Wow what a shock. The black cock loving kike fag was a degenerate and Sup Forums supported him...

Wow what a shock. The black cock loving kike fag was a degenerate and Sup Forums supported him. Fuck you all you are all hypocrites. Just close this fucking board already.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's so fucking disgusting.


>no proofs
Fuck off.


>and Sup Forums supported him

mods do your fucking job please

Can we get a MOD to do something about all the Milo threads? Or should Hiro just delete the Catalog function?

>Sup Forums supported him

>Just close this fucking board already.
Bu..but muh lulz

Not until Salon closes down first!

I've only seen like 3 people on this entire board defend this faggot.

And I'm like 99% that they're reddit refugees that overstayed their election visas.

kek supported him
In Kek We Trust


>no one on pol cares about milo
>suddenly 1000 threads about milo
Get fucked ShareCrew. You have no power here

Who the fuck cares if he's a degenerate?
Why won't people understand that Milo is a rightwing useful idiot.

He'll be gone on the day of the rope, but meanwhile we need people like him to spread redpills

Fuck off fag no one cared about him in Sup Forums that was reddit.

what exactly did he say/write that was pro pedo?,

He said he likes to visit east asia to get his fix. He said he wanted to fuck some 13 year old. Also that he enjoyed when he was molested by some priest. and black men and black tea in his asshole.

>wtf we never supported Milo!
>wtf we never called ourselves Alt Right!
>wtf we never hated Jews!

Wew. /ourguys/ until they aren't /ourguys/ huh?

MILO gets the bullet too

He liked to visit Thailand to get with little kids and wishes it was legal in the west. Talked about how his experience as a child was a positive one.

fags and kikes try to force memes here nonstop

lies, how come people don't see this is a smear campaign and they actually manage to do it. even pol fall for it it seems like

>Sup Forums supported him

Only the trap loving faggots who came over from Sup Forums supports him.




The only ones that supported Milo is r_thedonald from Reddit.

We never did.

Also, we aren't "Alt-Right", we are just Sup Forums.

Hillary gave us that name to make the Lefties/normies believe it to be so.

THE "Alt-LIGHT" will fall.

It has been prophesied.

The interesting thing about this Milo stuff is that some #NeverTrump people did the hit, not the left, but other Republicans did it. Could it be that the alt-right and people like Bannon have outlived their usefulness to the Republicans (McConnell, Ryan) and they're now trying to oust them?

Guys, the left has LITERAL pedophiles and child molesters on their side. This faggot said some fucked up shit, he says a lot of fucked up shit all the time, this can easily be proven wrong with FACTS.

If you think that disavowing Milo will help your Pizzagate cause, you are terribly wrong, it will only make it worse. By turning our back on Milo we are granting them ground, this is a victory for them.

Remember this faggot took a lot of bullets for us, he needs our help now. Even if you hate his cult of personality, nobody is forcing to buy his merchandising.

Can you imagine the meeting they had at CTR HQ to come up with this strat thinking they will finally kill us.

Guess noone gave them the memo
>Sup Forums hates faggot-kikes

Top fucking Kek.


Also, we are too strong now.

We have literally evolved beyond the reach of the shills.

We are the ultimate final boss.

The more the shills attack us, the stronger we become.


>words dont have meanings

>Guys, the left has LITERAL pedophiles and child molesters on their side. This faggot said some fucked up shit, he says a lot of fucked up shit all the time
>WE are bad but THEY are worse
rock bottom, guys, absolute zero.

>who like Hitler
Ya dun goof'd

this place is not for you

fuck off, idiot.
People come home from shitty service industry jobs and want to vent. You're not in a gang or anything big or important, RP posts like this make the place look more middle school than it already is.


0.01¢has been deposited into your account
now slit your wrists as per the instructions, fucktard

>tfw not a shill but was still hoping Trump would pick Milo to be Press Secretary just to fuck with the libs

He's useful to us

He's politically impotent, so he can't organize anything at odds with us (whatever consensus there is here). He just serves as normiebait shattering the progressive narrative. The alt-lite is more useful than harmful

Well, we are the bad guys in a sense, you can pretend that we are not all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that THEY made us the villain of this story, from the very beginning.

Milo helped us kicking the hornets nest, but he put himself in the spotlight and got stung for us. I know Sup Forums was divided on Milo from the start, but both sides recognized the importance of having him on our side, this new "revelation" doesn't change that fact either.

Then stop fucking bumping it with pictures you faggot.

The most important rule to remember in life is to never trust a jew

>hurr what is saging


You don't get it.

Suppose you're at war, and one of the enemies robot flame thrower extermination tanks ends up in your territory, and you reprogram it and send it off to fight its previous masters.

Does this mean you support the enemy? Does this mean you've become the enemy?

It does not.

Milo is our reprogrammed fagtank that wanders into enemy territory and starts shit.

Don't let our fagtank be destroyed by people on OUR side when he can still provoke such chaos behind enemy lines.

HURRR, saging while using a picture bumps the thread newfag

As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.

There is no "we"

We are (You)
(You) are we

>implying this thread still won't get GUARANTEED replies

post more best boy user

>implying you're not a gigantic newfag and now you 're just posting more bullshit

go back to plebbit

Nope. I, with the other "Stormfags" you losers lambast for being right, called from the start that trusting a gay Jew was dangerous.

You 8gag retard losers, as usual, were wrong, wasted your time and lost all credibility. The alt-lite is dead. As usual, I was right, and you were wrong. You should be used to this by now.

Edited just for you.

>close this fucking board already

Oh, would your boss like that? Is that what he tells you as the cents slowly drop into your bank account?

Yeah, I don't think so darling. Try not to get yourself too triggered.


Ya dun goof'd

>implying anyone on this board has an iq higher than that of a peanut
They can't recognize troll posts, so why bother?

ad hominem


Such shame. Much disappoint. Many such cases. SAD!

No need to Sup Forumse a tryhard, new friend. Welcome to the board of peace

I wonder how fast one has to go for a tree to be that far up the shills' ass. Keep yer buttholes tight, you continuously ignorant faggots.

>it's another "unironically propagating fake news" episode


it's basically Sup Forums now.
if it had /mlp/ too it would be Sup Forums

>He liked to visit Thailand to get with little kids and wishes it was legal in the west.

yeah dude, he totally did and said this

kill yourself you fucking retard

Sup Forums isn't always right, they thought Trump would be the next hitler, but he is infact just another tool for (them).

Reddit was always the one that carried Milo. We supported him going into leftist areas and making them riot, but that's the extent of that. Milo has been dropped on this board for years now.

How exactly is this news? He talked about this shit like 3 years ago.

I don't get it.

I never liked him in the first place.


>degenerate kike still worship on pol

oh boy OP heres some YOU's

whats that 4cents right there?

Hi again

Kill yourself CTR


Why are the 14 year olds defending this prick?
He was never ever /our guy/.

If you defend this paedophile you're going to make the whole fucking "movement" look bad.

Sup Forums enjoys watching him destroy sjws but we have always recognized him for the degenerate jew faggot that he is

>Is a faggot
>Now he's a degen

wew lad

Ya sure that you aren't the same? Islam at its most optimal arc thashes Christianity.

What do you think of Milo guys? Asset or degenerate?

A gay jew pedophile is Sup Forums's hero, LMAO I fucking love it. One minute muh freeze peach is all that matters, the next muh degeneracy, you're such a bunch of confused faggots.

It's plainly obvious by now that you losers have no ideology, it's just how can I make everyone's life worse via the internet to make up for being an insufferable failure in life.

Hey bud just want to let you know on the day of the rope the employment records of every ad and shill agency (including yours) are going be gone through and you will be tortured and killed.

He's no longer an asset at this point, and needs to be dropped like a lead balloon.

He's not going to be salvaged. Accept it, move on. He was effective with the bantz but we have to cut our losses.

this is getting juicy

Go back to The_Donald faggot. Pol never supported him. The consensus was he was a gay jew and therefore not to be trusted

well would you look at this

He is a degenerate.

When I look at his YT channel or his FB I see the highest concentration of non straight white male scum than anywhere else amongst the "right".

It's like he's attracting people to the right that would have never ever been a part of it.

I just went on his YT channel and this is the top comment on his latest video.

I really really really really really despise him, but I like that he attracts these people.

How does this not have (You)s.

This is clearly a psyop to shake the republicans from their dominance over the populous.

Milo didn't say shit bad. And the more y'all fall for the propaganda the worse we are for it.

I don't care if you think he is a degenerate. We. Need. Him.


t. shill

Fuck off shareblue.

>Sup Forums supported him


Just for the record, I don't acknowledge any of these spencer, milo, gorilla lifestyle faggot, and all YouTube faggots.

Why are you faggots like fans for a boy band?

I've had that fag filtered for over a year, but you fools are making it impossible to ignore youtube celebrity faggots.

Because they can't go after Milo if they support pedophilia.

When the right supports Milo, they can REEEEE about the right supporting pedophilia

dont play into it. The BEST thing to do with this whole Milo thing, is just stay quiet. Let it blow over. Takes the wind out of their sails and makes it a non-issue. dont respond.

But will we so that? no, we'll play right into their hands this time. Because they've seen we double down in support of Trump when he had 'scandals', and they are expecting that us enough rope to hang ourselves.

dont fall for it. just dont.

Yeah, Its headline bullshit.
Dude gets molested as a child or whatever, talks about it like its normal as an adult.
Clearly an example of how child abuse affects you as an adult.

honestly he needed a good kick in the ass. he was getting to comfy with the attention and acting unstoppable.

hahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha cuckblue is fucking dumb as fuck hahahahahahahahahahaha

>Just close this fucking board already.

Butthurt /qa/ posters every fucking time. Go suck a cock yiu faggots. You never get the message, even from your own board members.

Here pol, visit search for Sup Forums threads. Take a look in the Sup Forums happenings thread. Take a good look at these faggots and realise this is where your 'shareblue' shills are really coming from. I thought impersonating mods was a bannable offense? /qa/ seem to think they're the goddamn Sup Forums police. I hate those cocksuckers than all of /mlp/ combined.

>amorphous blob of anonymous individuals vaguely defined by far right beliefs
>wow one day you like someone because something they said but then they say something else and now you don't like them! where's the consistency huh!?

Yeah I don't know how we'll ever recover from this. We should be more like hillarybots and support people no matter what they say or do.


he actually is pretty disgusting, as a human being like seriously he literally said
>I suck black dick, im not racist
hes disgusting, if he were a woman, he would've actually been shunned from society and Sup Forums would be calling her a fucking skank

which you are already doing with trump?