This is being handed out in universities, how would you even counter this?
This is being handed out in universities, how would you even counter this?
Call them cunts and tell them that women aren't human so everything in that list is perfectly ok.
>how would you even counter this?
Don't go to university?
Walk out or complain. That's not educational and it's uncited and it's choc-full of feminist chauvinism.
>my clothes will probably fit better
>my grooming regimen is relatively cheap
Læs mit billede. Læs mit essay.
Male "privilege" checklist:
1)Eligible for the levy in our country
2)Has no favourable child custody laws
3)Has no favourable alimony laws
4)Can't opt out of a pregnancy and has to submit to the decision of the pregnant woman
This alone is enough to counter all that shit
Yup, in the end, that is the only thing that works.
Ask who made it and slap the transgender. Make a list of genders, put xx and xy chromosomes on it. A picture of Muhammad kissing a gay guy. Anything that triggers a liberal.
I can think of some things.
At my university
Hvad er dette, Mads?
also remind them university is to educate people, not for people to turn up and pretend to be educated. they will have to accept that you are also learning and the purpose of discourse is not to exclude anyone's beliefs or opinions, but try to understand why they hold them.
I think women hold warped opinions because they are all on hormone replacement.
Mit navn er....sjovt nok Anders Munch....
I'd throw it away
make a similar list for the disavantages of being men. First one could be war. Alimony. Child custody. etc
But user, they'll just say that's a way patriarchy hurts men too. What then?
Make a female privilege one. Pass it out. Wait for the hypocritical outrage.
Here I'll help you start:
>I can always rely on the courts to side with me for domestic issues, divorce and child support
>If I need help with something, I can likely find a man to just do it for me
>I can use the promise of sex to manipulate those around me
>I am never expected to defend myself
>I can rape a man and even a child and face zero repercussions
>I can make a false rape claim, the man will likely get punished and I will face no repercussions even if u admit I made it up
>I can get a job in many sectors just because of my vagina and the need for "diversity" even if I'm totally unqualified.
>I can spend time with kids and nobody will give me dirty looks
>If I don't want to work I can find a man to provide everything for me
>If stopped by the police, they will always go easy on me and frequently just let me go, regardless of guilt
>In politics, liberals will support me even if I'm crooked and corrupt, solely because of my gender.
Anyone else care to add?
Point out that the vast majority of these issues are enforced on women by other women. They're their own worst enemies.
Nej, det er 100% Anders Munch, og jeg har også givet dig mit ansigt. Vil du også have mit telefonnummer og ringe og hore for at være helt sikker? Eller kan du fatte, at mit navn er Anders Munch.
It appears to be missing instructions.
Maybe this is a little joke about men who assemble diy furniture without reading the instructions.
I would:
>Tick the ones you feel apply to you based on how you may have been preferentially treated by society
>Cross the ones you feel definite don't apply because your experience actually runs counter to the statement.
>Put a dash by the ones of which you have no experience.
>Then return your completed survey.
Make sure you encourage anyone else who has received one to fill it in an return it.
If you wanted to be super helpful you could find out where best to send them and make a few photocopies with these instruction to distribute.
I'm sure the creator of this fun opinion poll will thank you for your help.
Rolig nu, Anders. Skal nok læse dit essay.
What do Sup Forums?
-ZERO reproductive rights
This means that women literally have more rights than men.
But anyway OK, why don't you ask for a refund or just burn the place down or whatever? Make a huge Fucking fuss about how this shit has gone on long enough.
Its a good job I didn't get into university because I swear to God I couldn't sit by and take their shit
nice quads
>If I need help with something, I can likely find a man to just do it for me
this one just shows male privilege, that men are capable of doing more stuff physically
checked for truth.
But women are being charged for "raping" high schoolers all the time
hvor? I danmark?
do it, then go violently assault the teacher and walk out and never come back
>clothing privilege
I dont think women understand how money works.
They are not privileged to your attention.
Most of this stuff goes only as far as people are willing to listen.
Stand up and say:
>18. I can throw this piece of propaganda bullshit away with no consequences.
And then throw it away.
Stop attending these liberal indoctrination centers.
Vote with your dollars.
it's the only way
Tear it up and continue my day normally.
If they suspend me for doing something that's "offensive" I drop And sue the fuck out of them. Even if I lose the case, I still win .
Bare rolig kamerat, det er taget fra America, det står på engelsk. Generelt er vi altid nogle år bagud med USA så det er så slemt I Danmark endnu, håber jeg.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Call them out on it and tell them men are more impacted by conventional attractiveness. The fact that all women want Chad proves it.
>inb4 r9k
I'm proving a point, faggots
probably posted by your local Marxist Group
Very rarely sentenced. If they do, it's way lighter. But you're right that some do get the book thrown at them, and it varies by states.
Then you have these guys on the other hand:
>statutory rape
>never reported
>forced to pay child support years later including interest and back pay for when he couldn't legally consent
Anyways the list can be tweaked. It's better to point out female privilege than to try to counter with male hardships. Women really only care about themselves after all.
Spoken like a true mgtow untermench
>paying money to be told you suck
Glad I went into business for myself and never went to university, I'd have ended up going insane and killing everyone in sight if I'd ever had to endure this level of faggotry.
Nice digits. Ch-ch-ch-checked.
The list is brilliant and Kek wills that this is the right course of action for op.
We could add to it.
>I have never had to worry about being drafted to die in a war
>I am not expected to look after my body, and I can call people out on having preference
>I can withdraw consent at any point after sex, for no particular reason.
Badly written, I know, but these perks could be worked into there
Who is giving this shit out? When they hand you the paper look at it, then at them, sigh and say "This is what I'm getting into student for? Seriously?" Then crumple up the paper and toss it in the bin.
pls tell me this isn't happening in Denmark
>tfw not a Chad
>Be invisible to womyn
>they never notice me to give me the paper
Seems to be projecting insecurities to me tbqh.
Tell them it doesn't exist because we're all equal and watch them eat their own tails.
>the disadvantages are relatively small and easy to ignore
Well that's just not true.
Naw, it's in America. If something like this is happening I haven't heard of it, but who the fuck knows with these people.
It is easy to ignore on their part.
To the user who's making a better list, remember to put male suicide rates in there.
Women try it more but 95% of the time are crying for attention, and men are much more sucessful at suicide. We even kill ourselves better.
pull out pen, check them and say out loud: damn it feels good to be a man
Like any normal person.
Take this down this post triggers me I literally can't even
>I never have to be treated like a sub-human in universities because of my gender
>nobody ever hands me bullshit checklists in an attempt to guilt trip me into becoming a men's rights activist
Write about how this shit is only ever directed at men, and women get a free pass.
If you wanna play the victim olympics try this site out;
Don't know how much of is legit. It is a favorite among MRAs, though.
>how would you even counter this?
Build paper airplanes.
Just list woman privilege
1) Doesnt have to go to war or qualify for drafts
2) Gets to stay home and raise children
3) Doesnt have to work in coal mines or clean septic systems
4) Dont have to pay on dates even the first one
5) Get sympathy instead of ridicule for injustices
6) Get priority status at homeless shelters and other services
7) Have significant objective advantage in family court
8) Can get half of a man's money that they never earned
9) Has control over sex in large part in society
10) Can be ugly as fuck and still usually find sex
The list goes on and on, it took my less than 30 seconds to type this
>read first line
>throw into garbage
>continue with my productive life
that's how
Roll it in a ball and throw it back to their face. Don't argue with retards or waste time with college politics. Study, get your degree then leave.
Too many choices
>Tell them I identify as a female and they are oppressing me, threaten to call the police.
>Tell them I am a muslim and they are insulting my religion, threaten to call the police.
>Tell them I am a nigger and demand they suck my dick as a micro-reparation (equal to 1 cotton boll picked by my adopted great-grand pappy)
Actually, I would nod, say nothing, and upload it to pol.
Nope, sexual assault, but not rape.
At that point I'd just have her 'accidented'.
Acid baths work wonders.
Actually, this, the digits have it.
that professor is definitely a lurker, how else is going to know about both 4ch and 2ch.
Is that even a checklist?
Check your privilege, goyim
1) Bullshit. Hiring patterns in my field favor women.
2) Debatable
3) Probable
4) Laughable. Only one of my female co-workers actually has the educational background needed for my job
5) If I choose to remain single, I get called a Beta MGTOW loser
6) And if I decide to be a stay-at-home dad, I'm a deadbeat loser
7) Actually, no
8) Probable
9) I wasn't told to be more outgoing. Didn't have sisters either
10) Nope
11) True
12) Geico says I could save 21% on my car insurance if I was a woman.
13) Women have slut shaming. Men have virgin shaming.
14) Oh girl, if only you knew...
15) True
16) Replace 'grooming regimen' with 'workout regimen'...
>going into massive debt to """learn""" at one of these places
lads, the college meme is over. pls avoid.
Make one for female privilege.