Holocaust... thoughts Sup Forums?
Holocaust... thoughts Sup Forums?
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Didnt happen. How many times i gotta say this.
Expected. Source?
What Holocaust?
>grow up in super christian pro israel home
>no internet
Why do kikes always use the term Holocaust or 6 million
It's illegal in my country to deny it
But I am saying on my own free will that it totally happened
trust me, France wrote a law about that
you can trust France
I assume its a very strong buzzword, holocaust has a ring of history to it
Can't make an omelette without breaking a pair of eggs
the holocaust did happen,
but there was no gas champers
there was no systematic killing
the reason for all the deaths was poor working conditions, epidemics, cutting of supply lines by the allies resulting in no food for the prisoners.
Look up david irving.
Wiki said he was discredited. Have a different site to look at? (Wiki is usually my go to for overviews)
The sooner the better. Too many exploding niggers here.
no shit he was discredited, you can't go around criticizing the (((holocaust))) even if it is built on lies.
never happened, jewish Bolshevik lies
You won't be able to find a source because history is written by the winners. But if you want a good starting point, look up just how long it takes to cremate a body and how it is mathematically impossible to gas six million Jews and dispose of their corpses in approximately four years
holocaust™ is a lie
not just that, we have the papers saying how much coal they had. we know how much it takes to burn a person. and the numbers doesn't add up with the claimed amount.
That is actually what I was just reading up on, the math wasn't adding up, hit my curiosity enough to hit up pol
simple science proves you can't burn the amount of bodies in the stated time
Today is the day I finally lost all patience with normies, so I lit them up with YouTube videos. I just don't care anymore.
Much obliged
This is posted every time there's a holocaust denial thread but people never pose the question of why the 'Soviet Fakes' would have been taken in the first place.
If the Jews wanted people to believe the holocaust happened why would they show pictures of Nazis hanging, murdering, looting etc.? Why would the Germans be documenting all the horrible shit they've done?
The vast majority of pictoral evidence of the holocaust is from Allied photographers who documented the inside of the camps for posterity's sake. Most Germans didn't even know what was going on inside them.
jewish holocaust never happened.
it's time to stop treating them like it did happen.
no reparations, no special attention, no excuses.
if anything, they're worse than low and deserve robbery, violence and their rights stripped.
but we're better humans. we're /actually/ humans. they are just horseshit. we don't have to be violent. we can just take them down some pegs and leave them down. they didn't care about killing jesus, they didn't care about destroying europe, and they don't even care about israel which is a filthy fucking ghetto. they don't matter. they never did. they never will.
if a jew tells you to do something, you tell that jew off.
"Shoo jew"
It happened and it was terrible.
I know that puts me in a minority on Sup Forums
>inb4 I've been brainwashed by der joos or something
Enjoy. Most of these are not available in Europe. I like "One Third of the Holocaust," personally.
Well? Evidence? For example, the cremation stuff?
all the camps inspected by the US were holding camps, all the camps inspected by Bolshevik Soviets were (((coincidently))) "death camps"
didnt they get german clay out of world war 2?
>implying all 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated.
Look up the Einsatzgruppen
No homicidal gas chambers. Fake as fuck. Full of liar witnesses.
The only thing keeping the myth alive is the taboo of questioning it.
David Cole BTFO so many people.
what are you getting at?
wow one mass grave. now we just need enough mass graves (there was never found) so they can hold all the missing bodies.
Fuck the holohoax!
Didn't happen but it should've.
No 6 gorillion
No gas chambers
No extermination program
hey genius, the original photos were taken by Germans (no bodies) and the dead bodies were edited by Soviets into the photographs after.
what are you a fucking idiot or trolling?!
I love your traditional / folk music :)
"Historian Raul Hilberg estimates that between 1941 and 1945 the Einsatzgruppen and related auxiliary troops killed more than two million people, including 1.3 million Jews."
Thats only 22% of 6 million.
fake and gay
If you want evidence go and look for it yourself.
I don't understand you people. You hate Jews and admire the Nazis for killing them, then deny the holocaust happened.
Don't hate jews. Don't admire Nazis. Simply curious.
Also, this is the one place I might get bashed for not admiring Nazis
The jews recently admittet to making up the 5 million goy deaths in the holocause for dramatic effect...
If they lied about 5 million deaths then why should i believe they dident lie about the other 6 million since there is no proof?
the eternal cancer / anglo
For clarification, I don't even see much difference between jews and the average european white person, conspiracy theories aside
The Jews suffered. But so did everybody. My grandfather on my mum's side lost his life. He was 25 when he was killed. WW2 fucked up everything.
The Jews seem to have a special snowflake claim.
What about my grandfather? What about all the British, Commonwealth, American deaths?
Is the life of a Jew somehow more important?
What about my grandmother who brought my mum up without a man?
they're not white or European
check yourself, you're new here
holohoax massively exaggerated, mostly fiction. sympathy industry for jews.
So I get that Holocaust deniers believe the 6 million number is fabricated.
What's their opinion on non-Jewish deaths?
yes, (((they))) obviously think they're superior
also pic
Of course they would prefer to distinguish themselves, most people do as a matter of pride. Genetically though?
Well, there are people from the SS who said themselves that the holocaust happened.
They themselves decided to publicly tell holocaust deniers or the "curious" that they were there, they saw what happened because they worked there.
the what?
I don't think we've had a thread on this before
Remember the 11 million total holocaust victims goy? Well, that number was kind of a lie, but we would NEVER lie about the 6 million (((god's chosen))) victims!
is anybody mourning the hundreds of thousands of German civilians killed
when you are ready to talk about the firebombing of Hamburg and Dresden we'll talk about muh gypsies
fake and gay
the worst thing about it is it didn't happen
yes, genetically they are arabs with less then 25% European dna in the Ashkenazi population. the rest are Arabs genetically. wtf could they be?!
its a number that holds "special value"
like 40
>40 days flood
>40 years in the desert
>40 days and nights, temptation of Christ
its because of the Gematria system within theirwords
And yeah... from what I've read, the systematic Ghettos-to-cattlecars-to-deathcamps-to-gaschambers program of extermination, if it did occur, only happened towards the very end of the war and is but a small portion of all the Holocaust killings. Most of the killings were much less organized acts of collective punishment in occupied zones, where SS and police would round up Jews straight out of their homes, march them into the woods and shoot them.
Ah ok... sand people
Even if it happened 100% the way the mainstream narrative says it did, that doesn't justify jailing dissenters, stifling free speech and using the event as a way to shame people into doing what you want.
They didn't happen either. The ones that did die died the same way the kikes did, from illness and starvation. (((They))) just included them in the death count for added sympathy.
Does anyone here have that pasta with all the redpill youtube links for various categories?
How restrictive are the laws in other countries (excluding Germany) about Holocaust denial? Am but a lowly Amerifag
the original story is very convoluted. most of the deaths that did occur was because the ally's blocked aid/food + typhus.
Bonus for "jew" in my id.
>It's actually 20 questions
That triggers me every time I see it.
look up Ingrid Rimland
the majority of the deaths were typhoid related, that's why they were shaved and covered in lime to kill the lice
I am not allowed to think about that. Please delete this post or you will be responsible for me thinking about this!
sorry, I meant typhus, not typhoid
It's not a jewish lie.
it's american/USSR propaganda, used to justify the loss of 50+ million people.
There was almost certainly no planned genocide, if there was the numbers were heavily inflated because there's no way that even german engineering could accomplish that while fighting a losing war on all fronts.
Anyway, it doesn't matter because even if it absolutely happened like we were told in school (lampshades and holocoasters included) it's better to just have people believe it didn't to counteract the holocaust industry.
t. jew by the way
or half but some say there's no such thing, anyway I have nothing to gain from denying the holohoax in fact it probably has some minor benefit in certain interactions
I've had a german guy literally apologise for what he did to "my people", very strange experience but I don't reveal my power level in public so I couldn't start dropping redpills
thanks for the pic
How many of these were German prisoners who got off light after admitting this?
Those were the Soviets, not the Nazis
>pic related
The gun here is either an SKS or SVT-40, both of which were used by the Soviets. It's definitely not the KAR98K or a Gewehr
once again, the holocaust happened, just not in the way people think.
how got to live
Holy shit, look at the picture in the article and its description.
agree :(
You can´t deny or "revision" the sacred history of the chosen ones user. There are plenty of sources, hints and suggestions online. PLENTY still up after all these years, people fighting the good fight.
Also look at the "real" sources. The eagle and the tiger torture chamber. The train running into a spike dildo or whatever the fuck. The ones surviving gas chambers 1-4 times (rofl). The amount gassed vs the amount in Europe / the capacity.
Plenty of good, REALtm information out there;)
Wrong. At least 260 000 in the camps. Plus a bunch of commies inside or just outside the german border, that were riling up the local populace and literally the only way to calm down the rebellions / mini-revolutions was physical removal.
Great game imo.
:) many blessings and protection for your people
Nordic Frontier