what the fuck is going on with Sup Forums are they trying to make Sup Forums tumblr or some faggot shit
Why the fuck is HWNDU shit and some other crap trends keeps getting removed WTF
Other urls found in this thread:
They deleted a thread where OP was depressed earlier, mad times these.
Brittany, 90s kid, Jackie, Baganon, Swollen Valor, Bog and Rose are streaming on periscope from an anti-Trump protest right now
It just ended
Their phones just died, so no stream anymore.
seriusly dough,Sup Forums needs to relatiate heavly against these fucking children stuck in adults shut them the fuck up from having to heard and contaminating the place with their ignorance
It's not politics or news related. Just memes. Same reason kek was banned.
calm down kiddo
Very few threads on this board are politics related
where did kek banned ?
>Discussion about a political art project
>Literal political discussion happens many times on camera
>It's just memes
What did he mean by this.
So nice to see Rose again.
they should put that periscope link in the wiki, as a new special reunion
Where is adadis girl
Names of the accounts?
because that shit is retarded and unimportant and you should feel bad for being interested
Hottie brown girls again
Anything happen so far today?