Fucking hell what a faggot

Fucking hell what a faggot.

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 ahmed cuts his feet off

It's true. This won't end Milo, he's amassed such a huge following that the comments he made a year ago won't be able to touch his core. The worst that will happen to him is that he will lose support from the mainstream and probably not appear on television as often.

If he is kicked from Breitbart he will make his own media company and be successful.

Not very dangerous, afterall, it seems.

I'm meh on this, i like him because he rattles the left so much but i also hate pedos.

Will be interesting if any prominent gays come out and support him at least.

Why don't you suck his cock while you're at it too

not just a faggot, he's a fucking NONCE

>If he is kicked from Breitbart he will make his own media company and be successful.
No he wont. Last time he tried making his own company he failed miserably.
That said, this will likely only make him more popular, like every other time the media creates a shitstorm over him.


ok, I may have missed something, granted i didn't listen that well, but

didn't milo simply say that older men are important for young gays to lead them in the right direction? he was implying that they should have relationships because they are some theorized "at risk" category for suicide or something like that?

or was it explicitly nefarious "it's ok for men to fuck kids" territory?

nice d-u-b-s szymon

Probably not.
I understand where he was coming from in that a teenager could feel isolated by their sexuality and seek out older companions, but in the context where he was talking about being molested by a priest and joking about being thankful for it just looks really bad.


that snake jumped right off your flag and onto the pic, cray

>dn't milo simply say that older men are important for young gays to lead them in the right direction? he was implying that they should have relationships because they are some theorized "at risk" category for suicide or something like that?

Yes. That was the gist of it. He even said that he thinks the current age of consent is fine..

But you see, that doesn't matter. What matters is how they spin it.

It's more fake news m8.
The entire thing comes from a Rogan podcast where he said he was molested by a priest as a kid, then goes on mentioning his older boyfriend and says the age of consent is fine the way it is.

This whole situation made me curious what the age of consent was in the UK so I googled it and now I have even more questions.

It's the same as most of the Western world, including much of America.

If it were just a joke about his personal experience, he'd come out alright.

>PaulsEgo: But you are advocating for cross-generational relationships here, can we be honest about that?

>Yiannopoulos: Yeah, I don’t mind saying, I don’t mind admitting that, and I think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life-affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys, they can even save those young boys from desolation, from suicide, from drug addiction, all those things, provided they’re consensual. Provided they’re consensual.

TLDR: He openly advocated pederasty.

very offensive yes

>alt-right hero
>literally fucks little boys


Well he was molested. That's possibly worse than this.

do we really need 15 threads about this jew

Oh is the poor wittle sheep triggered?

We don't. But the smear campaign against him does.

im not really a fan but this has all the usual symptoms of a false flag. I wouldn't doubt that CTR is here larping as hyper religious cuckservatives (not that they dont already exist here) but they keep saying the exact same shit

I specifically remember hearing on NPR a couple years ago a story about the gay community and how older men and younger boys often get together. The interviews on NPR were not negative at all, and if anything made it seem like a positive thing. And now Milo says the same thing and people act shocked, SHOCKED, that he would say this, and that this isn't a common thing at all.

how do i filter things from the front page

What did he due that calls for this condemnation? He told a fucking joke. Guess Sup Forums needs a safe space from pedos.

Libtards attacking victim of childhood molestation.


i thought pol was like 80% pedos?

You know interesting fact but it was legal to print 16 old titties in the British tabloids in the 80s

I give him 2 weeks until a maid find his body.

Teenagers are not children.

He never explicitly said what they are attributing to him, he talked about his own victimisation as a molestation victim, then talked about the definition of pedophilia, then talked about young boys with older men

I mean, it doesnt look good for the faggot, but he never explicitly advocated pedophilia

in the end it works out well for us - the left has to distance itself from pedos, which it was cozying up to via defending faggot marches with half naked twerking kids etc, or he gets vindicated as the victim of a smear campaign due to his politics and despite the fact he is a victim himself

leftists on suicide watch since trump started running

>I've gone through worse
Well I know "worse" in this case is not him being raped since apparently he enjoyed that.

pedos are the one taboo pol won't defend. You can't have any threads on here about consent or age of consent without it devolving into pedo faggoty and pedo virtue signaling.
It is a mental disease to want to assault prepubescent children, not change age of consent to 16.

Milo isn't a demigod like Trump. He's a pitiful little faggot who was almost about to hit the very peak at CPAC, lots of powerful conservatives who could have been amenable to him if he lowered the volume a little bit might have made him a true player, not some brat who rants about feminism at college campuses.

Now he has nothing, even BakedAlaska is running the fuck away from him and his job at Breitbart is probably gone

You're thinking of Sup Forums



If youve ever been to Sup Forums and seen the exposed anus threads, the trap threads, the docking threads, the...well...all the gay shit...youd have a pretty good idea that homosexuals are mentally ill and filthy. especially with the exposed asshole threads. nasty fuckers.


Fuck off Milo

t. gay Black man


But I disagree with this point:

>in the end it works out well for us - the left has to distance itself from pedos, which it was cozying up to via defending faggot marches with half naked twerking kids etc, or he gets vindicated as the victim of a smear campaign due to his politics and despite the fact he is a victim himself

This won't do shit to the left. This whole thing is a textbook Alinsky tactic -- make your enemy live up to their rulebook. In our case, we hate pedos, so if they paint Milo as a pedo we have to disown him. But the left doesn't explicitly hate pedos, so they don't have to do anything.

This is a serious blow. Milo was extremely charismatic and popular and was basically a gateway drug to more right-wing beliefs. It will be a while until we can build someone else to play that role. I don't think he will ever be anywhere near the behemoth he was becoming.

Fuck cuckservatives, fuck them hard. They did this. No wonder their whole wing came from Trotskyism.

Neck beard porn addicts /= all gay men

What makes you think it's Christcucks only who are turned off by pedoshit?

>he's amassed such a huge following
So we go after them next. Anybody who stands by Milo is a pedo sympathizer like him.

Religious democrats are the worst. I've known too many of these retards who use interweave their politics and religion more than the likes of the Westboro fundamentalists. It's all virtue signaling, moral high grounds, and feel good speeches and events, but never any action.

interesting they can't win with argumentation and must instead resort to character assassination.
sage the shills

Do you feel in control?

>Everyone who stands by Trump is a NAZI FASCIST

It's not over yet, but it certainly looks bad for the cunt.

This, age is off the clock old enough for _____

It has begun, who next of the Trump inner circle should we destroy? Only true Trump supporters shall remain.


Dropped Milo:
Ben Shapiro

Condone Milo:
Lauren Southern

Hasn't expressed an opinion yet:


he's not a paedo you dense cunt

Sup Forums better not fall for (((this)))

what's the big deal? can't he just find another publisher?

He's a condescending, con descending

Get it?

I'll fuck off

none of those people are alt-right

CTR thread

alt right is a meme and the only internet celebrities pushing it en masse are coincidentally zionists , cryptozionists jews and people so incompetent they may as well be controlled opposition, more at 7/11

They're connected to it.

Everyone says they're part of it and then they aren't but then they are and suddenly they aren't even conservative.

Richard Spencer is the only one who's stuck by it.

All of the ones I mentioned are part of the new "generation" of conservatives.
Only known on the internet rather than as an establishment TV personality.

>crowder dropped Milo

His daily show which you have to be part of his mug club to view.

What did he say then? I find it odd that Crowder would mislead his audience, take Milo's word out of context.

name a few people you think are doing good things for your movement

because I'm guessing you're going to name complete no-namers that have never converted one normie and the real issue is you don't want muh secret club violated even though the whole point of any political movement is to grow

>take Milo's word out of context.

>being this retarded
Please go back to virtue signal on twitter, CTR

The left really is nasty isn't it. The NYT article attacking Milo pretended like all conservatives are appalled at him, kek. Nothing but lies. And guess who the two (((reporters))) were?


This. Have you seen the facebook comments he's getting? Overwhelming support.

They don't buy the smear.

His only redemption can come from going to saudi arabia and getting thrown off a roof, becoming a martyr

14 in krautland

How is it that Milo has a witch hunt on his ass while Silverman walks free when talking lightly about pedophilia?

Really fires the neurons...

m8 I've never subscribed to the secret club concept, this place runs on a steady stream of newfags getting pulled in from various streams, of which these personalities are sometimes at credit, that does not mean I will disregard their obvious foundational loyalties, opportunism or constantly enabling straw men for the left

I'm glad this happened. I always despised him and his disgustingly public perversions. The only issue I have with this, is how liberals now feel triumphant, as if we've been defeated.

I wonder if they even realise that we've never liked these "alt-right" figureheads. Milo, Spencer, etc.

this really needs to be memed into public consciousness

there is a wealth of leftist celebrity and "news" over the past 5 - 10 years that have been soft on or even advocated pedos

they need to be shown as hypocrites
where are all the twitter using anons with sock puppet accounts?

It's no surprise that the cucks that identify as "alt-right" love this guy. One of their heros is Gavin "Beached Asshole" McGuiness.

Fuck off Zoe Quinn.

Molyneux is going to eviscerate Milo as hes extremely anti-pedo

and/or Rock Spider

Who cares what "we" think.

We havent done shit to convert normies into our line of thinking, we just ramble on a fucking mongolian pottery forum all day while Milo and the ilk are out there, boots-on-ground, getting in the face of leftists and converting people to the Right.

Say what you want about Milo, the fact of the matter is thaf this is without a doubt a fucking massive victory to the Left, and you best fucking be concerned faggot.

honestly nobody gives a fuck about milo

They haven't defeated shit. They brought liw a self styled mouth piece of a movement that never really existed outside of internet forums. The real Trump supporters are the Mom and Dad voters who probably don't even read Huffpo or much of online news. They watch fox news and take their kids to baseball on weekends.

This will be seen as a minor scandal of a relatively unkown player, someone that the administration can easily disavow. It's kinda sad that Liberals are crowing over the deafeat of a literally who.

The unly people booty blasted by this are the "alt-right" cucks that worship celebrity garbage.


back to twitter faggot

>never really existed outside of internet forums.

Not 100% true. A big part of the reason Baird quit "to spend time with his family" was a cabal of alt-right types in the NSW liberals. They were almost gleeful about pulling off that coup on twitter and it was never covered.

The noise is largely internet forums, but we're seeing people tentatively dipping a toe in the water nowadays. It's nascent, but nowhere near as small as I thought it was even a year ago.

around 30 million people at last count. He had more followers than Michelle Obama and the Pope at one point

Unlike the rest of them, which are just semi-anti-pedo

She is a woman, women can't be pedos by liberal logic #feminism