Why are germanic people so good?

why are germanic people so good?
They are intelligent (Invented alot, maybe even most, of the modern age).
And also are physically strong?
Is it because theyre the perfect mix of meditteranean blood and Nordic blood?
Or are they created by god?

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t. Swamp German

>never winning a war
pick 1

Winning a battle isnt like winning a war.
Who controls europe now?
I dont think anglos or slavs control it, do they?

The English and some Scottish are Germanics though. Descendants from the Anglosaxons and the Vikings

>Who controls europe now?

>we wuz anglos n sheeeit

yeah nah. Stop trying to take credit for British accomplishments, shitskin

Besides (((them))).
Good thing my grandmother on my mother's side is jewish. I can say that i truly control europe.

yes, you're amazing :)

I don't? Are you stupid or something?

Just stating that the genetic lines of the English are Germanic.

And the celts that inhabited england just magically disappeared? We're more celt than germanic.


Yeah, I didnt say we didnt have Germanic dna what I said is that we are more celtic that Germanic overall.

Haha, the only reason Germany is still a country is because USA refused to let USSR take the whole thing

>Ah muh degenerate DNA

Keep your mouth shut, swamp nigger

Don't shout, your bad teeth wil crumble away my degenerate self confessed mongrel

That map is a load of shit
>Liverpool Germanic
>Manchester Germanic
>NE England Germanic
>Boarder between England and Wales apparently repels people of Germanic stock

wew lad

We have the best dental care in europe, subhuman.

it's autism


Reminder that we kicked your ass 3 times.

And yet we still saved you from Germany. We truly are the bigger men.

>Reminder that we kicked your ass 3 times.

>we still saved you from Germany.

No you didn't.
Bridge too far, remember?

Had to wait for Canada.

>Had to wait for Canada.
Getting liberated by one of our colonies even more pathetic

United provinces.

3 wars against the English empire.
3 resounding defeats for the English empire becasue their navy sucked.

I wouldn't call endowing us into pawns of the new liberal American order and have our culture destroyed by them "saving".

youre just some shitty country that kept attacking smaller countries jsut to get their colonies.
Now look at you, cant even exit the EU without superior germanics stopping it.
UK is a colony of the germanics. Nothing more

The day will come when the germanics make a united European army. We will mobilize the children and women of the anglo, the meds and the slav(e)s to die in a war against their own pathetic race.
refugees arent going to germany you dumbasses. Theyre redirected to the nords, french and the anglos.

>3 wars against the English empire.
>3 resounding defeats for the English empire becasue their navy sucked.
er no

>First Anglo-Dutch War
Ultimately, it resulted in the English Navy gaining control of the seas around England, and forced the Dutch to accept an English monopoly on trade with England and her colonies.[1] It was the first of the Anglo-Dutch Wars.


>4th Anglo-Dutch war

-Britain gains free trade rights in parts of the Dutch East Indies
-Dutch cede Negapatnam to Britain.


The European army will only be used against the European people.
Its purpose is to prevent Grexit, Nexit, etc.

>youre just some shitty country that kept attacking smaller countries

>Now look at you, cant even exit the EU without superior germanics stopping it
MPs vote in favour of the government's Brexit Bill ... It passed by 498 votes to 114

What are you on about you fucking delusional bike riding twat

we will never exit the EU.
BENELUX is 1 country anyway, economically.
If only we exit and not belgium and luxembourg, then consider yourself fucked

please have a look at this thread

china? A primitive nation where your army could walk into the capital without anyone dying?
Yeah YOU dont decide if you brexit. WE decide.

Well its hard to find any country that was on our level militarily or technology wise because we are just fucking amazing at war and inventing things and you cant really talk when your empire consisted of a couple of unpopulated islands of the coast of South America.

>Yeah YOU dont decide if you brexit. WE decide.
You're wrong you idiot WE have the right to trigger article 50 as does every country in the EU,you dont have to give us a good deal but you 100% cant stop us from leaving.

id like to see you try you filthy rat.
Yeah not like we had the whole of indonesia.
Plus, we sold fucking new amsterdam to you and we got suriname. Seems like a good fucking deal since you didnt even get to keep the thirteen colonies until 1774.
South Africa still uses our language. What influence do you have there?