At anti Trump protest for lulz
At anti Trump protest for lulz
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>dat trump sign
Where can I buy that?
and the first thing i see is a swastika
if she's not a host, means shes not pregnant
This is just like star wars bro
Cuck, the sign
Is this the one in Knoxville?
Nope , Kansas City
Speaker just called for Trump to step down or be removed by "any means necessary"
hhow many are you?
>yfw that's a green jacket for Pepe
Why does leftism attract so many uggos
Also, look at the amount of old farts. Is that just pictures, or is it actually like that, OP? These fucking baby boomers will all be dead soon, thank God.
That sign is pure kino.
Would unironically adopt it.
Sup Forums made it, faggot.
The Plaza has been shit for years.
I like
>he's a clown
It's actually like that. I'd say at least 60% are genx and boomers. There are younger people there but not a ton
dude looks he could be hispanic as well for extra liberal tears
Because autocracy and siding with Russia is literally Hitler. I wonder when both sides will stop comparing things to a German man who was abused as a kid and took it out on everyone else. I mean, come on, it's not like trump is making the media out to be the enemy of the people and creating blame for an entire race of people based solely on a few extremists in an attempt to hide the monstrous policies he has already enacted... oh wait...
She's pregnant while protesting for abortions
>mfw the only guy supporting Trump is not white
I saw him up close and gave him a thumbs he's definitely white he just looks like he works outside and gets a tan. He had a salt and pepper mustache
Harry Potter bro
Call some bystander a nazi and film what happens.
I'm home now. It was difficult being around so much cuckery
Bonus pic protest booty
>unpaid protester
Daily reminder that the people in these photos call us losers who live in our parent's basements.
Flamethrower, OP.
Yeah it was nuts. They all seemed vile and bitter. I'm a hippie, and man the energy there was super bad vibes
Boomers are cancer to America.
Devil got under the skin of that generation real deep.
>I am not a host, vessel, incubator
>She's literally pregnant
What do you mean by hippy? How did you find this place, van-man?
If gets then you gotta ahola snackbar the protest OP.
Integra Shun
Codename: Welcome wagon
Wew lad
That's because they have been sent a strong delusion, imo, my dude.
Satan is amongst them.
Kek it looks like he only bought that old car to have it beat up by liberals
This is genius
Bad acid trip and search for truth led me to pol a year and a half ago.
Fuck I'm already home. What would that entail just screaming aloha ackbar at the protest?
u ruined Sup Forumss day
if you don't have a friend who works outside all day, you never realize how tan these fuckers get.
One of my best friends growing up was this irish fucker, who was pasty white as a kid, but once he started working out doors 5+ days a week he turned into a fucking southern italian.
I work a normal job I'm not a NEET. I don't want to sperg out like a leftist
wat... i find it hard to believe he doesn't feel a hand in his back pocket
She's a big girl.
This is the kind of car I want for the Post Apocalypse.
These priests are getting smaller and sadder.
Go back and bomb them in the name of Kek
even by fat standards she is quite large
if I had nothing to lose and wanted to an hero but I don't want to cause destruction I just want to laugh at them
Too bad someone couldnt do a drive-by with a cannister of pepper spray.
Show thé color of your skin for thé kek !!
This, why would you drive your nice car, when it's destined to be smashed and vandalized
You spent all that time making a decent, varied picket sign.
But you could invest in more punctuation to make it read better?
I have half a mind to go to these things and offer picket critique.
I want them to feel bad by making them internalize smaller, unrelated defeats.
After years of oppression and endless attacks by the diseased faction of humanity known as the libtards; two viruses combined and mutated (feminism & social justice) to create these new snowflake creatures known only as SJW's. Combined with the doppelgänger effect... these new mutated monsters are multiplying at an unimaginable rate. The leader of the KEK army Donald Trump is being attacked from all sides even within his own party. We need your help! Please watch, like, comment & share this video to get the message out before it's too late.
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà