Why are people defending this shithead? I thought we were objective moralists. This degenerate, advocates adult men having sex with 13 year olds, and people have the gall to defend that and still call themselves right wing?
Why are people defending this shithead? I thought we were objective moralists. This degenerate...
Feel free to demonise him, it only reinforces and affirms the belief that all fags are degenerates with no exceptions.
I know this, but Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of homophiles
Saged again faggot
They are defending him b/c if the interview is taken at face value, and the media hit at face value, then his explanation must be taken at face value.
Its linked in another thread, and that being said, go to one of the other 10 Milo threads and post there.
>I thought we were objective moralists
Well you thought wrong nigger. We're waging a tribal war, just like the globalists have been for 50 years.
Actually he advocated 17 year olds being buttfucked by older men. But when it comes to shekel grubbing you gotta do what you gotta do amiright shariah blue?
I don't defend him. He brags about being tag-teamed up the ass by multiple blacks.
I suppose you could say he greases some skids philosophically, but also gets his skids greased?
>This degenerate, advocates adult men having sex with 13 year olds
But he didn't. That's the only reason I'm defending him. I saw the video, he never said that. If a new video comes out showing him saying that, then fine. But he has never said that, and has repeatedly said the opposite.
He's a self-hating homophobe who is probably also a racist. It's a wonder he wasn't destroyed for saying shit like "gay men should go back in the closet". But you don't just throw around accusations of pedophilia without any proof. It's not right, and not saying a word only encourages the media to try this shit in the future with other people.
Although I have no doubt in my mind that many here have also been touched as children, they probably have a sort of empathy with him.
The rest are mouth breathing social degenerates gripping his nuts because they have no in their personal life that understands them & speaks for them like Milo does.
The other are sheep who have the slightest ability for free independent critical thought & so believe him when he says it's taken out of context/fake news.
Others to embarrassed to turn their backs on him being they advocated so much for him.
And finally you have the mentally ill who agree with him.
And I'm only taking about the Sup Forums community. This still applies to many of his supporters overall.
What he believes is filth. Hopefully he'll finally lose the last shred of credibility he wishes he had (outside of enraged 15 year olds)
I don't like him but independent of that, he is a sick human being for this.
>You don't just throw around accusations of pedophilia
Agreed, but, the average consumer of media will argue that advocating sex under the age of consent is pedophilia, regardless of the clinical definition (prepubescent).
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.
Nobody's defending him. We're just getting attacked by shills at the moment.
>calling Sup Forums right wing
Also kys
As I interpret the situation, the community is okay with him being their gay cabana boy, but when he tries to open his hotel, people don't want to risk fresh cum stains on their sheets.
Ur a fag too cuz we're all fags here, shillfag.
this is the most comical shill post I've ever seen
>But he didn't
It's pretty clear that he said that. Hebophliia is still pedophilia.
We are happy to see the left take down a pedo-excuser. Now...go get Hillary for the same.
I haven't seen the video yet, and won't comment on him being a pedo before I do.
However, he IS useful for advancing right-wing causes at the moment, so if nothing else that's worth defending him over.
is it planned for this CTR op to over spam pedo threads, intentionally making it obvious?
This board is full of faggots.
>A kike
>Degenerate scum
>Attacked white nationalism
>Tried to subvert the alt right term to libertarianism
>Sold t-shirts with the slogan BBC
Only an abo tier IQ would defend him.
I want to write Breitbart and ask them not to fire him but I don't know how to word it.
>he posts on a politically incorrect board
>uses it to get mad when people say politically incorrect things
Im really happy that we are now going after pedo-victims. Victims grow up to be abusers. We can never win the war on pedos as long as victims escape punishment. Death by hanging for both and we win.
>he IS useful for advancing right-wing causes at the moment
Are you this dense?
How is an homo jew racemixer useful for the right?
>advocates adult men having sex with 13 year olds
he's okay with adults having sex with 17 year olds, sure, but the age of consent in the UK is 16
He gets left-niggers so riled up they riot like chimps and expose themselves for what they really are.
>niggers chanting kill white babies at Berkeley
>macing some 120lbs girl in the face
Literally could not have gone better. If we need to prove our opponents are the white hating subhumans that they are, you couldn't ask for a better crowd than that.
We should blast this when we throw communists and degenerates out of helicopters:
I agree on that, but Milo was getting a hight position in the right wing.
Him becoming one of the faces of the right is depressing.
This is not only about whites, is about morality too.
His apology is what ended his career. Big mistake. he shouldve made a video of himself to become a Boy Scouts leader instead. he shouldve turned the spotlight on American female school teachers and the molesting epidemic they have unleashed. he shouldve talked about muslims in pic related. Anything but apologize.
And he shouldve posted pix like this and said, "this is what you call normal today and according to you all of our grandparents were pedos. Now the grandparents are gone and this is the world i live in with you and freaks like these."
Oops. Pix like this.
probably faggots from le_donald. milo was a huge cancer to this movement
>classic punk not god-tier
>This degenerate, advocates adult men having sex with 13 year olds
That's a fucking lie. The fact you are repeating this lie make it apparent you have no credibility and your opinion is shit, lol.
Peter Thiel is a far more useful faggot for our ends, though it is fun seeing the left attack a guy who was molested as a kid while they say how enlightened they are
>shit is going to go down on monday
>thread was made today, on monday
>somehow prophetic
Teenagers are not children.
Yes, today on monday in the early AM before this news even broke.
Jesus christ man don't be a retard
we're not defending him, we are trying to keep a weapon out of the lefts hands
racist and nazi didnt work
Get ready to be labeled pedos Sup Forums
all you "zomg defending a pedophiile" shills can go fuck off.
No, they just don't know subtlety.
This. The pedo thing isn't a new revelation at all. It seems more like some retards only just found out and decided to spam the board thinking it was some big secret or something. I hate spam because it pushes other, slower discussion threads off the catalog, which is also why the board has been getting spammed to death with banal slide threads more and more. Anyways, if people want to discuss this shit then why not keep it contained to one or two threads? Why the need for thirty seperate threads on the same topic, each with only a handful of replies?
No, it isn't clear at all. If he was really talking about boys who are 16/17/18 years old, as he claims, then that's not pedophilia. The age of consent in his country and in most of the US is 16.
It's unfortunate, he used a word with a meaning that isn't clear and it's being taken way out of context. Look at it this way, if a 30-year old+ NBA star (Lebron, Melo, Paul, etc.) talked about "younger girls hooking up with older dudes", would anyone think they were talking about children? Of course not, they'd say "oh, well he obviously means college girls".
>It's pretty clear that he said that.
No he didn't I don't understand why you're a lying piece of shit, but that's between you and god, and if you don't believe in god, I now understand why you're a lying piece of shit.
go back to ur hugbox
Shills really don't understand us lol
To follow up on this, the first article was released about this was released after the leakers post on Sup Forums
fucking milo he is a fucking sick perverted
i never liked him
eating your own is a sjw strategy
ps: the shills specifically chose pedophilia as their lie to get you to turn
He didn't advocate either you haven't watched the videos or you're a liar.
I don't hold anyone on a pedestal. I disagree with his statements in that DP episode, though what he said in proper context is still bad, it's not AS bad as you guys are making it out to be, still bad though.
I can strongly disagree with him on this subject, and I can agree and applaud the things I do agree with that he says. That's not so hard to understand is it?
Even if... *dry heave*... Hillary... were to say something I agree with, I will give credit where credit is due. And you guys can't delete all of that credit you've already given him. If you think this statement outweighs everything else he has done from a moral point of view, that's fair. But you can't disagree with truth no matter where it comes from. Credit where credit is due, and truth is worth something.
What does the bible say on age of consent?
As long as the legacy media is trying to assassinate his character because the rioting didn't work I am suspicious of anyone making false accusations.
Shouldn't people feel bad that he was molested and his coping mechanism is to joke about his blowjob skills after being raped? Where does he actually advocate pedophilia? I listened to the video and I didn't hear him advocate for it.
>inb4 a 13-year-old reports Milo for sexual abuse
brb getting my little brother on that right away
the part where he talks about how gay men groom their victims by exploiting their isolation and confusion
It says you should be married before you fuck.
>Hebophliia is still pedophilia.
You're a shit human being that deserves to rot if you act on either, but they aren't the same thing and words need to keep their definitions
>how can you defend him when he does something he didn't do?
If he's losing appearances and book deals over it within the matter of hours, then it's clearly a new revelation
you defend baby rapists. shareblue has no power here.
>milo says a consenting 13 year old boy fucking a old man isnt bad
>Sup Forums defends him
CTR. You have to go back.
First Milo defends pesos, and trump has had 5 kids with 3 women? Where has my Christian religious right gone?!
He's a massive faggot we shouldn't look as a pillar to anything, but that's a load of bullshit anyone who actually watched the damn talk will be able to recognize. The one reference to 13 year olds was his reflection on how fucking him was negative to him, and how current consent laws were about as low as he would support them to go.
For fucks sakes, you are letting yourselves be manipulated to push a narrative rather than hating the gaping asshole for the actually shifty things he does.
saying he was 13 and had his first sexual experience with a grown man which he himself thought is okay IS NOT THE FUCKING SAME as saying pedophilia is ok
what MSM does to him is the same psychologists in Norway are doing to fucked up Somalians who have seen kids get shot by an AK which is completely normal for them, but when coming here and everyone is up in your face like OMG POOR BABBY ARE YOU OK OMFG YOU NEED SERIOUS HELP URE DAMAGED FOR LIFE HOW HAVEN'T YOU KILLED ANYONE YET
fucks them up
>>milo says a consenting 13 year old boy fucking a old man isnt bad
But that's fucking bullshit. A 16 year old having sex with someone is going to ruin them nothing as long as the relationship isn't explotative, and plenty of people get into those in their fucking 20's because they are still immature assholes even when legally adults.
This whole bullshit is theatre made to spin a no evidence narrative they can use later. Stop fucking falling for it and stop them from spreading it.
>poto kike
Because he is the opening to removing Bannon from Trump's cabinet
Are you sure he meant to sleep with 13 year olds? That seems a bit old to me.
> Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature.
His quote
They come here to try to understand what this place is, and they try to intertwine themselves with this place.
This place creates a diagnosis of every situation to see the final endgame. Defending milo and empowering him is the best option for Sup Forums. He is a disgusting degenerate, and everyone knows it. He is currently a weapon and his uses arn't over yet.
>Sup Forums
>objective moralists
>He LITERALLY said GROWN MEN should fuck 13 YEAR OLDS
you are worse than the fake media and their hired assassins
Because believe it or not, a very large portion of this site contains newfags who migrated from lebedditt xddd
my man
>ctrl f
>GROWN MEN should fuck 13 YEAR OLDS
>no results
>As a woman
No he didn't so you are either a retard or a liar. Literally is a real word with a real meaning there bucko.
These people hate Milo.
Live show. tell them
marry me plz
They came for the gays and we said nothing,
They came for the ....
Then they came for us
Fuck off, Crew.
Kys. This analysis is shit and you know it.