wtf I hate Donald Trump now?
Wtf I hate Donald Trump now?
that's literally what they are lmao
Sweden is the left's sacred cow. They take extreme offense to the fact that Donald Trump is exposing them for their institutional cuckoldry.
And he's exactly right.
Countries should be ethnically homogenous.
well mr. internment, is it logically a mistake for them?
I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of you drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.
Is that guy even known for anything but sucking dicks?
Legit question, I'm not a Burger (only here for business).
what was the poll
Glad to have you here shitposting with us, Felix.
he was in star trek like 60 years ago
then he was memed into the oh my guy
Riots ongoing in Sweden right now.
Also how come Mr Takei does not advocate for Japan to take more immigrants and refugees?
Trump is right though. Sweden, Germany, France and the UK to name a few weren't this shitty ten years ago. When muzzies make up more then 1% of the population, they start turning the country into a third world shithole
Let's be clear: saying "let's be clear" immediately means what you're about to say is trash.
>we all think that....
ftfy ms. sulu
you forgot your proxy cunt
Staged faggot
do these retards understand that non-white countries can also be anti-immigration and ethno-nationalist?
It's a media vs trump affair, sent only to his echo chamber. When he went to sleep it was roughly 80/20 against Trump. When the faggot nip woke up it was 50/50 so he deleted it.
How stupid are these people?
Of course he's right, but the left can never ever admit that.
That's the problem when you paint your opponent as inbred, racist, sexist, homophobic, cousin-fucking redneck - you can never concede a point to them and have to double down on even your most retarded shit, because if they are all that, what would that say about you if they are right and you are not?
that's exactly what they are