what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you think Hillary's doing right now?
Taking her third nap of the day?
To understand why rural and suburban retards hate Hillary so much, you have to first ask why people become rural and suburban retards in the first place.
I mean, there are fewer jobs and opportunities there, so what's the point? Why would someone become a rural and suburban retard? The answer is rape.
Imagine being in Manitoba or Wyoming, there are no humans in a thousand mile radius. No one, literally. So what are you going to do? Well rape, obviously. What are they going to do, call the police? Of course not, the police is there to rape too. Everyone is there to rape. That's the whole point.
There is no escape.
And you can't run to the city either because the city only accepts ultra high IQ super-evolved, super educated humans. And rural and suburban retards deliberately shit up the schools so that it is impossible for you to ever become smart and educated enough to leave for the city. That's why they teach you creationism and that kind of bullshit, so that if you ever go to the city, people will just laugh at you and send you back to where you came from.
You are stuck there to be raped forever.
So obviously when Hillary ran a campaign based on education and helping little girls succeed, rural and suburban retards knew perfectly well what that meant. It meant no more rape. Can you imagine being a rural and suburban retard and not being allowed to rape? That would be hell.
And people are often amazed by the fact that white rural and suburban women would vote against Hillary, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If you had spent your entire life being raped, would you vote for someone who would stop the rape? No, you want other people to get raped too, otherwise it's not fair.
Exactly what he said. She is the people's president, and anyone who disagrees is supporting a flawed system
BTFO Drumpf boys
That he needs a lecture on the constitution
Underrated post
Happy Presidents Day to Thomas E. Dewey, the people's President.
shes piss drunk on the floor with any luck.
Rule 34
As a Kansan I got to agree, I have 12 girls in my basement right now and we all voted Trump
Actually I live in Manitoba and everything in your post was the opposite of the truth. You sound extremely uneducated.
That orange is her color?
Still in denial. He could speed the process along by pulling the dildo out of his ass before he orders a cappuccino at Starbucks.
Found the Antifa Pedophile officer
just the sight of this cunt makes me want to kill.
if you voted for that creature you should be killed along with """""""""""""""""her""""""""""""""""
That he is slightly retarded?
Nhfag here
Moved to concord, the cops kept showing up. Worst place ever. Moved back into the sticks to rape.
You're logic is undeniable, except for the part about white woman wanting others to be raped. They should have voted for Hillary to import more rapefugees. Then again, they're just rural and suburban retards.
She's president of New York and California
does winning the popular vote even mean anything in America?
Participation award
Pls, user, we all know two of those are young boys you just let their hair grow and crushed their testicles.
We voted against her because we are tired of the elite telling us how to vote.
Fuck off, the day I listen a Brit is the day I believe we are all the same.
Yup that's totally how are country operates.
you forgot about the rape courts.
This is what fucking happens when you let women vote
It means you didnt win
>3 million
2 million of those were illegal votes
You're ledgit fucking insane...
that's one sore loser
it's not checkmate . . .
How is it not tho
she's drunk off her ass now
queen can be killed with ease
He's a loser
>and there I was thinking the liberals stuck in the anger phase were slow to grieve...
oh im stupid . . . ... ... :D
Thats why i didnt win a match for a long time : D
>half the population didn't vote
>the people's president
assuming you're not baiting and you're just retarded: the bishop can't take the queen because that would put the king in check via the white bishop
something something kings not queens
The bishop can take the queen
This is the worst post in the history of the internet
He means that Bernie Sanders won the democratic delegates in Massachusetts.