How to fix Brazil?

Hard Mode:
>no genocide
>no secession
>no colonization with higher IQ populace
>you have 30 years

I'll fix it.


No genocide.

You genuinely can't without genocide. The population of Brazil consists almost entirely of subhuman apes.

> No genocide

Why would we want to fix it?

Import 1 billion chinks


Free market


sterilize non-whites

Invade neighboring countries with forced conscription.

Only if there's a cataclysm in europe and NA so millions of white refugees arrive to offset the negros
Kinda like what happened in the beggining of the last century

You need liek a Chernobyl NPP disaster to unite all brazil monkies.



There is one way to fix Brazil!
1 step: nuke Brazil killing all brazilians.
2 step: bring the japoneses.

make all the lesbian feminists move to brazil
> inb4 no colonization with lower IQ populace

Death Penalty
and >tfw brazilian
I have a cousin who is 23, has 3 kids, hasn't been to school since 10 years and ''earns'' a little here and there.

The only way to fix Brazil is by tearing the constitution apart, and writing a whole new focusing on the following:

- Curbing corruption by removing the so called "privileged forum" so that higher elected officials and politicians are held to the same standard as the rest of the population when prosecuted.
- Confederating the states and allowing for greater individual autonomy instead of dragging the rest of the country in order to infantilize the North.
- Increase the average time served in sentences by removing the 30 year limit, alongside de-criminalizing drugs such as marijuana.

Also, Carnaval is now outlawed.

Too big for the population, it needs 1+ billion more.


It's not genocide if you target everyone

1) Change the democracy to only white men over the age of 30 being allowed to vote.
2) Much harsher justice system with an emphasis on corporal punishment and the death penalty. This will bring lawfulnes back to the country for cheap.
3) Enact non-lethal eugenic policies. Violent felons, repeated thiefs and rapists = get snipped. Getting welfare will also require voluntarily getting sterilized.
4) Heavy turn towards the free market. Clamp down on corrupt crony capitalism.
5) Heavy industrialization. Fuck the rainforest. Build Nuclear reactors, dams and farms like madmen (note that blacks will have close to no say in how they're ran or maintained because of point 1)

You can't. Unless the whites band together and just kick all the browns out.

>Fuck the rainforest

You blew it.

bullshit, you can't fix a fuckfest with that, you need brute force or isolation, Brazil is a shithole, the few whites who actually bring any value to the country are in minority.

Why would you want to raise the incarceration cap from 30? Someone who went to prison at 20 and left at 50 isn't going to commit any more (or less) crime than someone who left at 60. You're better off just instating capital punishment.

I don't mean cut it all down, I mean if you need to clear a small area to build a dam or clear an area for high yield farms then do it. If a species of frog or two goes extinct who gives a fuck.

Yeah user. We need some white country to come here and breed with monkeys. Just like happened to your country. Might work.

The country would need to go full Singapore to turn itself around. Become a near police state, maximize international trade, nearly abolish corruption, and clear out the favelas. Clearly a pipe dream

Heavy investments in education and in the millitarty. We also have to nuke the north and northeastern regions.

>no genocide
Not even an "accidental" genocide?
>no secession
"Accidentally" moving everyone that's 50% or more nigger into the fucking jungle
>no colonization with higher IQ populace
Mask it as opening citizenship to europeans
>you have 30 years
Seems doable


>literally right

He actually has a point that you can't change political life without changing cultural life first.

So basically publish best-selling right wing literature and become famous college professors and shit.

Get to work.

Mass conscription and then invade Africa, but make them swim the whole way

>no genocide
ok we'll label it a holocaust then.

>Spread mass psyops to overthrow the government (not seccession since only government has fallen, no claims to land)
>establish militia that takes control of parts of Brazil
>transform militia into nation
>Take over Brazil with weapons from nations that go with your interests, arms dealers
>Create a District 9 isolation sector where monkeys learn to attain a spot into the Army
>Niggers become well-educated and redpilled
>Blacks fight for you and promote education, while the District 9 establishment dissolves since every negroid is redpilled now
>Murder gives you a life sentence
>Murder is virtually nonexistent because >tfw too intelligent to murder