>Africa steps up and realizes they are literally a cesspool
>an african equivalent of Julius Caesar, comes in
>Starts conquering and unifying all of the poor african tribes.
>creates one strong nation that can rival the rest of the "rich" african countries
>third congo war begins and this Nigger King comes through and ends up winning
>Africa is now ruled under one King who manages to bring prosperity to Africa
>Trump supports him and wants to help make Africa great again
Whats the possibility of this happening and how hyped would you be?
Unified Africa
Other urls found in this thread:
how so?
>Whats the possibility of this happening
ghaddafi tried, sort of, and well, got killed by the globalists.
Even if hypothetically someone like that does appear (((they))) wouldn't accept it.
theres alot of niggers in Africa, you dont think atleast one of them will be smart and ambitious enough to realize to get their shit together
takes more than one person. everyone has to contribute to some degree.
wasnt he a terrorist or atleast supported terrorist movements?
They are not able to form stable societies with billions of dollars from first world countries...
and I doubt that the US would allow a big unified and strong Africa
Easily. Take Eddy for example.
The question is can you organize the other million?
I would watch this movie !!
what is this from?
Nope, that's propaganda. The guy wanted to unify the currently war-torn countries of the middle east and he wanted a gold based currency that would have rivaled the dollar. He got fucked, never stood a chance and neither will any other leader to come that'll rise from Africa.
What country would it come from? Over a million may die this year from man-made famine and drought in South Sudan, that could be the beginning.
It would come from a peaceful but authoritarian state, and there are few of those in Africa.
>Niggers not nigging
You're funny
>>Trump supports him and wants to help make Africa great again
How? By killing everyone?
Empire of Dust.
It's a good watch.
Make their own currency, Africa is a whole continent and can sustain itself, also Africa has the most gold mines in the world and ivory.
documentary about a Chinese builder who is trying to work with some niggers in Africa that refuse to work. Something like that, here.
niggers cant into any structures
even termites can form a functioning colony.
Never happen. The UN would side with the "legitimate" government (because we have preexisting mining agreements with them) and he'd end up in house arrest like pic related.
>make Africa great again
I think what they need to do if niggers ever really do want to better Africa is send all the USA niggers there. I mean encourage them to WANT to go there on there own with the normal media propaganda. People often like pointing out and some times laughing that niggers are at the bottom of the bell curve but then again USA niggers are at the top of all other niggers so I'd don't see why they it couldn't be done. But the truth is that they most of them could care less about Africa. And why should they when blaming white people is so profitable and leads to large cash payouts and free shit?
Are you considered north africans in this equation too?
Because if the answer is yes, then it's impossible. The SS Africa is actualy possible to be conquered, just unlikely.
A powerfull warlord with access to oil and gold mines could managed to conquer the black Africa
Zero chances.
Gaddafi tried to do this and look what happened to him.
The rat king Soros and the globalist gang wont allow it never.
they wuz kings and shit man, my nigga Zulu had the british on the run and shit nigga like shieet
>Africa steps up and realizes they are literally a cesspool
>An african equivalent of Julius Caesar
>Not Hannibal because I don't know history and am a retard
>Decides to conquer all the tribes
>Secures some weapons and men
>Attacks a warlord to gain some power
>Either dies or beats the warlord
>Joins fight against other warlords
>They're all trying to be the biggest dindu in the land
>Literally all corrupt
>In some wild fantasy land, he succeeds and """unites""" all the niggers
>Somehow secures enough money to have an infrastructure to support this
>Also somehow manages to pacify nigger violence which runs rampant in poor communities
>All while keeping his military and government staffed and paid while avoiding the corruption that will literally always rear its head because it's fucking africa
>Have a reasonably okay nation all things considered
>Look to the next most prosperous african nation
>Try to invade it
>Realise you're a banana republic
>Government collapses as soon as one thing goes wrong because africans are opportunistic thugs
>It goes to shit
>Nobody even noticed
Africa is beyond saving.
nothing is impossible lad, Everyone thought trump would lose because of Media and he ended up winning the election. Have faith, Boss Nigger King will come through for us, i believe it
I dont have such fate, i believe that there are more chances that Trump gets Earth into the Galactic Federation than Africa going into a prosperity era with a black king.
Alright kunta fucking kinte calm down
>not hannibal because i dont know history and am a retard
fuck you nigga, i got the idea from playing New Vegas, i know im retarded
But true, nothing is impossible.
ever heard of a little country called china?
JURIUS CASEAR has risen and his new name is chang
No, because most of Africans that are smart enough to realize how shit are their countries end up travelling to 1st World Countries, going to college and having loads of money.
literally so much has to happen first before we can have a unified Africa. There is already an African union much like the European union in concept but total shit in terms of execution.
I don't disagree that Africa would need a Caesar; someone strong and powerful enough to rule effectively. But the likelihood of that happening is close to nil unless all non-african nations were to leave the continent economically. Then they'd lose population, they'd meet famine, they would have to work for themselves to find a solution.
Pic related; a trash heap outside a primary school in Kenya.
>literally what gaddafi tried to do
(((they))) would never allow it
damn shame about these opinions lads, but i guess i can understand
wars that involve conquering are damn near impossible due to modern technology, we'll never have a crusade or conquest war again
damn fucking shame
is (((they))) the jews?
I don't think Africa should ever be allowed to be rich and powerful. I think so much power in black hands would be a bad idea.
thats actually racist buddy, blacks and whites are essentially the same in morales, there are black and white serial rapists and killers
theres also great ambitious black men Michael Jordan, Martin Luther King Jr and Tupac, and great white men like Donald Trump.
Theres no reason to be afraid of a black power,
>an african equivalent of Julius Caesar
So like half the rulers in Africa. Julius Caesar wasn't the founder of Rome, he wasn't even the founder of the empire, that was Augustus. Julius Caesar was just a general who made himself dictator for life. Essentially any general who carries out a coup and names himself president for life is closer to Caesar than Trump or Caesar. Better analogies for what you want.
Turned Germany from a hodgepodge of minor pricipalities and kingdoms into an actual nation.
>Giuseppe Garibaldi
Similar to Bismark turned Italy into one country
>Alexander the Great
While Phillip II is probably more accurate Alexander did still reunite Greece after his father's death and turned Greece into a world changing power.
Of course this idea is retarded because Africa isn't Germany, nor is it even Europe. Africa is many times larger and more diverse than Europe both ethnically, culturally, and religiously. Uniting Africa is a lot like uniting Asia, many of the people outright hate each other and are probably outright ignorant of people on the other side of the continent. You aren't talking about uniting Orthodox Russians and Catholic Frenchmen, you are talking about uniting Ethiopian Jews, Egyptian Sunni Muslims, Bushmen Christians, and traditional tribal religions. You have practices ranging from those giant lip rings, neck lengthening rings, and female genital mutilation as well as circumcision and a lack thereof.
No, because African nationalism isn't really a thing.
Half of European men share King Tut's DNA
> Julius Caesar wasn't the founder of Rome, he wasn't even the founder of the empire, that was Augustus
desu ROMULUS and REMUS founded the Empire of Roma!
why r u doing ths?
Dude I used to think about doing this in Chicago. Like uniting the gangs and overthrowing the police and then getting shot to shit by the us govt like three months later. Would be glorious.
He eats the poopoo
will never happen as long as Africa keeps getting exploited by the US, Europe, and China
The only person could ever conquer and centralize all of Africa would be the Emperor from Warhammer 40K.
The size, hostility of the environment, and hostility of the fauna make it pretty much impossible.
0 chance. Would be good for Africa and the world as a whole.
European or Mediterranean (the Nordics and the Mediterraneans only started to get culturally closer to eachother later with the HRE, French and Prussian empire) nationalism wasn't a thing before the Roman empire either so don't see how that matters
Chances are low for a happening of that size. But Africa Will have a spiritual leader on the next decade. It Will come from christian africa and Will be a pope.
Mark my words.
>then the Nigger king decides to kill all black Africans and lastly himself.
you forgot the last one.
>Starts conquering and unifying all of the poor african tribes.
Caeser did none of that.
the one in New Vegas did
Africa is the world's catch-22.
It's an interesting concept that would make an awesome movie.
That's about it
If it happens he wouldn't be African. Native blacks are beyond hope, they are basically an elevated form of primordial abbo that is only still in existence because real people feel sorry for them.
I do expect China to try to domesticate Africa though. Maybe their total lack of empathy and care for the human condition will force them into some sort of civility.
>theres alot of niggers in Africa, you dont think atleast one of them will be smart and ambitious enough to realize to get their shit together
thats not the problem. the problem is that this person would have to somehow unite a literal billion of the most backwards savages on the planet.
africans dont fail at civilisation because of a lack of leadership. they fail at civilisation because the people as a whole are not able to follow a leader.
Wishful thinking. It would be nice though
This already happened. Felix Houphouet Boigny did this to Cote D'Ivoire, turning it into one of the fastest growing countries in the world. Then he died in the 90s and not even a decade later Cote D'Ivoire went back to shit from 3 straight Civil Wars.
>implying any current world power would allow africa to unify
The Holy Roman Empire didn't unite Europe, during the middle ages people lived largely around their own homes, you spoke your traditional language regardless of what the king spoke. It is why it took centuries for modern English to develop from Old English and French after the Norman invasion and English remained largely static even when England or parts of it were ruled by Danish kings.
Also, Africa is much much more diverse than Europe. Europe is a tiny continent crossed with rivers with relatively few obstacles. For example imagine traveling from Greece to Britain before the invention of the airplane. You just have to travel around Spain and France, the total length of the journey would be about 2,000 miles. Now imagine traveling from Madagascar to Morocco, you have to travel up through the Suez Canal, across the Mediterranean, and finally reach Morocco with a total journey of 4,000 miles.
Furthermore boat travel in the European case is optional for most of the trip, you could just sail to Southern France, cross to the Atlantic by land and take another boat to England shortening the trip by about 25%. For the Madagascar trip a land route would require going across the Sahara desert, which is both massive and a desert. Uniting Africa really is like uniting Asia, Bushmen and Egyptians have about as much in common as Israelis and Chinese and travel distances are also massive.
as evidenced by their constant need to push boundaries and be niggers to police
>I don't disagree that Africa would need a Caesar; someone strong and powerful enough to rule effectively.
Problem is they need the historical equivalent of Julius Caesar. The whole continent is thousands of years behind, and no amount of handholding can progress them through the ages. They need to pass through ancient history first through their own ability
Would vote for Flt Lt Sibanda
Colonel Qaddafi was already doing this. He was called the "king of kings" for a reason. He was seen as the de facto leader of Africa. He sponsored the African union and helped nations that couldn't afford to be in it. He build the largest man made river in northern Africa and he launched a satellite into space so African nations could use it (instead of having to owe the Europeans any money by using their satellites). He wanted an Africa currency, he wanted to create the United States of Africa, and he wanted to make Northern Africa more African than Arab.
This of course pissed off westerners and Arabs who viewed a United Africa as a threat. That's why they took him out. They didn't want an African currency backed by gold and they didn't like that he focused on African nationalism.
Qaddafi's mistake was ever trusting a lot of Uncle Tom African leaders who talked the talk but didn't walk the walk. He should have also never trusted that Jew fag Sarkozy and he should have kept his weapons. The Europeans betrayed him and it was a mistake to ever trust them.
Progress isn't linear. African nations are recovering from war. A lot of people don't know but Africa more or less had World War III in the 1990s.
I agree with the idea that Africa, or even just Sub-Saharan Africa, is too big and diverse to have 1 common identity
but what I believe is the rest of the world should let Africa grow normally without foreign power blocking it's growth, by that I mean "let them fight", some countries in Africa have more than 100 ethnicities, the fake countries Europe created is not allowing Africa to evolve naturally by creating its' own kingdoms and empires
>America not interfering in a negative way
Think you missed Global Police school lesson #1
can't believe you did this.
yes, but not just that
notice that large states and organisations always have a coherent underlying ideology, and that a significant part of the ruling class is devoted to this ideology. this is what makes empires possible.
>imperial japan pretty much worshipped a god emperor
>china believed the emperor had a mandate of heaven to rule and govern
>nazi party was full of fanatic nationalists who believed in the good of their people above all else
>america was (and is) worshipping its constitution like a holy book
>soviet union was built around communist utopianism
but africans are incapable of this. they seemingly dont subscribe to ideologies at all, instead their states run on pure opportunism. there is no higher ideal that their leadership subscribes to, only egotism and nepotism.
and its not just that they fail to come up with a state ideology of their own, they also dont bother adapting other peoples ideologies. african "communist" states largely ignore the core concepts of communism that were practiced by USSR for example, in fact they are little more but military juntas. nationalism - hell, africans largely dont even form nations. their group cohesion ends at the tribal level, at most.
Sadly, this will never happen. Look what happened to Gaddafi. No African nation will ever be great.
Damn, social media fucked my guy up and made him look like a monster.
>Africa steps up
You mean sub-Saharan Africa
They do the same in the french suburbs actually
The media did too. After Bush left the presidency, phrases like "The war on terror" had too much negativity. Obama more or less used the same tactic but changed the vocabulary. He used "humanitarian intervention" and "pro democracy protesters". He used positivity for more or less the same reason: drop bombs in the middle east.
There's a massive pro-Gaddafi rally during the "revolution". Look at libya's population and compare it to how many people were in this video.
Interesting take. If it was going to come from out of somewhere, maybe Nigeria, since it's one of the N-11 countries. We'll see how well the Chinese treats them.
>he wanted to make Northern Africa more African than Arab.
So wrong
He was a baathist just like Nasser
Besides he was against the Berber Culture even in his own country
" The Berber town of Zawarah was a particular target of the Gaddafi regime's brutality."
lurk moar
>trying to make sense out of Gaddafi
>implemented Sharia law saying it was above anything only to abolish it like a year later saying it went against his economic policies policies
>said he wanted the revival of Islamism only to attack the muslim brotherhood
>was for Arab nationalism and African pan-nationalism at the same time
the lad was mad
The Qatar sponsored Al Jazeera was shilling against him from the beginning, there is no reason to believe anything coming from them on this matter.
If you read the green book of the Jamahiriya you will find some things similar to Baathist philosophy but a lot of different nuances. They both have roots in socialism and anti-imperialism, but the Jamahiriya is pretty explicit when it comes to for example womens rights and everybodys' duty to take part in the politics of the country. Also Gaddaffis' policy of trying to unify Africa set him apart.
Everything that was said about him during the destruction of Libya is totally out of character for him and what he stood for.
Let it happen.
I agree and I disagree.
Qaddafi was a Nasserist, but that was early in his life. He later became demoralized with the Arabs and more or less abandoned Arab nationalism. No Arab wanted to hear that. He focused on African nationalism in the later parts of his life.
I also wouldn't trust that article for the following reasons:
1. The date of the article is around the time of the Libyan revolution
2. Al jazeera is sponsored by Qatar
3. Qatar sponsored the Libyan revolution against Qaddafi
the flag of qatar was raised when Gaddafi fell in the capital city of tripoli. i will attach the photo.
also al jazeera was caught lying about the libyan revolution
Also Qatar is shilling Islamism hard all over the Middle East, backing organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood.
They played the Europeans like fools. The Europeans attacked Libya, Qatar more or less capitalized on their work and the Europeans got nothing but immigrants trying to escape a war zone.
Didn't Africa already have someone who tried a some time ago? Shakazulu or someone.
I imagine the romans thought similar things about the northern europeans in the past, then came Charlemagne
After ww3 drastically reduces the population...
>>was for Arab nationalism and African pan-nationalism at the same time
He switched to Africanism when he realized that the Arab states are a bunch of corrupt niggers that suck America and the Jew's cocks.
I think the Brits fucked him up.
the podcaster?
Shaka Zulu was a warlord, who was assassinated by his own men before he could fight the british, his men and the man leading them managed to surprise the british and kick them off their land. Then the British came back and conquered the zulus
i'd be very hyped desu. they'd finally be able to negotiate with china, once they're organised
>great again
Do you realize that niggers have a genetic IQ in the Chimpanzee range?