What's worst about the man? His politics, or that he always has an audience to cheer him on?
What's worst about the man? His politics, or that he always has an audience to cheer him on?
his face
He looks like Bootsy
The fact that he failed in the UK, ended up crying over public criticism and then ran away to America to become a huge success really annoys me.
He's a jew.
His teeth
the fact that he's an ugly Anglo that gets me the most
all of the above
plus he looks like a fucking autist without even trying
is it me or he just looks kind of effeminate?
not in a gay way, more lie he's not a true man, you know.
would he be able to fire a rifle, kill a deer, skin it and prepare some food?
would he be able to defeat another man on a fist fight? (no weapons)
What? cause they both got brit teeth?
Similar nose but everything else is off...
Pretty triggered desu
the fact that he triggers the right
That his show is basically brainwashing people and its bullshit. interjecting comedy into a opinion like that is how 90% of dumb fuck Americans associate his "facts" with being right because it elicits a positive emotion.
We do the same thing with memes, but we don't pretend to news.
Once he talked about the fake wage gap you should have known right there this is liberal propaganda.
His smugness. He is just another fucking leftist who is soooooo sure he has the moral high ground. A trendy faggot.
Kek most Americans are so dumb all it takes is a funny accent
god the british curse is terrible
Bootsys an american treasure desu
would start shows with the entire band in white sheets
gay/random styled comedy
Donald trump is like a blue gorilla wearing a tuxedo
ROFLOLOLOL how quirky
he's an uppity faggot
I always hated him on John Stewart back in the day, I always thought he was an awkward Brit sperglord who would get no where. When he got his show my hate for him grew more and more and I'm now convinced he has the most punchable face in the world.
You remember when this limey faggot was asking for donations so he could send a young relative to the US for a procedure because the wait time was to long in Canada?
The worst part is that he says he's fair on presenting both sides of issues.
The smug.
I like him. He's right about Trump.
He's brilliant.
Started disliking him more after the Putin video today, it had absolute no substance. At least do your research beyond memes if trying to discredit someone.
Is that Wrangelstar?
>this cunt isn't even 40 years old
What's worst about the man?
The fact that he's right. He shouldn't be right about the shit she's saying. He should sound like a crack pot insane person, but unfortunately everything he says is right. The world we live in has become some crack pot conspiracy theorists fever dream.
His weak, clammy hands.
He is so slimy that he uses a white mans name when his real name is probably Jerry Fiegelberg.
Fucking truth...
Wait what.
Well, it is currently the current year, I can't deny that.
His crap is too easily digestible that it attracts the dumbest of the dumb viewership. Then he just spoonfeeds them crap with some unfunny snark based entierly on strawman jokes, and basically lies, or comes right to the edge of lying. Since the audience is basically retarded and they don't bother doing other research, probably read nothing but young adult novels, he has a herd of sheep to just follow him. His audience should be sterilized.
That's he's a "comedian" who pushes a bullshit narrative with no political knowledge of his own, watched by a large majority of the masses, put upon a pedestal as a real news anchor, shown even in college classrooms as a legitimate figure head to be listened to and emulated.
That he's a foreigner that criticizes American politics and thinks his word has any power. The reason he can even run his limey cunty fucking mouth is because the country he's in allows him to do so.
Btw, we Bongs have no idea who this guy is. He was never on telly over here, keep him, don't send him back pls