This Just Proves How Many Faggots Are on Sup Forums

>he's kike
>he's a fag (bottom)
>he's a race mixing cuck
>now he's condoning pedophilia

shouldn't someone you look up to at least be an alpha? you want actually want a gay bottom, who gets gangbanged by niggers to be /yourguy/?

fuck milo and fuck anyone who defends this black cock sucking faggot

Other urls found in this thread:

I liked MILO. If he chose to be gay, that's between him and the Lord. If he fucks black dudes, maybe he is also redpilling them. Idk, I don't really care what someone else does in the bedroom. HOWEVER, he has been exposed as a disgusting pedophile. I feel bad FOR him, but I extend no sympathy. This kind of depravity is indefensible

I liked MILO. If he chose to be gay, that's between him and the Lord. If he fucks black dudes, maybe he is also redpilling them. Idk, I don't really care what someone else does in the bedroom. HOWEVER, he has been exposed as a disgusting pedophile. I feel bad FOR him, but I extend no sympathy. This kind of depravity is indefensible

>>he's a fag (bottom)
>>he's a race mixing cuck
Pick one really

Now that his book is cancelled, I'll have even MORE spending money after discovering insurance panda. Dependable car insurance for only $25 a month!

Not gonna lie, former Milo voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>HOWEVER, he has been exposed as a disgusting pedophile.
This is incorrect.

I liked MILO. If he chose to be gay, that's between him and the Lord. If he fucks black dudes, maybe he is also redpilling them. Idk, I don't really care what someone else does in the bedroom. HOWEVER, he has been exposed as a disgusting pedophile. I feel bad FOR him, but I extend no sympathy. This kind of depravity is indefensible

CTR is shilling hardcore after the MUH WHITE NATIONALIST didn't stick.

What is incorrect. I guess I should not have used all caps?

Doesn't matter fags are white too.

New video. He seems pretty distressed.

>um well actually it's hebephile not pedophile
Shut up faggot

>>he's a fag (bottom)
>>he's a race mixing cuck

American education.

I'm interested in seeing how this effects the normalization of pedophilia efforts that the left has been making lately.

It seems everyone is now on board with rejecting all hints of pedophilia.

He has never committed any act of pedophilia. Civilized European countries have age of consent laws at 13.

Which comment of his are you referring to?

I hope you purity cucks are happy with yours new (((cuckservative))) overlords. David Frum and Ben Shapiro are cackling and counting their shekels at this very moment. Rick Wilson is planning to adopt 10 more nigger babies.

Milo's book was the best thing to happen in the fight against (((them))). Persuasion is a process. It's easier to persuade civic nationalists that ethno-nationalism in the right path than it is to 100% redpill people who have been choking on the multikulti cock for 50 years.

Milo is a crucial purple piller and (((they))) are rejoicing at his book deal being reneged.

Good goys.

Check the catalog, there is already a fuck load of Milo threads

I never liked this kike, remeber guys, never trust a Jew.

He' was or is a drug addict too. He's so ridiculously degenerate it's funny.

Classic case of being a retard:

> I agree with that person on many points
> but he is wrong because his sexual preferences, ethnicity and visual appearance

>coordinated media attacks on Milo
>just like Trump
>just like Pewdiepie
>just like gamergate

This is a media campaign pure and simple. Open your fucking eyes.

if he was legal in the place it occured, I concede. I still disagree with his promotion of younger males with older men as normal, but if he was within the law I can move on. It literally makes me shit twerk to think that there are people out there justifying and defending sexual abuse on minors. Unfortunately I may have inadvertently created a pasta for CTR

>If you criticize someone for going against your belief system you're a cuckservative.
Honestly don't know why people take Americans seriously on this board desu.

>muh purity argument

Milo is not the answer, but he's a step in the right direction.

didn't Dawkins also say something similar to Milo?

they are both for the current age of consent laws, seemed to me like they were just giving their insight on the matter

This is a well coordinated hit job. Those comments that he made were on the web for 1-1.5 years. He was 13 when engaging in a sexual act with an adult. He is only being attacked now because of his recently elevated profile.

>operation destroy milo begins monday
>02/20/17 (Mon)
sick insider knowledge there retard

You are such a (((faggot)))

Where exactly in my post do I make clear my stance on the matter? I'm just finding it hilarious that you are surprised that not everyone will reciprocate your world-view. The world is a rough place sweetie.

>Civilized European countries have age of consent laws at 13.

Fucking burger education, seriously. Notice how all the non-degenerate countries have 16+

Where exactly did he condone pedophilia? Watched the thing 2x and still see nothing but jokes and a statement that younger gays can find acceptance from older ones (nasty but not pedo)

Conservafags have taken over pol and the party

>what is a vpn?

So liking an 18yr old girl is the exact same as Podesta'ing someone?

Yes, obviously they are actively trying to discredit him by digging up old stuff. But he still said those things. It's like with Hillary and the emails. It is wrong to target someone, but in my eye, pedophilia is far worse than defamation

The whole thing is bringing out the doublethink in my circle of friends.
There's a girl who was in pretty much the exact relationship he was describing (14 to 17).
I don't know how they happened, they kept it secret and I had no idea how young she was when she hung out with us.
But no one wants to mention that.
Milo fucked up. Even if there is a 0.1% case where the victim honestly doesn't give a fuck, best not to even bother. Pick your battles

Epstein trial. Kiss of putin youtube video. Grab em. Ivanka

I'll second that white brother

How old were the pissbed hookers?

Thanks for helping correct the record

nobody is defending milo but he has been useful in exposing antifa and turning public opinion against them

Countries with the first and third highest GDP in the eurozone are 14. I was mistaken be one year. Nevertheless, he never advocated for having sex with 13 year olds.

This, fuck all you reddit tier nigger hype beasts
>but muh he was good with normies
>muh he was a useful idiot
>muh I didn't like him but he was a loss

>If you criticize someone for going against your belief system you're a cuckservative.

Your belief system is irrelevant if you are silenced
Normalizing anti-Juden sentiment takes time
Milo is a step in the door

...VPNs change the date of posts made on this board? Since when...?

fucking idiot, like him or not he has helped us

trying to damage milo is shooting yourself in the foot

Underrated thread.

The first two points should have turned people away from the very start.

How long will Sup Forums keep being fooled by these Charletons

>white brother

No one fucking talks like that.

>Operation Destroy Milo Begins Monday
>posted on monday
does your vpn time travel you?

no one cares about your fake "insider" larping credentials

thats all an ad hominem


Yeah! Fuck everyone that is not total 14/88 gass the kikes race war now.

How fucking stupid are you?

We can't make the jump from todays leftwing shitshow to full blown national socialism in a day.

We have to move the political compass bit by bit. And degenertes like Milo are the only way we can gain any sort of traction.

thanks for enlightening me now please return to le donald desu

it's over brother, plebbit took over the board

I liked MILO. If he chose to be gay, that's between him and the Lord. If he fucks black dudes, maybe he is also redpilling them. Idk, I don't really care what someone else does in the bedroom. HOWEVER, he has been exposed as a disgusting pedophile. I feel bad FOR him, but I extend no sympathy. This kind of depravity is indefensible

ya, thats ctr for sure
no one here is damaging him, he damaged himself by being a massive degenerate. fags are drama queens and milo trolls in order to gain attention and money.

>>he's a fag (bottom)
>>he's a race mixing cuck

Hi shariablue

I liked MILO. If he chose to be gay, that's between him and the Lord. If he fucks black dudes, maybe he is also redpilling them. Idk, I don't really care what someone else does in the bedroom. HOWEVER, he has been exposed as a disgusting pedophile. I feel bad FOR him, but I extend no sympathy. This kind of depravity is indefensible

MILO gets gangbanged by niggers, keeping nigger sperm out of the gene pool ( not to mention his own gay ass genes ).

Talk about taking one for the team.

What have YOU done for the white race lately eh?


It just proves how many non-whites there are amongst us.

Why else would you denounce white nationalism and embrace cultural libertarianism e.g. civic cuckoldry.

>>now he's condoning pedophilia

I love how you morons say this even though the video was from January 2016.

OP with the only Milo thread that matters

>shouldn't someone you look up to at least be an alpha
Most definitely not.
A higher beta would be preferable, you cannot make an example out of an alpha, his implied characteristics do not make for a good society when widespread.


> maxresdefault

I dislike Milo because he's a faggot nigger lover
I like Milo because he's been causing chaos to the libtards

Get the fuck outta here with that annoying shit.

I thought we were done with this kike faggot month's ago, then suddenly all these alt-lite insects crawled out of the woodwork. Do us a favor and gas yourselves you degenerate scum.

In Germany and Austria the age of consent is 14 but only for under 18 year olds


He said 28 year olds could fuck 13 year olds. Kill yourself faggot.

>In Germany and Austria the age of consent is 14 but only for under 18 year olds
the "hebephile" reddit crowd tries to talk about this like 13 year olds are sexually mature, just like Milo is. Thirteen year olds having sex with other 13 year olds can be normal, 28 year olds fucking them is disgusting.

As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.

>he's a fag (bottom)
Only a degenerate gay man would write that. Fuck off ShartBlue, noone of any influence here was depending on Milo for anything

Milo is getting what he deserves for being on The Drunken Peasants.

I remember him turning down a King of Sup Forums interview for not being professional enough, and then he decides to work with TJ. Look how that's worked out

Hey buddy just want to let you know the day we kill fags will be the same day we go through the employment records of every advertising agency and shill agency and brutally torture and kill you and everyone you've ever worked with.

>He said 28 year olds could fuck 13 year olds.
He only used his example. He nowhere implied that it was generally acceptable.