The new, incompetent regime of Donald Trump's administration is using uranium shells in the Syrian conflict...

The new, incompetent regime of Donald Trump's administration is using uranium shells in the Syrian conflict. I hope you're happy now, you neo-Nazi scum.

>Le uranium boogeyman

Fuck off, shill

t. Radiation Worker

You're right

They should be using depleted uranium encasing active uranium explosive rounds coated in fecal bacteria

It's war. There are no rules.

We used depleted uranium shells in Iraq too.

It really fucks up infantry and armored vehicles beyond belief.

You use depleted uranium rounds when you seriously don't give a fuck what happens to your enemies after the battle.

you used it in Serbia, too

yes you're scum of the Earth

I could not be happier

DU is literally the best material to make those shells with, though. Heavier than Lead, self-sharpening, catches fire on impact.

The only reason not to use it is because some tree huggers think it might give the people you just put a bunch of holes in cancer.

>Depleted uranium is favored for the penetrator because it is self-sharpening[35] and flammable.[30] On impact with a hard target, such as an armored vehicle, the nose of the rod fractures in such a way that it remains sharp.[35] The impact and subsequent release of heat energy causes it to ignite.[30] When a DU penetrator reaches the interior of an armored vehicle it catches fire, often igniting ammunition and fuel, killing the crew and possibly causing the vehicle to explode.

is it wrong this gives me an erection?

Get fucked, Serbs.

depleted uranium is no worse than lead or any other toxic material

Is there a connection between depleted uranium shells and fetal issues?

Also, isn't it kind of a waste to use this expensive ordinance on foes who don't have heavy armor?

tungsten is better
but I think DU is cheaper

>Incompetent neo-Nazis
Does not compute.

blame Clinton(s)

they needed a distraction from ((((Lewinsky)))

We used it in every conflict we've been in for many years now long before Trump was even in the political picture. Cry more pussy.

damn, uranium shells? thats pretty gnarly, didnt know they had those. i mean ive heard of depleted uranium shells, and they are good weapons, because, while being radioactive, they arnt really that radioactive, and the fragments and heavier and more dense so destruction is increased.

but uranium shells? the madman!

This is why Im certain ISIS will be detonating some dirty bombs in large US cities.

If they havent already , it's not like the US government would not try to hide it if they did.

For the sakes of not looking even more incompetent.

tungsten is actually inferior at penetrating tank armor. but it requires a solid nuclear industrial base to produce and is more toxic. it is also far more lethal due to it's pyrophoric effects. tungston is very expensive and performs inferior.

It's Ur that isnt usable for nuclear purposes anymore, hence depleted. its hard as fuck and probably does way more damage then any other type of metal projectile.

Guess what retard, it was used in every single war scenario where a-10s where deployed against armor, since they entered service in 1977. The standard anti-tank ammo of that cannon uses a DU penetrator.

Nice bait you faggot.
From the article:
"...fired thousands of rounds of the munitions during two high-profile raids on oil trucks in Islamic State-controlled Syria in late 2015."

The air strikes took place in 2013 and 2015.

Democrats actually believe those are Trumos responsibility.

>in late 2015

thing is the only way to be exposed to DU alloy dust is if you are crawling on a burnt out vehicle that was hit by a sabot round. they don't shoot this stuff ant anything less

>war only happens if the right does it
>i paid literally no attention to anything in the obama administration and obama did nuffin wrong and we didn't bomb nobody
i can't do this, this kind of doublethink is just so god damn retarded, my fuvking roomate is this level of absolutely dumb, its so fucked i just can't stand this shit anymore.

>Picture of Mattis
>The new, incompetent -

You lost me at incompetent. OP is clearly a retard.

thats a big baby dick

Osmium is too expensive, idiot.

Nice way to get rid of both human and nuclear waste. I see no problem here.

Worse penetration, significantly more expensive


Serbs are scum of the Earth, you are reading the book backwards you fucking cuck.

but why use them from a practical standpoint? Do they give the bullet more stopping power?


the A-10 warthog fires depleted uranium shells and high explosive shells. The M1 abrams MBT fires depleted uranium shells. They are heavy and therefore have the more kinetic energy. Its badass.

better penetration at higher velocities

fake news

Well no shit. Depleted Uranium shells are what we use.

Based Serbia.

It's also heavy as fuck. Bunker busters use it as well, goes straight through layer upon layer of concrete.

depleted uranium is a few times denser than the lead usually used in bullets, so it penetrates through most armour and fortifications easier.
controversy here is that since it's a radioactive material it can contaminate the area and cause birth defects, but since the pilots/artillerists are usually about a mile away from the impact site that's mostly just a problem for the shitskins themselves.

Yes. A-10s use them on tanks for instance. Also this article is old.

10/nice try

Seriously, how bad are they for the populace and the enviorment? There are a lot of muh cancer, (((they))) are poisoning us in our capital. But as far as i know (not much desu) DU ammo was only used on kosovo, against tanks &infantry, so, what kind of ammo was used in bombing of army locations in cities?
And yea, statistics in our news sites, say cancer is on the rise since 1999 by 30%

Your video was uploaded in 2013 you faggot

Here you go m8, you deserve it

James 'improving Syrian conditions through depleted munitions' Mattis


Low quality bait

A-10s have always and will always use DU rounds

And do you know where you are? We'd be happy if the Donald dropped a couple of B-61s on northern Syria

Very dense metal, 2x lead. Also used in armour, the m1a2 has depleted uranium in its armour.

>22. November 2015

Are you fucking retarded?