>mfw you invent Americans, Canadians, Australians, the Irish, and the Welsh.
Mfw you invent Americans, Canadians, Australians, the Irish, and the Welsh
When you put Canada into the mix, the successes add up to a fat 0.
Actually welsh are apparently the most similar to native britons.
>tfw not welsh
>mfw we invented iceland
That was Denmark
Weren't the English just a German, Scandinavian and Frech invention?
We're more celt than anything else. Where my celtic bros at? we master race.
Germans invented cuckholding and taking dumps on womens chests.
>tfw welsh
not as self-hating as england but not as cucked as scotland
it's pretty great and the language is widely spoken outside of shitholes like southeast wales
pakis are terrified by it
>mfw we set the bar for healthcare, education, multiculturalism, diversity, gun laws and everything else that matters (aka everything America fucked up)
>the Irish, and the Welsh
square up anglo cunt
the celts will inherit britannia
>Image of Pakis being scared of a middle aged welshman speaking welsh
you just made me laugh a lot my Welsh lad
(>remembers who voted leave and who voted remain)
Canada is an apartheid state u dip.
>the Welsh.
>English invented Britons
I don't even know what that means
Did not invent the Irish or the Welsh. They existed there long before Rome came and fucked you up.
Thanks for the leafs.
thanks for the credit, two more on the list
you're welcome lad
>tfw youve never done anything of actual value and still claim that the achievements of long dead men are your own
No, it was Iceland. Iceland was a territory of the Kingdom of Norway for a few centuries before the Danes nicked it, and even then it was technically still under Norwegian authority for a long time (Denmark and Norway remained separate kingdoms under the same ruler).
Are you thinking of Greenland?
No, it was Norway*
>high quality
IAWN HOGIAU? Tywydd braf heddiw yn doedd?
We invented burgers. Suck it, Achmed.
Sure but you have to put up with the fact that your mouse famouse compatriot is Rob Brydon.
>The pinnacle of Welsh culture is the 'small man in a box' gag
>tfw you've already had a culture when germans were still shitting into woods and have barely invented the wheel
>somehow manage to remain irrelevant despite the massive head start