It's been over a year since I've stopped posting this general. Some of you guys may remember me, as we used to have a great number of anons participating in the threads because Stephen Coughlin's information is readily available and easily digestible, but the man is relatively an unknown to most Sup Forumslacks, especially with the infestation of new friends. Sup Forums likes to think Islamists are backwards towel-headed retards, but that's not the case. Not by a fucking long shot.
We've been losing the civilizational war against Islam. We let them infiltrate our governments, we let the alter our laws and we let them rule over us on our freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of thought which are basic tenets of Western society. Stephen Coughlin is a retired Major in the US army and former threat analysis against Islamic Terrorism for JS-J2. He briefed the FBI, CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff and other government intelligence agencies on Islamic Law and Jihad and how organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood are using our own governments and our own laws to promote and spread their own self-described "civilization Jihad." When it became apparent what Coughlin was doing to undermine Muslim authority in US intelligence services, they got him and people like him fired, documents censored, expunged and destroyed evidence. This is what we're up against. Our leaders are "clueless" to what's happening, it's up to us.
>"This book was written with conflicting expectations. On the one hand, I hope people will read it, do some fact-checking, hold their elected officials and national security leaders responsible, and demand an accounting. But there is also the sobering thought that, like some Old Testament prophets, I may have to be content with knowing that I provided valid indicators and warning of the disastrous path we are on; that at some future date, when people look back to figure out what went wrong, they will realize that warning of catastrophic failure was timely and accurately provided—and ignored. Sometimes things must break before they can be put back together. The problem is that when things fall apart, there is no guarantee that they can be put back together."
>"I say you need to get out and read what our enemies have said. Remember Hitler. Remember he wrote Mein Kampf. He said in writing exactly what his plan was, and we collectively ignored that to our great detriment. Now, our enemies have said publicly on film, on the Internet, their goal is to destroy our way of life. No equivocation on their part. They're not saying if you stay home, we will not come after you. They are saying their goal is to rid the Middle East of all foreigners. Then, overthrow all governments that are not friendly to them, which means every single one of those governments. Then, to use that base as a way to spread their terrorism and their oppression across the globe to include a map that shows 100 years from now that the entire globe will be under their domination."
Levi Martin
>Excerpt From Catastrophic Failure
Talks between the administration and the Brotherhood took place at high levels, with the Director of the FBI going so far as to meet with the Brotherhood in February 2012 against the expressed directives of Congress.
More alarming, however, is that the FBI then proceeded to undertake the very purging of documents that the Brotherhood had demanded.The Department of Defense followed shortly thereafter with a Soviet-style purge of individuals along with disciplinary actions and re-education. Not only did the Secretary of State endorse such curbs on speech, the Assistant Attorney General seemed eager to enforce them.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)—and, through it, our Middle Eastern allies—also seek to embargo all unsanctioned discussions of Islam as a matter of international law. Though such a law would constitute a serious assault on the First Amendment, our Secretary of State met with the General Secretary of the OIC in July 2011 and personally committed the State Department’s best efforts to secure the passage of a law restricting such speech; she even agreed to intimidate American citizens through “peer pressure and shaming” should they choose to exercise their First Amendment rights of free speech to express repeatable relevant facts.
When asked by the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution to affirm that the administration would “never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion,” the Assistant Attorney General, Tom Perez, refused to answer.
In comments made at the National Defense University on 1 December 2005, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace explained to his audience the importance of “understand[ing] the nature of the enemy” if we hope to defeat jihadi extremists. Comparing our situation today, with that faced by an earlier generation who had to deal with the reality of the Nazi threat, General Pace suggested a simple solution to complying with his injunction: “read what our enemies have said. Remember Hitler…. He said in writing exactly what his plan was that we collectively ignored to our great detriment (emphasis added).” Just as we ignored Hitler’s articulation of his strategic doctrine in Mein Kampf, so too are we on the verge of suffering a similar fate today, if we fail to seriously assess the extremist threat based on jihadi strategic doctrine.
Hunter Carter
I got the whole thing from last time. I post in any thread concerning Islam
>Coughlin on the Explanatory Memorandum of the Muslim Brotherhood, and US government partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
Shorter videos if you don't have time for the full briefing right now, but know this: understanding the entire picture laid out in his briefings is extremely fucking important.
Nicely done.
Dylan Reed
Bought the book off amazon and started reading. On. Done with the intro but it's a long read
Joshua Hall
>pictured: standard media doctrine on dealing with Islamic terror attacks
I have it on a shitty little Kindle. Would be nice to get a physical copy but this is the best I can do right now.
Ryder Brown
This is a highly respected Muslim in Britain, and total Islamist loon. On record saying kaffirs are cattle and should be treated as such. Has no problem following a Pedophile warlord, and believe said warlord has come down and will come down on a golden chariot from space.
I guess as long as the mods prefer to nurse their thumbs with their assholes this is the state of things for now on.
Hudson Bailey
Bump for Western Civilization
Nathaniel Gomez
Fuck shills and obvious mods.
Noah Cruz
Asher Bell
fucking bump
Nathaniel Green
Blake Bennett
We are getting slid hard!!!! Need more bumps
Jackson Ortiz
We /Milo/ now
Mods don't care, they're in on the scheme. Shill thread after shill thread, really heats up their hot pockets.
Lucas Morales
Jacob Phillips
I comend you on your info dump. I'll be saving it all over the next few mins.
Jason Sanders
I've recommended Catastrophic Failure on Sup Forums a million times. You have to read it if you want to understand the threat that Islam poses (or just WATCH Stephen Coughlins discussions on it at a minimum.) However, the majority of users on this board are always too fucking busy replying to some stupid-ass slide thread. Just look at the catalog it's a fucking disaster.
Nathaniel Peterson
Mods are in on it, I'm telling you. There is no excuse on allowing 50 Milo threads to 404 actual politician discussion.