing laundry? I better put all his clothes in the dryer for him, turn it on and not tell him.
>Quite expecting free stuff and for people to pay for you in real life
You realize this is more what the Boomers did, right? They have some of the most crushingly expensive entitlements.
No one deserves "free rides" but we do deserve a sound, fair market in which to compete but the Boomers are the ones who propagated this fucked system and looted the ship, and continue to loot it as it sinks with us on board.
There are other factors in play here as well, like automation, the Federal Reserve, etc ad nauseum, but don't pretend the Boomers were fucking awesome for being born into a less fucked environment where they had a better start on average than most people today.
What are you attempted to convey through this post?
Boomers don't care about shrinking things. They don't care about destroying other people's property as long as they feel good and helpful while doing it.
you sound like a lil bitch. kill yourself now or work.
fuck off leaf
I'm not asking for free stuff you ignorant cunt, I'm asking for the same opportunities you had without being fucked over harder than any other generation alive today.
Thats literally not the point of a college degree. A college degree demonstrates you have a basic level of competence and work ethic, because finishing a 4 year program is easy as shit today. I made a 4.0 throughout my four years and I studied for finals each class one day before for an hour or two. Cant imagine how easy the kids making B and C were having it. The point is that college diplomas are pretty much the new high school diploma because anyone with an internet connection can learn what they have to offer in 1/4th the time. Thats why connections are more important, because its easier to demonstrate and build trust with people who are interested.
I didn't listen to my parents, ended up joining a trade union. Now I make $120k with full benefits and I have an array of skills that will keep me employed until the robogeddon makes us all redundant.
Baby boomers are thickheaded greedy fucks
>everyone should go to college!
>the point is that college diplomas are pretty much the new high school diploma
thanks boomers!
The only reason you should go to college is for STEM or law and primarily just because the system requires it. You cant change that at this point. You can get a plethora of other good jobs without going to college, but college builds discipline and character in people who don't have the initiative to just sit down and start learning about a high end field of study.
>A college degree demonstrates you have a basic level of competence and work ethic, because finishing a 4 year program is easy as shit today.
No, a college degree is intended to give somebody a baseline of knowledge in a particular field so said individual can attain employment in that field.
Just because employers use it as a check the box thing and colleges have over saturated the job market with degrees destroying the value of higher education, doesn't mean that it is supposed to be that way.
But user literally every single person should go to college if you don't you're a retard and a failure.
mfw all my university educated friends are out getting promotions and pay rises every 6 months, whilst I sit in my room all day applying for electrical jobs.
Feels like I'm not that far away from leaving this world.. Seems like the most rational thing to do.
This is me. Thing is I'm pretty fucking talented at creative visual arts now but it's full of liberal sock-puppets and faggots, and it's impossible to make good money unless you know people, are a chad, and aren't depressed like me.
Millennials are lazier for the most part but it's more due to technology than anything else.
Modern tech makes life relatively ez mode
In what way does that retarded sentence make any sense? How does technology make you lazier? I've never seen someone formulize a coherent argument for why this is true.
It's everyone else's fault but mine: the thread.
I'm doing great thanks to my parents. I owe everything to them.
I'm glad you're all having a shitty time: you're cunts.
Impossible if you show up for intervue with lip and nose piercings, full sleeves and a "poor me, I'm disenfranchised attitude.
>former Harvard professor
>current University of Toronto professor
>send your kids to trade school instead of a university
it all adds up
There are bad, selfish people in this world, parents included, don't be so fucking naive you stupid cunt.
The course work needed for a degree today pales in comparison with the shit taught today.
Listen faggot, work for it. I'm in my 30's and just now am making around 100K a year. WORK FOR IT. We will not give it to someone who is undeserving. This is why I would rather hire a 60 something boomer with no degree then a millennial with a PhD.
>work for it
that's literally all millennials want lmao but noooo boomers just had to bring in pajeet and jose because MUH PROFITS
The solution is simple, stop asking for more then you're worth and accept starter salaries. Then we won't have to look to India or Mexico.
Thats because millennials say they wanna work for it, and then you hire them and they start demanding high wages immediately, more heavily tailored schedules, days off for inane shit, longer breaks and amenities, and always on their phones. Then you wonder why they hire foreigners with better work ethics for easy jobs.
gps cell phones the internet a plethora of other things that make things a lot easier to do
do things becoming easier =/= people becoming lazier?
You keep using these vague statements like "makes things a lot easier to do" WHAT FUCKING THINGS??? Googling scat porn? Sure, you can find anything online now but that doesn't translate into the tangible, real world. If you want anything done in person you still have to do it, in person.
I doubt that's the case with that user.
>you need to have ambitions higher than bill gates if you want to land a job with a decent income. JUST WERK FOR IT!!!!
Look nigger, nobody is asking for handouts faggot. You shouldn't have to be some cut-throat sociopath to get a decent (I'm stressing decent) job. It's retarded to expect that out of 100% of people.
I have none of those things and I never speak of these feelings outside of the internet.
Hell this is the first time I've mentioned all this shit in years. I've kept it bottled up for quite a long time.
I guess because I don't even think about it.
That's fucking bullshit. I somehow managed to find a job and I made a great impression. Too bad they just wanted to fuck me over instead. So instead of just trying to find better employees, they decide to import third worlders they can essentially use as slave labor, threatening to send them back to whatever slum they crawled out of. Fuck off with this "better work ethic" shit.
I'm home sick today. I have no wife and no kids. I've been here a long time. I'm in IT.This is what I do: www1.salary.com
What?? Thats what retarded gen xers do.