Why didn't we just let these fucks secede? We'd be better off

Why didn't we just let these fucks secede? We'd be better off

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>highest amount of blacks belt

you forgot the "black belt"


thx angryforeigner

The feeling is mutual I would kill you and your family in a fucking second if I meant I didn't have to be under the thumb of your yancuck kike pieces of shit

When the time comes around again you fucking bastards are DEAD

Don't compare me to him.

t. descendant of swedish 1700's nobility

Jesus Christ. This is why the south is so fucked.

Reminder that you lost the war to a bunch of yanks. Reminder that you will lose each time to a bunch of yanks. Keep waving your autistic flag displaying just how asshurt you still are.


i'd like to see if the north still has the stones to fight a gorilla war, I mean most of the modern military comes out of the south.

slavery was the biggest mistake america ever made.

>slavery divided the entire country and led to the civil war
>slavery crippled the south's economy to the point where it still hasn't recovered
>slavery brought uncountable numbers of nonwhites to this country that we refused to deal with properly

They have 1/3 of our population, most of our military bases, a significant percentage of our coal and oil, our biggest naval base,three of our most important ports...

In a word : niggers.

they were white before all that shit happened

>the largest military bases are in the south
>most of the guns are in the south
>most of the enlisted military personnel are from the south
>southerns learn to use weapons at a young age, yancucks typically have never even touched a firearm in their life
>southerns would gladly die for their sovereignty, yancucks are busy crying about rapeugees and social justice and would literally piss their pants and scream in terror at the sight of an armed combatant
>the rust belt is now red, your support is dwindling
>trump and his cabal would undoubtedly support the red states

fucking lol, good luck, it literally wouldn't even be a fight you would be utterly and completely crushed in under a week.

Someone's ignoring the black point that was made. Yes, we'd be much better off without these black hubs.

Why did you start the civil war? I'm glad a simple country lawyer from the north put you down.

Fippy bippy

w a s t e d


What did Yakub mean by this

yes... let the hate flow through you

No thy place southern inbred degenerate.

The South will rise again and genocide niggers

your brain is fried pal. too much sun down south

I believe that at the time of the civil war, the north had over 4 times the population of the south, and 90% of nation's manufacturing was also in the north. Despite this, the South put up a good fight. Now, the numbers in population and manufacturing are about even. South would win pretty easily.

>would rather give up, lose precious resources and create a precedent of being able to pick up your ball and go home when things don't go your way

You are what's wrong with this country. The Confederates may have been a bunch of whiny traitors, but at least they had the guts to stand up and stand up for their dumbass beliefs of secession rather than just give up like pussies when the going gets tough.



It's time we unfurl the Battle Flag once more and smash the Union once and for all.


Someone post the map, QUICK!

Jews (Khazar impostors) did the slave trade. Not rednecks. Look it up!


And t think, we almost deported them to lovely Liberia.


>genocide niggers

They need to start with Northerners

It's time to reopen Andersonville, and this time, no Northerner gets out alive.

The South will rise again.

The funny part is that if we had just let them secede they wouldn't be known for such things because they probably would have controlled their black population in some way since they wouldn't be bound to the niceness of the north.

Kek confirms the South has a comeback. We will not fail this time because now we have more Slav blood.





Kek speaks true. This is undeniable fact.


Thoth agrees as well

>Insults the south

>doesn't mention his own area


And if you say you're from the south and hate it you're either a liar or a self-hater and I don't know which of those is worse

It already has risen. Why would the South secede when things are going so well, and taxpayer money from California and New York is paying for the welfare of the black people?


>has the audacity to call out wasted gets
Neck thyself

There is still one more step. The beloved blacks must actually be sent to California and the northern states, and you can support them there. We absolutely HATE the government paying niggers to breed in our states.



Hurrr durrr why don't we get rid of any opinion that differs from mine and make a cute little echo chamber bubble.
> fucking faggot


100% agree lol. Though I'd be sad to not have Epic Name Bro has part of our nation :P

OP, the south is a festering shithole filled with morons still pissed about losing the civil war which is why they want to run the country into the ground.

Kek confirms.

The north is shit.


All the things listed in that pic are caused by niggers. If we can deport the niggers, all other stats will fall.

Is it finally time?

Your ancestors literally died so your daughter can ride all the BBC she wants


>Thinking his garbage "country" has any right to insult anyone


All the things you can insult white people for but not niggers


>While thinking he was avenging his fallen brothers, John Wilkes Booth inadvertently doomed the white race.
This is why celebrities should stay the fuck out of politics.

>modern military
the south, yall


The Union essentially imported vast quantities of Irish and Germans and threw them into a giant meat grinder to wear down the South while starving them via sea blockade. They also used blacks (the South responded by using Indians). Between blacks and immigrants almost half of the Union army was non-American.

Look up difference in casualties inflicted, it is staggering.

I had ancestors on both sides of the war. It was not a good time for anyone.

kek confirms that the north is full of cucks. Except me because I'm in the north.

What the fuck kind of pepe is that?


i live in the south. i see maybe one muslim a week MAX.

feels good

orthodox jews? never see em here. most based state

The North needs to burn

t. nigger loving leaf who deep throats Refugees

Don't worry, you can have the Yankees we don't kill

What the average Swede will look like if no action is taken.

We tried but after only a couple of weeks, you wanted us back and said fuck no. That's how the civil war started.

I have been blessed by Thoth and his prophet Moon Man!


The South will rise again, General Lee will lead the way.

The south is so fucking weird.
>Drive to FL from MA
>Enter the south
>Miles and miles and miles of unending billboards
>Topless sluts! next exit!
>Come to Jesus, bla bla church, next exit!
>Huge tits titty bar! Get drunk with tits and ass! next exit!
>Shun the Devil! Jesus loves you! bla bla church, next exit!
>Back, forth, back, forth ad infinitum.
Jesus Christ.

Not a chance you inbred hick. My great-g-g grandfather fought to sustain this Union, and I'll sure as hell burn the place down again before you go about your nigger importing antics again. The South will FRY again.




Sherman was a nigger and did war in the niggerdly way. Had to burn civilians homes and livelihoods because he couldn't win any other way, yet still came away with a high bodycount.

North a shit

watch ur feet motherfuckers

gonna ruin it with furry one sec




Get out



It's what you hicks get for how you treated POWs

Also known as the Nigger Belt

>tfw yancuck
>tfw no guns

Just nuke us please for the love of God.

I'm still shocked that POWs are kept.
Enemies should be shot unless they have useful information that can be extracted.

first posts best posts

You are forgetting
>Easy access for Spics to use as cannon fodder in exchange of green cards.
Just make sure they dont come back to reclaim them.


Do you want your POWs back? Most get traded back at the end of conflicts.

Sorry kikesucker, my great... grandaddy was awarded the CMH for Valor under JL.Chamberlain at Gettysburg, and the South is the last bastion of real America.

Every Yankee outside of Maine is literally garbage tier.

>t.lateral Yankee

I can't wait until we're done with the kikesucking northeast yuppie scum and I can return to purge the shitskins from commoefornia.

>Libshits BTFO