if there was a a competition for being the biggest cuck country, who would win, Sweden or Canada?
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u would fagit
Niggerland AKA America.
If Canada was closer to the middle east or africa and further from us them by a long shot
Sorry for triggering you guys.
We win. Canada has nothing on us. They are taking in migrants too slowly and have far too high percentage of whites.
Sweden will have full sharia before Canada, despite their noble attempts at instating various parts of sharia, they are pushing too far with the "pronouns" faggotry. Inshallah
Canada. Sweden run literal racial eugenics before 1975 and they were betrayed by Palme and Bonnier clan. They didn't elect the madness
70% """"white""""(40% real European without injun blood)
>huge VAT
>affirmative actions
>biggest rapefugee recipient
>biggest immigrant recipient
>huge turkanian and polshit diaspora
>Vanc is bought by the chinks
>breeding ground for Sikh terrorism since 1920s
>PARLIAMENT was SIEGED by the mudshits
>virtually no party to speak agianst ethnic replacement of the real Canadians
Minister of Immigration is a FUCKING SOMALIAN SUBHUMAN
>changed glorious Ensign for a FUCKING LEAF in the 60s
P.S. granted since mid 90s I do think Swedes share a collective guilt for not rising up and/or outvoting S/M cretins out
Sweden took in nearly 10X our rate of Syrians relative to their population.
Canada talks a big Cuck but it;s just that - talk.
ahh thats what i like hearing, admitting you cuckness
Germany and Ireland have to be in the mix as well.
(2) Sweden vs (3) Germany
Canada - 40% European Old Stock
Sweden - 78% Swedish
Just give us time to get Trudeau out of office. Western Canada is pretty based, still some cucks here though. The east is a total loss, just nuke Toronto when you burgers finally anex us. Sweden is so far ahead of us for taking in rapefugees I'm not sure they could recover.
We're too far from apefrica and the sand niggers to be as cucked as sweden, even our Syrians were only married families no single men.
My vote would be Sweden. We just don't have as many grenade attacks, no-go zones or migrants due to EU migrant crisis.
We still take in too many immigrants. We spent 35billion on immigration last year.
Hopefully Trudeau will lose in 2019.
I'm PRAYING that M-103 and the pronouns thing will get him gone.
your mom
Sweden, because there are still religious, right-wing pockets in Canada. Sweden is about 1% based.
Nice vpn Tim.
Why Canada VS Sweden specifically?
Why not countries that are more cucked, like Germany VS Sweden, France VS Sweden, UK VS Sweden, or America VS Sweden?
You're comparing a country who's only 1.7% gay and 3.2% muslim with a country that's 9.6% gay and 10% muslim desu.
>The east is a total loss
You mean Ontario and Quebec. Newfoundland and the Maritimes are doing alright
>The east is a total loss
Eastern Canada is considered the whitest, most Christian, and most racist part of Canada. Mudslimes are told to avoid Newfoundland, PEI, and a good chunk of Nova Scotia, not to mention St. Johns holds the title of Canada's most racist city.
Bestiality's been legal in your largest populated states for decades you hypocritical faggot, go get blacked by a horse.
Leafland is 76% white.
>40% real European without injun blood
Stop making shit up desu, European/injuns are called Metis and they only make up 1.36% of the country's population, they're not recognized as white in our demographics.
Canada is worse.
your mom's a cunt
not wrong there user
Canada is pretty cucked, especially in alberta.
Got nothing against the Maritime provinces. Yes by east I mean (((Quebec))) and worst case (((Ontario))). Canada is a big place, cut me some slack.
Cuck Post Best Post
76.8% white
78.3% white
1.7% gay
9.6% gay
3.2% muslim
10% muslim
72.3% Christian, 23.9% Atheist
54% Christian, 13% Atheist
4 in 10 leafs legally own guns (estimated 6 in10 if also including illegally owned)
0.5/10 legally own guns
>76.8% white
Part Amerindian self-reported Whites are not White.
I speak about 1/16, 1/32 injuns LARPing as Whites
>tfw your country is slowly getting more cucked and then you BTFO globalist kikes and liberals with brexit and start turning shit around.
Feelix gudman
France is up there too
Man, it's honestly hard to say. Every day I hear shit about Justin Castro and think "How could anyone be this dumb?"
But then I read all the articles from Sweden and laugh my ass off.
No, it's not close at all. Sweden is like the Canada of Canadas.
We have an ethnicity for European/Amerindians, they're called the metis and only make up 1.36% of the country's population.
Anybody with Native/European ancestry is considered Metis, including the 1/16 and 1/32 injuns. They only make up less than 2% of the country's population.
>St. John's holds the title of Canada's most racist city
This is objectively bullshit.
Shitskins and liberals on the mainland make fun of St. Johns and call it the place where "dumb white hicks will overreact to you being brown or having slanty-eyes" lad. Casual racism is a big thing all over Newfoundland, and that's a good thing. Chink tourists complain that Newfies always point out and make a big deal of their slanty-eyes, and the few natives that live in St. Johns complain so loudly you could make a morning alarm out of it.
There's literally a musical opening on broadway about how non-racist Newfoundland is. The overwhelming majority on Newfies think that we need MORE immigrants because our population is in decline.
>but muh anecdotal Reddit evidence
Fuckin mainlanders
>anybody with Native/European ancestry is considered Metis, including the 1/16 and 1/32 injuns
As far as I know after you have less than a quarter Amerindian ancestry, you go to European Canadian
Just judging by amount of recorded intermarriages, lack of European women to accompany men colonising some areas, it brings us to at least a third of your European population having Amerindian ancestry
The majority of Newfies think that Newfoundland needs more WHITE immigrants. Birth rates are low and more people are leaving the country than joining.
Do I need to remind you that shitskins who venture out of St. Johns (even then, there's barely any shitskins in St. Johns in the first place save for MUN) get declined service and in a few cases even assaulted?
Newfoundland wants white immigrants.
leaving the province*
>Gots tu git muh welfare chek
Fuck the maritimes, they always vote for the liberals.
>pic related
Because conservative governments regularly screw over Atlantic Canada, a vote conservative is shooting yourself in the foot if you're an Atlanticfag, no matter how redpilled you are. Even the right-leaning Newfs were telling people not to vote Harper after he backed down on a bunch of promises.
In Canada we slam rapists hard with penalties.
Load of shit hahahaha. Have you seen how many people who are not white in St Johns? The majority of left-leaning newfies wouldn't mind having more.
I sure don't mind!
How is this even a competition? Canada is cucked, but we are no where near the level of Germany, Sweden, France, or the UK. Those countries ARE fucked.
Surprise win by Germany.
Life experience tells me that isn't true at all.
I work in legal.
Newfies had an erection for Mulcair last year did they?
>virtually no party to speak agianst ethnic replacement of the real Canadians
This is the big deciding factor for me
The huge influx of migrants all at once has caused SD to have an almost guaranteed victory next year. Canada is getting them too slowly for most people to notice or care. By the time you cucks figure it out, it'll be too late.
>Have you seen how many people who are not white in St. Johns
I go to St. Johns every two weeks for shopping lad, I don't really encounter shitskins unless I'm around the MUN area. I remember being at the food court in the Avalon mall and saw this one mudslime family eating alone in a corner and they were getting nothing but dirty looks.
Conservatives want to free Atlantic Canada from the gibsmedats and make it a productive area of the country. Maritime provinces get the most equalization payments per capita...PEI at the top, though they tend to rotate for first place in the nigger Olympics.
You've been on Sup Forums far too much mate.
Conservatives are what made Atlantic Canada a gibsmedats region of the country in the first place by banning our largest profitable industries and turning us into a Slav-tier shithole, and have been making decisons that have fucked us in the ass for decades since. That's already enough to leave a grudge, Harper sealed the deal by promising things and backing out of them.
Newfies, and from what I hear, a lot of Nova Scotians, are really hyped for Bernier because Bernier wants to give more decision-making power back to the provinces.
Stop divide and conquer.
In the Great Wake, white men will rise in the whole western world at once, no matter how much you try to decide us Schlomo.
You can keep eating our children in fear of our fighting back, but Jupiter always strikes back with a great vengeance.
Canada is always 10 years behind the times
Give us 10 years and we will be equally cucked but 20 times the land mass
This is incorrect. As someone with metis citizenship (got it so that I could be a meme and say that I'm great metis warrior and live with the buffalo, plus the ability to hunt whatever I want whenever I want is cool I guess) I can tell you that the qualification for being metis officially really doesn't need to be anything. I'm white in every way for now until I get the 23 and me jew test
>ITT delusional canadians insult America while Soros trust fund commie bastard runs the country
Trump is the president of the USA. Not canada.
Do you get it?
You can't insult America .
How brain damaged are you leafs?
What exactly is incorrect? Canada having a special race shit for metis and injuns can actually secure special rights for the Old Stock too(Anglo, Scottish, Nordic, French)
Actually you can and, in fact, must shittalk any country with a birth right citizenship
Just according to you.
Why should I listen to you?
What is incorrect is saying that you need one quarter to be considered teepee people, which is bullshit. This country is vastly white (without whatever you're saying injuns are). Take it from me, I've grown up in this shit and both of my parents worked for the metis nation of canada, coincidentally neither of them are metis.
Can I immigrate to Netherlands as a canadian?
I don't think so.
Wtf me in your country on gibs asshole. Give me Netherland citizenship right now racist
what terrorist attack? what have you been smoking user?
I'm going to assume you aren't trolling because world geography was replaced by gender studies in cucknadian high schools
According to anyone with a common sense. Literally any subhuman can turn up 9 month delivery stage preg and shit out a kid. In fact Latin mestizos, chinks, gooks and Israeli jews do that a lot
To be fair one was a prototype for another