Election caused trouble in paradise

Anyone else having trouble in paradise? Wife and I haven't been intimate since Trump won and even during the election it was like when planets lined up before anything happen.

What can I do? I am trying really hard not to bring anything up about Trump but it feels like she is trying to troll me by spewing mainstream media stuff jut to piss me off and when ever I correct her her typical respond is "I haven't research that so I don't believe it 100%" or "I haven't research enough on that topic so I won't comment"

Are you trying to blame being a virgin on trump?

Start moving your accounts and assets into overseas accounts. Your fucked m8.

On election night, when it was made clear that trump had won, my gf at the time sucked my dick while the tv was on in the background

Internally I kept saying yeah suck that patriarchal dick

She also swallowed.

Over the next 8 weeks, she bought several anti trump stuff like fuck Trump and pussy grabs back shirts and even went to a protest.

I was quiet about all of it the entire time, being "respectful towards the loser" sort of. Truly.

However, in early December I got drunk on Guinness and began to release my power level, discussing how I believe Trump will have a pretty good 4 years and it will turn to 8. I even discussed how I'd like to make Trump merch soon, while it's cheap to do so, in order to profit in 2020.

I also began to talk wildly about zeitgeist tier red pills (mainly part 1, about Christianity and astrology), and even somehow brought up how the democrats take advantage of the blacks - even quoting LBJ "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for 200 years."

1 week later she stopped talking to me, completely ghosting me. That's when they do no formal break up, not even an informal one. They simply stop responding to you and hope you get the point.

I'm quite thankful I didn't bitch out and beg her to stay or all her 1000 times or other weak shit, but I have to say ending our year long relationship like that sucked.

Recommend to OP to retain. The relationship and disregard all red pills for now. If she brings political stuff up, entertain her by asking her questions and learn more about her thinking style.

Over time, I'm talking months or years, give her a dose here and there but only a small bit at a time. Despite my failure above, I have had success with this by asking them questions until essentially they red pill themselves. Again, with the girl above, I was able to make her state that she was not informed and did not know many facts about what she was trying to blue pill. At this time, I merely smiled at her change subj

We have a child together so not virgin at all

Why do I want to move overseas, I am American this place is fucking awesome.

She is very Canadian and she just can't handle the red pills even in small doses. Like the Sweden thing Trump said "He is just making things up"

me "What do you mean? They Facebook live the gang rape few weeks ago in Sweden and they caught 2 of the 3 bad guy in there".

me "Speaking of Canada, Edmonton's water park some guy was molesting little girls and it's Syrian refugee"

"They just hand picking the news headlines"

No fault divorce with no hope of reconciliation siting political views.

Be free.

Find a better woman instead of some cunt using sex as leverage.

>We have a child together so not virgin at all
Well ignore the post I made above.

She got a kid out of you, now its time for her to divorce you and take all your shit + child support and alimony.

You fucked up.

Not getting sex because of some external event you personally have no control over? You think that's the reason?

Well fag, soon you're gonna find out, why roasties and white knights hate mgtow so much here.

should not have gotten married

>he needs to walk on eggshells with politics about his wife

You're a pussy man. Just slap your wife in the face, tell her you like Trump and to get over it. My girlfriend didn't like Trump but she knows how much I like him and won't dare to bring politics up and stays quiet whenever I bring up Trump. She knows that if she was willing to debate me she would get destroyed so she never opens her mouth. She's started to like Trump after all my redpilling.

My girlfriend would never hold sex from me because she respects me and even if she said that anyway I would still find a way to fuck her. You're a beta

Averages to every other night since he won.
And we are in our late 40s

Truly the best timeline.

Put another babby in her


The election has basically destroyed 90% of my social life.

Long-time friends lashed out at me hardcore, I didn't get invited to one of my childhood friend's weddings without any kind of explanation, 80 people deleted me on Facebook.

If I try messaging one of my old friends, they don't even reply. Some of them just deleted me from all forms of social media and stopped talking to them.

This election was EXTREMELY divisive. Like it's a real culture war and everybody had to pick a side. It's fine though, because the people who have a problem with it are pieces of shit, and I'm actually proud that so many people have ex-communicated me.

Being married to a shitlib would be a problem though for sure. I can't even imagine how that would work out.

> never had a single friend
> nobody to speak to, nobody to be open about anything to
> life's good

Wow that's sounds like an abuse AF relationship

divorce her you cucked dipshit

Admit you get horny AF from just thinking about being dominated by a man, roastie

You're not missing out on anything, believe me.

I have one friend who is a Sup Forumsock. That's about it.

Are Americans really this sensitive?

I had a few debates with some mates no one went mad or anything

I'm guessing your like 17 or something

You can call it whatever meme you want to call it but how many of you guys can say that your girlfriend has total respect for you and would never dare try to take sex away from you, or tell you she doesn't like Trump? Don't be a beta

You need to stop taking politics seriously, and see it as it has become: the worlds biggest and best reality show. Every day brings up some new drama and uproar. Sometimes, I look at the latest doings of Trump in Washingtonland, and laugh until my sides hurt.

Look at everything that has happened in the past month, and imagine what could happen in the next year.

You and your significant other need to make a big bowl of popcorn, take your shoes off, sit back, and enjoy the show. It will be absolutely magnificent.


Absolutely disgusting

How the fuck does this much shit happen to you over the election? I live in a very liberal area, work with liberals, and I have plenty of family member's who are liberals. Didn't lose a single friend. I will say I did get into quite some arguments at work but most of it is just bantz.

Worst thing that happened to me during the election was some crazy drunk nigger threatened my life as I was walking home one night. He saw my MAGA hat and was like "nice hat asshole, I should fucking kill you right now," I just said "thanks man, have a nice night," and I just casually walked away as he just stood there staring at me

join your girlfriend, gym up, hit a lawyer

>zeitgeist tier red pills
so blue pills?

Dude you're in the fucking UK hahahaa

Yeah you have no idea how insane it is in some places in America. I'm in Chicago. Trump can't even come here because people hate him so much.

People have been fighting in the streets for nearly 2 years now over Trump, mainly in major city areas.

If you're in smaller cities or rural areas, peopel don't really care too much. They jest a bit and get over it, but major cities are extremely ethnically diverse. So many people see this as life or death in places like Chicago/New York/LA.

If you're a Trump supporter in a major city, you are definitely in the minority.

I don't think there's a single man on Sup Forums that would ironically consider it to be """abusive""". Most likely a vaj with huge cognitive dissonance

You basically conditioned her to want to talk shit and get fucked.
Challenge her directly in the same ways you did during the election, or just fuck her when she wins an argument.

The day after Trump won we had a "Trump association"-victory party. It was a completely made up thing: just a couple of mates drinking (we don't even have the red hats and stuff) just being mates and having a drink, and now it had a Trump-theme. Nothing to crazy. A couple of days went in after this evening and she learned that we had been drinking on his victory (she knew I was pro-Trump btw)...

And then poof; she left. Relationship of 3 years gone.

I'm sad because I lost her but it also made me strong in a certain sense: the next one isn't going to be "neutral" about politics. She's going to be right-wing or I'm not touching her body.

Yeah ive always been conservative but since ive supported trump ive noticably missed out on at least three notable invites to parties around christmas and a couple old friends wont even speak to me even though we never actaully discussed politics, only saw some veryl ighlty pro trump material on my kikebook. Sad to see that these so called toleralt leftists are the true fascists.

I'm a millenial college student in Chicago. Chicago is one of the most liberal places on the planet. Liberals literally act like they have mental illness here. People were bawling their eyes out on November 9th all over the place.

dude, I just jam it in whenever I get horny. It just werks

You should have married someone with the same values as you. Instead, you just wanted a piece of ass. You are a whore.

It's not. Don't be afraid to slap your girlfriend if she gets really outta control sometimes. My girlfriend actually says she understands it because of how irrational she can get during some moments.

You're lucky you're not dead right now.

NEVER turn your back on nigger, ESPECIALLY an agitated nigger.

You fucking idiot you got lucky.

I'm here in Mass. Boston specifically. I guess it's really not that bad here if you stay away from areas like Cambridge where they want to kill people who support Trump. Chicago must suck

After people started cutting ties with me, I just said "fuck it" and started posting full redpill shit on Facebook every day.

Just spamming all of my edgy opinons about sending homos to prison, throwing socialists out of hellicopters, Hillary worshipping satan, feminists being decrepit old cat ladies ect. ect.

Some people have definitely started respecting me more, I've gotten messages from hot women being like "Wow! I hate liberals so much! I can't believe the shit people say to you on your facebook wall!"

No regrets.

Kek I don't have that many experiences with niggers because I live in New England. But this guy was so drunk that if he even tried to attack me I think I could just easily push him and make him fall over

The entire city of Chicago wants to kill Trump supporters.

Trump cannot even come to the Chicago area because it gets so violent.

>from red county in NJ
>go to school in Philly
>plenty of red bros from rest of Pennsyltucky
>some liberals are angry about Trump
>can only gather meager amounts of protesters due to the university being on the quarter system
>people usually have no time for this shit
>city hall redesigned a year or two ago
>new design makes it much easier to cordon off protests
>police aren't cucked
>firebombed the nigs in 1985

I pity those on the west coast.

Oh you must live in a rural area of New England, since blacks tend to congregate in cities.

I'm happy for you that you don't have to deal with them. I don't either, generally speaking.

Always, ALWAYS avoid the groid.

yeah i actually gave up the kikebook i wasnt even using it much other than to browse FTP and anti media. My "pro trump" posting consited of liking a few stories. I dont really give a fuck i just find it sad that these are the people preaching tolerance, who cant handle any dissent from their opinion at all. I really dont give a fuck I already know this moment is the watershed moment that will change western civ for the better I'm just going to enjoy it and watch it happen. Its not even my own goddamned country but it doesnt matter to the intolerants. Im kind of glad becasue it proves those people arent worth a bother anyway. Western liberalism is dying let them go down with the ship, I'm with him=>

Oh absolutely, no arguing there. You don't even need to be a full blown muh domineering alpha larping fag, like many on Sup Forums are, just basic subordinance and knowing each other's place. Slapping is a good way to show it.

Somerville Here.

The fags in Cambridge and Boston aren't going to do shit. The mentally ill dopeheads who ride the T and who might try to rob you for pill money are more intimidating than any liberal fag in the area.

I've lived in many areas of New England and only have had to deal with them in Boston but if you stay in the North end they don't tend to go around there because that's the white mans territory and it's too rich. But everywhere else in New England outside the cities (especially Northern New England) is very safe.

I pity Southerners that have to deal with them on a daily basis, even the ones in rural areas

tell her that if you don't have sex you'll never have non gender specific children who will be resist Trump

Man here in Seattle if you wear the MAGA hat you WILL be attacked, spit on, mugged, or at least screamed at or intimidated. Niggers, spics, and antifa-types are frothing at the mouth with hatred 24/7. The despise whites and if they could get away with it they'd be lynching conservatives by now.

Exactly. I really never go any farther than that because anything more is just quite unnecessary and it's akin to keying your own car

I deactivated mine too a few weeks ago.

Trump posting had clearly not been good for life IRL. Also seeing 100 frantic liberal posts every single day was just annoying.

Happier without it

Yeah no they won't do anything. You walk through Roxbury with a MAGA hat on and you'll be fucked but in Cambridge the limp wrists will do nothing but yell "not my president" at you kek

Cant stand the PNW people are so slow and annoying there. And senselessly liberal and docile.

Pro tip: When i visited seattle it smelled of piss worse than any city ive ever been to.

>What can I do? I am trying really hard not to bring anything up about Trump

If you have kids with her then I guess try and work it out.
If not get rid of her and find another woman.

If you do have to stay with her and she doesn't want sex anymore. Just find a hooker and go and see her once a week.

Yep that's how Chicago is too.

I see the antifa vids in Seattle sometimes, it's the only place that looks as bad as Chicago.

That isn't a problem for me because I don't visit the minority neighborhoods, ever.

Neither do I but hypothetically if you had to for whatever fucking inane reason it's good to know where you would be in trouble and where you would be fine

yeah fuck the jew marketing and tracking machine. Started creeping me out when this hooker i fucked in northern ontario showed up on my "do you know" list a few weeks later. Must have checked the nmbers on my text list and decided to suggest i freind her. Creepy. Got rid of it that day.

I will usually stand up for my beliefs to the bitter end, but no need to damage myself socially and potentially professionally just to support the president of another nation. World paradigm is shifting anyway just gonna let it happen and will destroy SJW once the momentum of the world is on our side

It didn't used to be so polarized. It was always a shitlib hipster fag town with the occasional riot but now the slightest perceived wrongthink will get you pummeled. Too bad we're outnumbered here, people don't ever mess with me because I look like a school-shooter schizo but but I feel bad for the average joe conservatives, they are being run out of town.

Its fucking creepy man.

I'm talking to a girl in Eastern Europe through the viber app and she has started showing up in "you may know this person" list on FB.

The thing is she has no idea what my email is or what name I use on FB so its not her searching for me its fucking FB using data some how and matching us.

I once replied to a guy with a timestamp on Sup Forums and days later he showed in the you may this person list.
They really do track everything on your browser.

Seriously send you mum a 50k gift, sell your car and buy a cheaper one, and invest or put all your money into swiss/offshore accounts.
don't risk this shit mate she can ruin you with that little anklebiting money machine, and she'll take the house too.
You need everything you can get.

>I once replied to a guy with a timestamp on Sup Forums and days later he showed in the you may this person list.They really do track everything on your browser.

Even creepier is the girl started showing up on my mothers "friends you may know list" as well.

How the hell does FB even recognise who my mother is when my mother isint even on my FB friends list and never has been.

Not only that it matched my mother with this girl I'm talking with on the other side of the planet.

Zuckerburg is one creepy fuck. No wonder he gets all sweaty and has panic attacks on stage when asked about FB and privacy.

Yeah gookmoot is the worst about it here, too.

I LARPed as a Chinese dude in a thread and immediately thereafter my ads were ASIAN IN YOUR CITY? MEET OTHERS NOW.

I think it's because messenger uses your phone number

It must suck to be in a marriage where you can't even openly talk to your wife without feeling like you'll upset her.

>all of these social retards lying about having wives
>all these social retards lying about having friends before the election
>all these social retards blaming their political views for making them an utterly uninteresting person

If anything this election made people like me more, dropping the most subtle of redpills when it makes sense to drop them, knowing my shit, not just blindly following, willing to concede, etc is ALL you have to do to not be a political dipshit with no friends.

Try that in San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, or LA.

I honestly agree. In many ways I feel like I have much less to talk about post-election. I used to love going in to work knowing that I would get into arguments with my liberal co workers. Some of my coworkers were really stupid but I have to say the election gave us lots to talk about and because I was on a different side then them it really did make me the center of attention most the time when these discussions were brought up

Time for red pillers to get rid of this marketing, tracking , mark of the beast garbage. Rule of thimb - any thing online where you gain value from it but its free, its not free. You are paying with your data. Smart phones do NOT portect your privacy at all. Thinking of going back to an old flip phone actually this shit crepps me out. ALso had an experience a few years ago where a friend and i discussed three sttrange topics and my buddy went on his phone later to look for something on youtube and all three recommended vids were all to do with the obscure topics. CREEPY.

>San Francisco
I'm not a faggot

> Seattle
I'm not a faggot

I'm not bulletproof

I was never fucked as a child.

The only liberals i ever got to "debate" with were just the fucking worst. one of them CONSTANTLY says "i'm not a liberal, i fucking HATE liberals" and then shares their every opinion, and gets mad when he is told an opposing viewpoint. There was also this girl who kept going on about how "trump doesn't know how to be president" despite not even know what the position entails.

The only friends i "lost" were the ones i chose to no longer speak to because they outed themselves as fucking retards. Made plenty of new friends at work though, indiana is filled with dumb lib women, but their men hard at work know what the fuck is up. Good thing women here never fucking vote.

>I go to work and have nice discussions about my differences ;)

Yeah that does not exist in Chicago. You say one thing and people literally start REEEEING and jumping down your throat in an emotional fit

>trips of truth

sorry mate should have cherished the sanctity of marraige more

>You say one thing and people literally start REEEEING and jumping down your throat in an emotional fit
That's when you say "i don't argue with emotional children" and tell them to fuck off.

Your fault for tolerating dumbasses.

Unfortunately being red pilled puts you in a sausage fest. The blue pill offers women more gibs and fee fees and women prioritize gibs and fee fees over everything else.