Have you ever thought about all the Left's losses?

Imagine being on the left this last year.
Imagine being a Bernie supporter
>losing in primaries, cheated by your own side
Imagine picking the 'lesser evil' in Clinton
>constant allegations of illegal activity + loses embarrassingly
Imagine the day after the election grasping at every MSM excuse.
>racists, russians, fake news: WRONG!
Imagine hearing the pissgate thing and praying it was true, and believing it.
>fake and retarded
Imagine falling for every weekly scandal the MSM feeds you.
>MSM BTFO'd on a weekly basis
Imagine clinging to the thought that Ruth Ginsburg is the last resistance to the evil fascist Drumpf
>will die when he's in office, so with 1-2 others, Trump appoints someone to undo all her bullshit
Imagine looking ahead 4years and thinking Trump will be gone, if not sooner
>Either Pocahontas or Bernie if he isn't dead, both will get steam rolled by the Trump train.

What am I missing? HWNDU virtue signalling shit always overthrown by Kek, basically every terrorist/global event hurts your side 'arguments'...

List any L's I've missed

Can we count the Super Bowl as a win for Trump?

member when they got all those celebrities to beg congress to nullify the election somehow?

Also out of curiosity, predict some future L's.

Yes, only because Donny Jr tweeted at halftime about how the Falcon's had that 91% chance of winning or something. Someone post that tweet, I forgot exactly what it was but it was savage.

An exchange I had today with a coworker


Really? What fake news site did you get that from?
Are those the same polls that said Hillary had a 98% chance to win?

you guys are to trump what liberals were in 2008 to obama

the man is never wrong, anyone who disagrees with him is a shill/racist, etc.

a lot of people here voted for Obama so your analogy is shit.

>the man is never wrong, anyone who disagrees with him is a shill/racist, etc.

I never said that.
I said that anyone who disagrees with him watches too much fake news

Catposter please go

Fuck, you made me look

I'm too busy thinking about how fractured the right is. After Trump goes, we'll be split three ways: Cuckservative neocon Reaganites (most of which will hopefully die off), Constitutionalists and Trumpists (who are very similar), and Libertarians. We're just as divided as the left

Another problem is a ruling by a judge that happened recently that forced the commission on Presidential debates to devise new rules to make it easier for third parties to be in the debates. The biggest third party is the Libertarian party, and if they get into the debates, the right could be very easily split, allowing a Democrat win in four years time

>We're just as divided as the left
Not really. We're divided sure, but our the Republicans have the House Senate and Presidency, while all the Dems can do is scream autistically, which isn't likely to appeal to Independents much

The best they can hope for in four years is winning back the presidency, but without the House or Senate, or Supreme Court, their ability to wreak havoc is pretty much neutered.

> 8 Obama years

>Losing 1000 seats over all of those 8 years resulting in the Democrats losing the House, Senate and Presidency simultaneously

what did he mean by this?

all while the "evil alt right racist nazi frog worshipers" laugh in your face

The Republicans holding all the cards doesn't mean much. They're fighting Trump and fighting each other over Obamacare and don't really know what they want

The Dems may be autistic would be revolutionaries, but at least they have a unified vision of what they want


Imagine winning and still going to a pizzeria with a gun to rescue fake children

He will not divide us.


who got the # of ganggang or goldentoof?


>Donald fucking Trump gets elected after you


I'm honestly starting to think this is the end for the left.

the media is getting BTFO by trump every day. gen z is redpilled. 2020 will be a fucking landslide for trump

if cali goes red that's all she wrote, we will never have another democratic president

>The Dems may be autistic would be revolutionaries, but at least they have a unified vision of what they want



Can't wait to see their faces when we shove them out of the helicopter.

Here's one consolation. If Trump stops abortion, there will be more niggers and shitskins, which is something leftists want.

I don't have to imagine being a Bernie supporter.

As soon as he was out, I went to Trump.

my gf lives with some girls who were die-hard bernie supporters... as soon as he was out, they were With Her because vagina

Don't make their mistake and get complacent. Never count your enemy out.


His acolytes like to forget that Obama had a majority in both houses in his first two years, yet did nothing with it. He was a shit, cowardly president. The guy that succeeds you is always part of your legacy. America turned to Donald Trump after 8 years of Obama. The same working class people that twice put him in power were the ones that became so disenfranchised they turned to a guy with no political experience.

Trump is a classic liberals dream come true which is why many of us voted for him, but NOOOOOOOOO you'll never heard THAT in the fake news.

>The Dems may be autistic would be revolutionaries, but at least they have a unified vision of what they want
That would only work if they have any power in gov't. Remember the failure that was the Tea Party and how they had more sway on Congress then these autistic fucks do now?

He doesn't want to stop abortions he just wants to give the decision back to the states and stop the federal government from paying for them.

A lot of leftists are incapable of understanding losing anyway. They actually think losing is winning.

California would secede or split in two before it ever went red again.

He's literally a JFK Democrat


a true cuck's mentality

>Imagine falling for every weekly scandal the MSM feeds you.
>tfw have to tell my parents weekly what they'll be spinning because ShareCrew so gleefully broadcast themselves in every other thread on this board

It's literally at the point of
>We'll get you next time you rotten kids
every week with these niggers.

As much as we want this to be true, we shouldn't fall Into the same trap the democrats did. Believing you'll never lose again.
It's shit right now but I'm more worried about what happens in 2020 when trump wins again. It's going to be this x100, Soros paid commies attacking the Whitehouse



>Can we count the Super Bowl as a win for Trump?

Yes, because the Left fixated on it.

This image truly cries might as they let loose the dogs of war

Problem is if the Republicans continue to get nothing done and that if the Democrats keep blocking them when they actually decide to do things, Republicans may lose their majority unless the incumbents all get replaced with people who listen to the silent majority

Yes, because the left tried to turn it into a political contest.

Imagine living in a small town. All those people you went to highschool with that were well adjusted studied moved away to a city with jobs. Meanwhile you are stuck with meth and heroin, inbred lead infested degenerates around you. Then you see this guy who screams to make america great again.

You vote. He wins!!! Now you are still stuck in your shitty small town wearing a red hat you bought.

I actually disagree. In 4 years the media will be so badly beaten and many youtubers will have gotten to the younger generation that Soros will just be a meme at that point. The Left will be a meme desu.

A meme is not the same as a joke tho, after 2020 we cant roll over

Yeah, but the Democrats can't do this for 2 years straight. At some point somethings in the Repub agenda going to get done whether they like it or not. Also, most of the seats up for grabs in 2018 are Democratic seats that went red this election. There are some Rep seats but they're in solid red states for the most part.

patience user, daddy is gonna take care of you

Your side is filled with welfare niggers, regenerate whores, and human filth that not only fail to contribute to society, but brings it down

Morons like you complain about the rural redneck, but they aren't voting for policies that push degenerate shit like forcing me to pay for abortions or respecting a deranged union like gay marriage


Of course, they would've.

How much better is life for Trump supporters now that he won?