Are we all in general agreeance that Milo's career is done after this shit? If not, how do you think he'll pull a comeback off?
So...this happened
Other urls found in this thread:
>standing up for free speech
>but not that free speech
What he said was incredibly over the line.
Breitbart Employees Threaten Walk-Out Over Milo
Over which line? The free speech line?
What did he say or do?
I don't get it.
Defended pedophilia because he is a gay faggot that loves little boy dick like every faggot does.
Didn't do the best job of watching his words on the Joe Rogan Experience and Drunken Peasants Podcast and said some things which can easily be interpreted as pro-pedophillia.
Why do you guys like Baked Alaska? He's a chump.
He said sex with young boys should be legal
Can someone update me on what happened and provide some links?
The fake CTR line that they've been spamming here apparently
CPAC finds footage which is year(s) old, drops him. Book deal company finds footage, drops him. Breitbart workers threatening to quit if he's not fired, it's a mess.
i laughed
Kekn underrated
That's it??
More like the line of basic decency?
good im tired of hearing about this milo faggot and his cuck fans
>If not, how do you think he'll pull a comeback off?
The same way we've always brought about the comebacks: by working around the institutions that try to block him. He'll get a different publisher, or self-publish. Another conservative site will pick him up, or he'll start one. Just like how Trump didn't have the support of the conservative establishment, and now he's locking them out for it.
More ammo for when pizzagate becomes general knowledge
Literally everyone who thought that a queer faggot was somehow a representative figure for conservatism should be hanged with that jew faggot
>faggot jew who was subverting our culture with alt lite faggotry
>gets btfo by his own pedophilia
Sup Forums can only win here, Milo was trying to subvert this movement into accepting gays and fags and niggers
wait BAKED ALASKA was his manager??? WTF
didnt BA get purged from the deploraball for talking about the JQ?
weird stuff
also isn't it kind of fucking ironic that Milo's entire thing was free speech, and the second he says something that you don't like it's suddenly OK to fuck him over
pretty fucking dumb at this point
no he didnt
the pedo line you sick fuck. kill yourself. Pizzagaters are coming for you.
nice try ShareCrew
Love to see the alt-right imploding like this. Next, we impeach Trump
More like you've been spamming this faggot shit non-stop here. Everything about it reeks of shilling. Notice how no one on Sup Forums ever cared about Richard Spencer, but he gets btfo and all of a sudden there's 10000 threads about it. Now it's the same with this shit, no one here cares about Milo but now suddenly there's 1000 threads about it??? Give me a fucking break, we can smell CTR shills a mile away
>literally a pedo jew
I hope he gets burned alive.
Then you better hang Bannon (and Trump by extension) as he, ya know, hired him to be the FACE of his media empire.
we arent going and rioting because he said this and we are not telling him he cant say it
its just over the line and the people who defended him before are now not going to defend him anymore.
>be milo
>go on Sup Forums looking for shit to parrot for attention
>get sucked into the child consent meme
>actually believe it
>ruin career
top kek fuckin newfag
all homo's are pedo's
all of them
the essence of homosexuality is depravity and corruption, and nothing is more tantalizing than corrupting the innocent
I don't care at all about any of this horseshit
Milo is annoying and a fucking distraction
lmao he was just peaking and its all over
He didn't say this- this whole situation is beautiful, will redpill a bunch of millenials, cause people to further align with right or left, increase the tension. If 20,000 wanted to buy his book, now that they made that impossible, the demand will increase. This is a good conversation everyone's having. Let the emotions die down, it's going to get a lot more interesting. This sets the stage for a lot of potent subjects
This isn't a free speech argument you retards. Milo can feel free to talk about fucking little kids. Nobody's stopping him. Other people who are against that shit just don't want to be associated with it and rightfully so. If you're turning this into a free speech thing, you are a retard.
he will in hell. i always warned about this "man".
cucked alaska can suck spencer's white cawk.
Not gonna lie, former Milo voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
It looks like the pendulum is swinging back. The reign of right-wing politics is coming to end--far more quickly than I had hoped.
Milo's career is over and Breitbart is basically tainted at this point. The MSM will pick up this story and push viewers back to the left. The courts will ultimately rule that Trump doesn't have any right to ban immigration from certain countries.
Impeachment hearings will probably take place by year-end.
Trump is also a billionaire who hired amazing staffers and had tons of support
Milo has none of that. No money, no friends, and he can't even use twitter. He's basically made a career of being edgy and burning bridges, and he just burnt his last one
The Jews really aren't concerned about the JQ, it's a nice scapegoat for pedo organisations that want to keep a low profile.
Betcha Baked Alaska knows more about pizzagate.
the guys doesnt have to defend pedos, just milos right to say what he wants (which is a right)
this is true.
>Breitbart Employees Threaten Walk-Out Over Milo
let them. we don't need them. like we didn't need ben shapiro. walk out, DGF.
Seems all too coordinated to me....
>Being surprised that milo is a pedo
He was a faggot that used his homosexuality and love of BBC to deflect from the fact that his argumentative skills is basically "if i act smug enough then i win".
He, like that Spencer faggot, declared himself the 'leader' of the 'alt-right' (buzzword that means "anyone who is not a shill"), and got blown the fuck out by the fact that he is a degenerate
Not going to lie former Milo supporter here got to admit it's hilarious watching this guy crash and burn but we can't let him get access to the black cocks.
Had the left done anything recently that hasn't backfired spectacularly?
BTFO tbqh famalam
no shit
This isn't right at all. He never advocated pedophilia and everyone is just taking the claim that he did at face value. I understand that he's a bastard, and in a way it's karmic justice that somebody who relished in being shocking and edgy is now being brought down by edgy statements taken out of context, but is that all it takes for all these so-called journalists to abandon any sense of decency?
"He's a meanie so it's ok for us to lie!"
the Faggot responded
>breitfart employees
>ben shapiro
conservacucks too are the enemy.
No he didn't.
and anyone who voted for trump by extension right? and anyone who ever shook a trump supporter's hand right? lewl
Try this:
Ask a homo you know when and how he had his first experience.
9 times out of 10 you will get a variant of "molested at a young age"
I'm not a robot.
degenerate turns out to have abhorrent views.
anyone surprised by this should kill themselves
Everybody draws the line somewhere. The right and left don't even draw it that far apart considering.
>He, like that Spencer faggot, declared himself the 'leader' of the 'alt-right' (buzzword that means "anyone who is not a shill")
No, the MSM set up the alt right to be an umbrella term for their critics. They may have borrowed it from Spencer but it's not how it was used.
Then useful idiots like Milo declare themselves alt-right.
Now the media closes the trap they set up and demolishes the "leaders of the alt right" - a bullshit nonsense group they made up themselves.
End result? All critics tarnished as alt right, then dismissed. Now they can say any dissent is from the alt right, a movement of nazis and pedos. Mission accomplished.
>He never advocated pedophilia and everyone is just taking the claim that he did at face value.
You mean the obvious shills?
Never cared for this fag but who was the other fag named Pizza ben or something he used to pal around twitter with? interesting we never heard anything more about the pizza ben guy once pizzagate started
can anybody post the comments he actually made? can't seem to find out why everyone is freaking out!
Personally, I like big daddy dick.
t.faggot cocksucker
this will probably be the only notable "victory" for them. Milo is a smug and retarded faggot who was going to get himself into trouble eventually, and the fact that one simple video of him messing up has destroyed him is a testament to this.
Also, there is no coming back from being outed as a pedo, unless you have hollywood backing
Could this be a case of people reading only headlines? I think it could be.
I'm with milo. #12andconsenting
>how do you think he'll pull a comeback off?
He'll pretend to have "seen the light" and start spouting stereotypically "liberal" positions.
Thats the shittiest part of all of this. He was just being his typical edgy faggot self for the most part and now his life is fucking gone. He didnt even fuck a kid either, if your life is gonna get torpedoed because of pedo allegations at least get the underage out of it.
Never liked him but I do feel for how bad the smear is. Whats worse is those kikes in the media found a label that still works so expect pedo allegations on Trump within the month.
Free speech doesn't mean we have to agree with it.
He's done. He will not recover from this.
look up a neocon front group called "the reagan battalion" on twitter, they seemed to have been the designated starting point
>Baked Alaska
>Milo's former manager
Fake and gay
Jesus Christ, Sup Forums really is fucking retarded
What did he say that was over the line? I watched the video in question and I don't agree with most of what he said (especially the part where he tries to rationalize his own rape when he was 13), but he wasn't saying pedophilia is ok.
No, I mean the public in general. Go on twitter, fb, check any news site. It's almost a little disturbing.
Fill me in. What the fuck did milo do now?
I kek'd irl. Now take this (You) and get the fuck out of my sight.
>that #8
Yep he's gonna flipflop.
Okay, I'll ask me. I was 23. He was 22 or 23 I don't know exactly.
You know we have an >>>/lbgt/ board and you could just go do exactly that right now if you didn't already know you're wrong.
thanks nigga
Having sex with children is a crime. Arguing that having sex with children is OK is not a crime. What's the problem. Are we not willing to listen to all ideas? Is this idea too tempting? If it can be defeated, let it be discussed and defeated. If the best you can do is silence it, you simply suggest the idea is to strong to defeat any other way.
As a woman, I can't stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever moment he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we as a movement are.
there are so many layers of misinformation that it's hard for normies to get it.
Reminder that 2 weeks ago no one knew who he was, so the first context of being introduced was as a Nazi, not as a gay rabble-rouser. No suddenly this nazi loves kid fucking too. Just lies on lies on lies.
thanks nigger
Cringing @ you Mr Brock
If you actually listen to what he said it's clear he's not advocating for pedofiles. He's making a joke about the abuse he suffered.
IMO this will drive gays away from the main stream left as they have now been made an easy target for the right. They are a sacrificial pawn.
can someone give me a rundown on milo ?
>be 31
>make hundreds of thousand to millions throughout career
>career is over
Do you think this fag saved any money? Enough to retire? I think he had loads of consumer debt, and is going to have to saddle up with some rich fag now to survive.
He is alleged to have secks with underaged boys.
Which is probably true.
and to think, if he was a supreme court judge everything would be fine
>excusing homosexuality and pedophilia
>le self-hating fagets
>le self-hating jews
I may not agree with Sup Forumss opinions, but you have the most entertaining cognitive dissonance
@PizzaPartyBen ?
and in a week everyone will have forgotten about this incident because they are already raging about something new
why the fuck does this have to be explained...
you can kill, rob, steal, whatever the fuck you want, but not to kids.