Just FYI

This board is literally cancer...

Every time someone is posting an opinion contrary to the popular opinion of Sup Forums, he is decried a shill, who is being paid by Soros. Because surely nobody on Sup Forums would have an opinion other that the one of the alt-right.

Jesus fuck, you guys are retarted.

Does it every occur to you that people actually have different opinions? Does it every occur to you that there are people who care about social justice and human rights? No? Well, boohoo, you guys are fucked.

Because the left is organizing in ways you cannot conceive. Not because we are being paid, but because we have had enough of the rise of right wing populism.

Alerta, alerta, antifascista.


a guy from Sup Forums


People don't go to webpages for the retards, they go and pick out the good stuff. You know their kids just ignore them.


Go ahead and share some of your opinions.

>muslim immigration is great for our country and should be increased.


Nice Roulladen der Herr.

>A guy from Sup Forums

You have to go back

Fuck off shill

Fuck off Soros.

Danke, my fellow Kohlrouladen-Gourmet. Kann man auch gut von furzen.


>Sup Forums is one person

desu I agree, it doesn't stop me from calling nigger out though.

Why peel potatoes? I mean I get it. It's nice sometimes for mashed potatoes but it just seems like such a waste to me. Just wash them and eat them. Maybe it's because I've been poor before. I hope I'm never too good to eat my potato skins.

Whatcha slidin', Rabbi?

>german """"""""" food""""""""

argument status: non-existant

You're good. Peels are usually more nutrient dense anyway.

>Sup Forums
>being relevant in the year 2017

>Because the left is organizing in ways you cannot conceive. Not because we are being paid, but because we have had enough of the rise of right wing populism.

Too bad that you can't win any elections, mudslime.

i can't wait to see liberal blood. just like how the dumbass liberal women in sweden import rapists then get raped by them

>autistic screeching the post

> Antifa

Like pottery

See this is clearly just pasta. Anyone who spends even 5 minutes on pol can see that it's about 80% liberals now. Most of the alt right have packed up and moved on buddy. So you can chill your campaigning.

when are we going to get on with the final solution to the german question?

get those linens ready

We destroyed your arguments so many times that it gets old, so we just insult you for being stupid.

>people who care about social justice and human rights?
lol why though?

>german flag
Who else but the Eternal Kraut?

We peel potatoes because we are not fucking barbarians.

worry about yourself you stupid fucking kraut.

Roulade sieht gut aus, Hans

Fuck off Martin

Yeah, you can thank CTR for that. Because of the constant shills posting here, you can't have a balanced discussion.

It really is ironic, and I suppose Sup Forums should thank CTR for having made Trump untouchable on Sup Forums.

go prep the bull hans

Its the anti thesis to plebbit.

Head over there, and its exactly the same, but in reverse.


>Every time someone is posting an opinion contrary to the popular opinion of Sup Forums, he is decried a shill
you must be be 'unknew' here...

I am SpartaSoros.

All we need to do now is build salt fueled gas chambers

Kohlrouladen sind beste Rouladen. Prüfe mich falsch.

>when you're gonna become a minority in your own country, can't defend yourself legally, rape and murder by foreigners are common place but those dumb white populists need to be stopped

fuck off george

Peel has all the nutrients in. Also, it tastes great baked.

I'm not going to talk shit on German cuisine, cos I spent a long weekend in Dusseldorf and the food was lovely.

Did you at least eat a Currywurst?

go eat a HSP

>Halal Snack Pack

Very funny.

Currywurst is pork by the way, so absolutely haram.

Fuck off, Soros shill.

Stupid Kraut shill. You should be running out to vote AfD. Germany is being sold down the river by its own corrupt leaders.

dunno were to get HSP or a currywurst around here.