Anyone else here Green eye master race?? Only 2% of the world population, you know.
Anyone else here Green eye master race?? Only 2% of the world population, you know
ME!! And I hate when people where green colored contacts. Now like 99% of chicks think my eyes are fake.
Green eye master race.
>Green eyes
>Green ID
o shit
>tfw poop eyes
Blue eyes here. 3% master race, personally think blue eyes have more depth and varieties than green. However I am clearly biased :^)
blue reporting in
Yup, green. I never understood that Hey Arnold episode where they acted like "green eyed people" were some mysterious Lost tribe in the wilderness or something
tits or gtfo
>green eyes
>half black/half white
>tfw i get to be apart of the master-race
I wish my eyes were green.
They are kinda hazel at best.
Oh well I still have a rare blood type so suck my balls.
>only 2% of the world population you know
Holy fuck, I never knew, I'm a rare emerald! Now I feel super special!! :^)
Green eyes mean you have nigger in you.
in ancient greece, green was the eye color of the gods
gray/silver master race reporting in.
Green eyes here. What does it mean?
grey eyes master race 1% of world
green eyes proven kek's chosen people
All other eye colours BTFO
I'd say Blue eyes have the most variation too desu.
But Green eyes are rarer.
always look soulless to me. Everyone I've known with grey eyes has been a female that just looked empty headed.
Blue eyes here, do you green-eyed fellows also have sensitive eyes?
Family here full of green eyes, but everyone who has green eyes is 'shitskin'
tfw blue eyed subhuman
Stop with this special snowflake faggotry please
>always look soulless
i'm shitposting on Sup Forums at 12am so i guess i fit the picture.
I'm mixed and I have green eyes.
You mean liar reporting in.
Blue/green off world god reporting in.
I've only ever met one person with similar eye color.
kek. says who? shitskin with green eyes?
>Tfw green eyed master race
>Tfw mom was half white half mestizo
Feels pretty good senpai, I look white enough and my green eyes get me compliments
>tfw green eyed master race
Reporting in.
I kinda have greenish eyes, more green than brown under the light anyways. Is there a name for this?
>i have blue eyes
>fiancee has green
can't wait to see the kids.
>TFW green around the edges with brown on top making a swamp water effect
So close. So... close...
Everyone calls my eyes hazel/brown, they look brown under normal lighting, but shine a flashlight directly on my eyes and you'll see nothing but dark green. No brown in sight.
So do I count?
Yes gingers are dying out
it's called hazel senpai
>poop eyes
Checks out
I wouldn't drain your swamp, baby.
My eyes are green. I also like reading Sup Forums everyday.
>green eyes
>left handed
>chef at Wendy's making 250k a year
>9 inch cock
Truely the master race
>Oh well I still have a rare blood type
That's not a good thing.
My eyes are dark green with a small ring of brown around the irises. Are they considered elite Kekian eyes, or simply a lower grade of green?
Are you a grl?
>chef at Wendy's making 250k a year
Nigger what?
Green eyes are just slightly more evolved shitskin eyes
Blue is the true master race
lizard eyes
they make you look like a fuckign lizardd
>master race
if anyone actually thought that it would have been a thing years ago, so
>Green eyes.
>A blood.
>White skin.
Literally everyone else are niggers.
Green eyed women can't cheat on green eyed men with non-green eyed guys.
What color are my eyes Sup Forums?
I'm a chef at Wendy's
>A Blood
Not having type O masterrace blood
I've got A+, Dutch/Welsh ancestry, and have green eyes. Want to hang out?
green/blue eyes more on the green side master race
It's a pasta you fool
I'm a dude.
>Sharing a blood type with niggers.
>Master race.
You aren't very bright are you?
Yosh, I got those seepentine greens.
I have green eyes just like that pic.
Gray eyed master race myself
both of my parents have brown eyes too
I have dark green eyes. I love them.
Big deal about 80% of the world is literally poo.
I have green eyes they don't help much when you're a fat NEET poof.
My mom has green eyes. My sisters and brothers and I all have blue eyes though.
How about Hazel-Green?
i have green eyes, but i am sure you wouldn't believe a monkey...
My skin is caramel and I have the best of best of both genes (yep, I'm 100% sure my dick is bigger than yours). English people are known for being ugly so I have no idea why you're talking shit. You have busted teeth, pimples, a small cock and a fucked accent.
It's either green or it isn't. If they look brown then they are brown.
I have dark green eyes, close to hazel. The problem is that they're always in shadow because of my caveman-tier brow, so they look brown. Feels bad man. That 4% Neanderthal genes report from 23&Me didn't lie.
I have hazelish blue eyes which makes sense. My dad is Italian-American so he and my brother have brown eyes while my mom is German-American and I inherited her blue like eyes.
Really? Cool. I have green eyes.
If you never know/remember/notice other people's eye colors does that make you autistic?
Green Master Race reporting in.
Everyone without Green eyes is getting the rope tbqhfamalam.
>father has beautiful green eyes
>mother had brown eyes (rip)
>inherited brown eyes
I have Hazel eyes like pic related
>tfw dark brown eyes despite brothers and sisters having green and blue...
Thanks grandma...
me to and checked
Steel blue.
My parents are the same but I got Green eyes.
Green-eyed beauty, checking in
Im 100% mexican then at 17 yo became legal immigrant living in the US has green eyes, am i cool yet user?
>can only accept other type-o
Truly patrician
>Green eye master race
>master race
That would be grey eye master race still.
reporting in
that's grey dawg
why am i edgy? wtf
Green eyes and light brown hair here. Grils and guys both say I'm pretty.
Didn't green come from blue eyed and brown eyed parents?
Green eyed and Blond master race checking in
Green eyes are honorary Arians, they will be spared.
Green eyed male.
>less than 1%