Attention Sup Forums is under attack by CTR. They are sending shills to defend Milo and his support of pedophilia. Do not interact with these trolls. Do not let anti Milo threads slide. The Jews at CTR will not win.
Attention Sup Forums is under attack by CTR. They are sending shills to defend Milo and his support of pedophilia...
>concern trolling
>Says the cuck shill who's been non-stop spamming Sup Forums
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
Kinda pathetic really.
I liked Milo but he fucked up with this. You don't fuck up when talking about pedophilia. Bye.
Shoo CTR Sup Forums is not a pro Milo board.
I don't really give a shit if he's a pedo/faggot/kike/bbc lover
As long as he keeps dumping redpills on normies I'll tolerate him.
Call me when he starts talking about how great feminism and refugees are.
Fuck Milo
This is a reminder that SHAREBLUE (Previously CTR) is using NEW TECHNIQUES to combat Sup Forums.
They are literally the Agents from the Matrix.
They are evolving to keep up with us, since they couldn't beat us this last election cycle.
Their tactics are becoming more powerful, however don't be afraid.
Shills 2.0 aren't strong enough to defeat us yet.
Milo is NOT our guy.
Never was.
Never will be.
Trump is the only path to the LIGHT.
Trump is /ourguy/.
ShareBlue here. People such as yourself provide a valuable service to us, thank you.
Not gonna lie, former Milo voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>smear job
>not ctr
fuck off, David
>he's kike
>he's a fag (bottom)
>he's a race mixing cuck
>now he's condoning pedophilia
Why would you think they aren't...
They were literally created to do just that.
Sup Forums, reddit, twitter, facebook, and other busy forums and shit. This is what they fucking do.....
The left defended Lena Dunham, and she wasn't the victim in her case, even is she was very young and clearly somewhat messed up psychologically. Milo was the same AND the victim. They have no moral high ground.
>saged and hidden
>Trump is the only path to the LIGHT.
i hate milo but you need to go back to the_donald
You won't fool me CODISINFOPROIDF. Milo did nothing wrong.
Milo is a degenerate faggot who hopped on a fast track to notoriety by using the alt right term, after it was coined by the fucking press. I never even listened to anything the cocksucker had to say.
Fuck him.
Fuck ctr and fuck this attention whore. They are both pedo apologists
Nice try shill
Can't I just like some of his points and choose to ignore what I don't like? Shit's degenerate, but he's not a pedo, he just talks like everyone knows faggots, and that's not true.
He's pin point about university culture, 3rd wave feminism, and many other topics.
Stop obsessing with group think and letting spam on Sup Forums sway you to anything. Just take things as they are, you don't have be this extreme or that extreme. Pick out what you like and don't like and be your own person and enjoy things modular.
Fuck you autists are annoying.
Saged faggot
Nice Reddit spacing and RANDOM caps shill
What the fuck is the point of them shilling on Sup Forums? This is the neo nazi section of a Bhutanese basket weaving forum. Why would shills waste their time on here when they can go to other places where they might actually influence people?
I never cared about this literal faggot to begin with.
The sooner the hysteria dies down the better.
And no, I'm no shill, but someone who sucks dick is no conservative, far fucking from it.
How this board has gone to defending nigger loving faggots is beyond me. I sure as fuck don't want my kids to think he's cool.
I want a strong country, that's safe and law abiding. I believe in white superiority, but give any man his due if he earns it.
But fuck this faggot.
KEK loves Milo. Praise KEK
I don't care about Milo much. But this is a pretty straightforward character assassination. He's speaking from the POV of the child not the adult. Obviously got some issues. But hardly "justifying" pedophilia. Fake Tapper is a fucking whore.
definitely this.
Literally kys
lotta different opinions from the same side ITT, that's divide and conquer for ya
but hey big surprise a faggot turns out to be a pedophile nobody saw that coming