Does Sup Forums realise that Mexican is not a race and there's lots of whites in Mexico who care about preserving the white race far more than Americans or Western Euros do??
Not all Mexicans
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some elitist school there?
>hehehe i'm white xDDD
Pathetic, my Prieto amigo.
Left one is a qt
even the white ones are corrupt tho, not an arguement
Yeah like Mitt Romney.
Real winner.
Left one looks like she suffers from the (((snozz))) syndrome. The one on the right too.
A Mexican lady in Puerto Vallarta called me güerito, am I white?
There are like 100 white people in your entire country, Pablo.
Amerindians are a worthless race.
are those the kids that died in a hail of gunfire
>some elitist school there?
Making them wear a uniform and a sign that identifies them... We did it first.
>Does Sup Forums realise that Mexican is not a race
Yes, nigger, but you fuckers keep shipping your mestizo scum to our country, so....
Go back to the jungles, indio. The only racialists are losers who can't blame their failure on anything but discrimination for their weakness.
You could be getting stronger, more skilled, more organized.
Instead you are whining about fairness
always a mojado to us Pedro.
I only see shit skins there.
Thing is, the whitest looking ones are probably not really pure.
Just like the USA's 56% or Uruguay's 88% is a lot lower.
That's cultural appropriation, my countryman. But I'll allow it. Cultural exchange!
t. "white" Chicano
Does Mexico realize the US doesn't give a shit? Your country is a hell hole and your brown people are to blame. If you want to come here then follow immigration procedure, otherwise keep your mestizo ass out of here.
Oh well, he looks nice
Tejano, not Chicano.
Chicanos are part of the Raza Unida sect, I'm part of the assimilationist LULAC faction.
Also, I'm so white my students literally don't believe I'm of Mexican descent.
If we bum rushed your country and started doing the same shit that you guys are doing you would do the same thing.
The problem with Mexicans isn't that you're not white it's that your not Anglo or Protestant
No one in that picture is white Paco.
and learn English you welfare sucking pieces of shit
i'm of mexican descent and I don't know what any of that is
This. Learn English, stop being papists, and stop clinging on to your sub-human """"culture"""" and customs
I think the word for some of those people are mestizo.
Public schools in Mexico require uniform too but that's probably private from the looks of it
>The more Hispanic looking girls is much more attractive than the "white" looking girls.
It really makes you ponder...
My family is heavy into latino advocacy organizations.
LULAC is literally the biggest latino organization in the USA and is the reason why second generation immigrants until this most recent generation were mostly assimilated.
Problem is that we were ready to close up shop and declare a mission well done when this gigantic wetback surge started happening in the mid-2000's, and then the chicanos came out of the woodwork and suddenly Aztlan is being talked about online instead of being a thing angry 70's chicano dudes would rant about in their communist newsletters.
>there's lots of whites in Mexico
a bit of an exaggeration isn't it
They all look mixed (ugly) and these is how they look in most schools
Heh, it is useless. Sup Forums doesn't get that along the Spanish colonization routes, white people settled there centuries ago.
Whites are fairly common desu.
We are well aware, but we don't want to become Mexico and Brazil where a white elite sits in their gated cities while most of the country is a disaster.
What is it like being a white mexican in Mexico? Do you get yelled at and or blamed for Trump?
Figures I would be related to her.
Mexicans actually commit less crime than anglo Americans, the only reason there seems to be Hispanics committing more crime is because US government groups white Hispanics with non-white Hispanics together while separating white anglos from non-non-white anglos.
Mexicans or mestizos whatever you want to call them are good people. Most of them at least, every kind has thy shitbags. The wall is to keep illegals out and the trash trying to enter The Last Ark. Regardless of race theres too many shiity people that most Americans dont want to feed let alone be neighbors with.
it's another pol is too dumb to understand the Casta episode.
here I've got some recommended reading for you-
someone post that mexican qt that wears the pink outfit plz
No one holds it against them, the evil whitey thing only happens in the US because there's way less white Mexicans there than in Mexico, it's funny seeing white Mexican celebrities like Fox calling Trump racist.
>non-non-white anglos
nigga what?
>ITT people still think the amount of melanin makes you a better or lesser person
What Mexico needs is a ruthless dictator like Sulla. The worthless low IQ shitskin mongrel vermin need to be culled from the gene pool if Mexico is to ever ascend to first world status.
if they are good people, they should live here
I think its less do to with the darkness of their skin and more to do with having or not having European heritage.
African Americans are Anglo American you dipshit.
The only whites on mexico are kidnaping victims
Sup Forums is a US website and Sup Forums is a US board. The only spics 90% of us see are the communist shitskins your corrupt government sends us. Take back your fucking country and you can call yourselves whatever you like.
fucking chiquititas
even worse, you can have european blood in your veins and still being a nigger beaner.
you can be black, mestizo, coffee and be raised in Germany, following german culture, laws, customs, then you are german, whatever your genes were, they don't shape your identity.
I am surprised that europe didn't assimilate their rapefugges like they did before with every migrant wanting to live n their territory.
tl;dr: it's not about genes but culture and traditions
t. Mutt
you hve no idea what anglo means beaner.
Damn, maybe "white hispanic" really is a thing.
whatever man, it's true.
culture and traditions define a person. not genes. If you want tobe a degenerate "pseudo argentino" weed addict uruguayo, go on.
They say that to anyone who doesnt look like they just came out the jungle triibe
If that pics turn you on, wtf you gonna do when you visit Europe? Start fapping at every step faggot?? Or you turn into a nigger and start rape everything?
Yea but genes do play some role it can be the difference between 70 - 110 iq average and things like the warrior gene and addiction being a genetic issue are widely accepted in the scientific community, and plenty of central Americans have European blood in them anyway, Sup Forums is just a bunch of nordic neets tryna justify their shitty existence with their heritage.
well yeah but your country is shit. Kill all those Cartels and tell Le Raza they suck.
Education does play a role on how we end up being as humans.
In the first years of life we basically stimulate what was already in us to shape how we will be.
Basically, if you dont have in you the genes that make you a civilised person with a certain iq or intelligence you cant stimulate it. And that's what differentiate us whites from other inferior races.
I know what i said was rather vague, but im at work and cant really get into it atm
>anyone in that photo
I have some bad news, mexico...
The only ones that don't know that Mexican isn't a race is liberals. Spew your shit at /leftypol/
>tfw all spics will be gassed in your lifetime
I hope I get to toss you in the oven.
>non-non-white anglos
what does this mean
>not all mexicans
>posts pic of all mexicans
fuck off spic
..and that is an urban school. Whites are less than 5%.
My gf is pretty white for most standards, pale as shit brown hair, perfect Aryan nose.
I hate her, all I want is an African Queen to subdue me.
Here's a good question:
Why not make Mexico great again? Rather than running out of the country like traitors and coward.
What's stopping them?
It means of English speaking background.
trips you choose
They don't have a Duterte and we don't have a wall.
well yeah you have the brilliant and cultural descendants of Spanish Conquistadors then you have the descendants of the filthy, native, child scarificers
wtf are you talking about gypsy? can't a nigga admire an astounding ass? especially in a police officer, quit projecting you queer
Mexicans LEAVE
Colonisers were utter degenerates and didn't spare the native women their dicks.
you are an idiot
By some Sup Forumsacks standarts of what is White. There are no white people left on the planet.
it's funny you mention about being white in latin america, knowing that our continent is mostly mestizo and filled with mixed breed.
I agree with education though, let's reformulate, education, culture and tradition forge a man/woman. People with same (or similar) culture, and tradition creates a nation.
Latin america is chaotic because different factor:
-forced evolution by spaniards
-divide and conquer tactics used by spaniards on their colonies
-liberation of oppressors but we kept using the same ideologies of separatism ingrained by spaniards
-class division only by the fact of being more white than your brother
(and most of the time they weren't the most educated)
-creation of an aristocracy that didn't give a damn about their nations
no identity, no unity it only bring chaos. Latin america suffers from these and it 's not because of color.
You are just projecting your shitskiness!
This, most white people around me are part Jew or have some Jewish blood.
Only in the north pariente.
This isn't the thread for that my dude.
We are waiting for our next Porfirio Diaz
I don't dislike Mexicans because of the color of skin. I dislike them for the mere fact that they are Mexicans.
Spanish speaking cultures cant articulate why theyre different from aztec dindus so they fail
Stop speaking spanish and you can argue your point more effectively ... even if its fucking arbitrary racism the same as in english
If they were concerned about preserving the white race, they'd stop sending all of the brownest people to the USA
The problem with the white Mexicans is that they try to disassociate themselves from standard Mexican culture. They claim to better and more civilized. They wish they were born American. But they eat tacos like everyone else.