How does your career get killed so fucking quick?

how does your career get killed so fucking quick?

someone give him the JUST hair

Other urls found in this thread:

>24hrs ago he was still /ourfavoritefaggot/

ohh man, how the times change...

Never ever talk about pedo shit, even jokingly


Another Milo thread using the same picture with the same filename. Wow isn't that just strange.

what did he say?
i missed the last 24h

it's called google image search, leaf

He's made the same joke about giving head to a priest before. I can't believe the anti-P.C. conservatives are freaking out like the left does over a benign but "raciss" tweet, demanding resignation, blacklisting ,etc.

It does prove something at least.

They will never ever ever pass child sex as legal in some countries. Sit down Sweden and Canada.


>all this blatant anti-Milo spam

Shills should be first in line for the death camps

Can the altright recover from this?

To the general public their 'leaders' are fag who openly supports pedos and a white supremacist who got punched like a pussy and everyone laughed at as a reaction

Only the edgy Normie Redditors gave a fuck about this degenerate.

Sup Forums Just can't stop winning, both pseudo intellectual kikes are gone.


Wow person x was rising up in popularity until scandal occurred. In all seriousness person x cannot get their hands on the nuclear codes.

Pol was so ready to turn on Milo just because he's gay, even though he's done more for pol's cause than anyone on the board has ever come close to doing. Pretty pathetic and counterproductive to not come out in his defense.

bretty gud

It doesn't mean shit. If anyone not on their side suggests it, they'll be against it.

They're already doing that with Trump and his desire to allow imported medicine from Canada. Democrats have wanted to do that for years and now they seemingly have zero interest.

Why are all of Sup Forums's champions degenerate as all fuck?

>Gavin literally eats his own piss and shit
>Sam Hyde fucks trannies and contracts AIDS
>Milo diddles kids and bottoms for niggers
>Ben Shapiro is a cancerous cuckyke and probably a faggot

Is this it, the Pope's new army?

and now that the libs know it, guess what they are going to start calling us

power of NWO media machine.

He was a gay jew. He could say anything without being called antisemetic or homophobic. They feared that.

jesus i hope tucker isn't secretly a tranny or something

I agree with Milo's point. I never say it to anyone because normies simply cannot handle the conversation.

I'm only surprised at how long it took for this podcast where he defends paedophilia to emerge.

The comments were made on The Drunken Peasants back in January last year. It's a long talk and I haven't found the original point where he makes the remarks yet, but they will be making a live show tomorrow on the controversy.

Regardless, it's widely known paedophilia is rampant amongst the gay community. What worries me the most is the extent to which gay people have been put on pedestals to represent right-wing views particularly in Britain. David Starkey, Douglas Murray, Michael Portillo are all benders who are a cocaine line away from being caught having sex with young boys.

So long as right wing movements tolerate gay people within their ranks they will always be at a high risk of being exposed and discredited. I hope this incident will serve as a lesson and wake up call.

No such thing as a based homo
No such thing as a based jew

Learn this and learn it well, idiots.

Controlled opposition from the beginning.

Is this a ploy to fuck with Muslims?
>milo shows weakness
>left attacks him for this
>he says "i was just role playing as a Muslim, they allow teen marriages. Guess you are all bigots!"
>drops mic*

Is this degenerate faggot suicide bombing the Left?

If this is real why is it not on any news site or on tv news?

This is literally only happening on liberal blogs

He packs a can of chaw every day. Degen as fuck

>how does your career get killed so fucking quick?

The media literally has secret mailing lists where they coordinate hit pieces to control the narrative. Is there any surprise?

We need to move on now and get Jordan Peterson to redpill the normies.

He is Pepe reincarnated and our savior.

The world needs to no more about this great man.

Video on Pepe


Not gonna lie, former Milo supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the little boys!

Great job liberal hitjobbers - I fully support this takedown of Milo

>Sam Hyde fucks trannies and contracts AIDS

Goddammit now his book is never gonna get published. You know he's gonna put this in somewhere and just keep adding to it forever. Fuck.

Actually he's in a good position. He already has the advance and the publisher broke contract. All he has to do is finish the book, pay for an editor to go through it, then self publish and roll in his outrage attention piles of money.

I dunno man

I'm friends with a lot of liberals and they all used to joke about raping babies and fucking kids. It's just a thing people do

he's done. People at Breitbart want him fired

I'm happy

>I'm friends with a lot of liberals and they all used to joke about raping babies and fucking kids.


Fuck Breitbart. Milo should leave that place and make The MILO Network or something, start up his own thing. He's a prominent enough figure to do so.

>gavin gets canned from VICE media which makes millions every year
>MDE world peace gets canceled, sam cries about not being able to afford health insurance
>Milo's career is currently being destroyed
>Ben shapiro gets fired from breitbart, constantly gets called a cuck kike
>pewdiepie gets called a nazi and loses all his sponsored contracts

sheeeit, who's gonna be next?

So now they give a shit about pedophilia? Maybe then pizzagate finally warrants at least one fucking investigation.

hypocritical cunts.

He isn't a degenerate so it doesn't apply to the post you replied.

I doubt his influential spread is large enough to pull that off.

Okay you are bullshitting on the Sam Hyde one

By apologizing to the left and not defending yourself.

I'd eat it raw.

Trump gets impeached (Please no)

Advice to live by. I jokingly brought up lolicon with a friend and he immediately asked if I was in to kids. Changed the dynamic of our friendship for the worst.

>a whooping 6 Breitbart employees
Wow, it's like a full scale revolt going on.

These edits are getting better and better

not gonna lie former milo supporter here, its hilarious watching him crash and burn, but in all seriousness we cant let him get his hands on the nuclear codes

And here I thought Miley Cyrus was degenerate

He's a professional attention whore. His career is built around saying crazy shit and getting attention. If anything this is just another success for him since people are talking about him again.

yet feminists are Fine with Muslims raping kids in sexual emergencies, Honestly the fucking hypocrisy is amazing

What """happened"""?

Going against the leftist narrative is indeed an act of bravery now.

Kek confirms

Kek confirms!

Based faggot was always a traitor faggot who helped ruin gamergate

>just another success

Interesting theory....

>young children attending [pic related] concerts
>lefty msm: "This is fine."

>Milo makes crude joke about his own child abuse
Am I the the only one not getting the big deal here? This stinks of kike fuckery. pic related.

So what did he actually say?

Of course.

wtf is this

hahahahahahahah *deep breath* hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha,,,,

(((Artistic expression)))



But really, sauce on Gavin being a shiteater?