Why isn't Spain the richest country in the world again?
Why isn't Spain the richest country in the world again?
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All empires fall.
Except the American empire, of course.
Some shit about no jobs and siestas
Theyre lazy as fuck
Spain was always poor, even during the height of the Spanish Empire.
Spain is more arid and mountainous than Northern Europe. The population density of Spain is lower and infrastructure costs are higher. Geography is destiny.
that way leechers go north
We gave away all our gold because reasons.
That must be with Switzerland, Austria and Norway are such shitholes
Because spaniards are dumb as fuck. And lazy.
>the spanish inquisition
the hebrews revenge will forever rain upon them.
The Alpine nations benefit from close proximity to the Northern European plain. Infrastructure costs are still high, but their returns on investment are greater due to integration into the French and German transportation networks. They also get plentiful rainfall in what flat land they do have.
Scandinavia has superior fishing resources to Spain and superior mineral resources due to it being an exposed continental shield.
in a series of political and religious moves alongside gluttony, they pretty much lost their aztec and inca shekels
Inflation and shooting their wad on futile wars in Europe.
because they lost against the british empire and napoleon, not trying to troll here
>because they lost against the british empire and napoleon, not trying to troll here
that was at best the nail in the coffin
Too much Corida!
Burger trying to lecture us about Spain kek.
They are poor because they are lazy and selfish. Also they lost so many wars after the golden age.
Too many siestas and welfare state
Because Spaniards on the whole are relatively stupid and unproductive/lazy.
they race mixed with their African conquerors
Spanish are too lazy to keep such a big empire running.
it's full of proto-Mexicans
We paid with south american gold and silver the wars we were doing because you fucking anglo couldn't shut the fuck during XVI and XVII and let us rule the world. Fuck you.
They weren't even that rich during their height. It's well known Spain looked like a dump compared to the rest of Europe even during the height of the Spanish Empire.
The Catholic church had such a stranglehold on the country that they took much of the wealth and they basically had no banking because it was haram according to the church.
The British Empire made Britain rich.
The Spanish Empire didn't make Spain rich.
the beard knows
True, every time America is the center of civilization and it comes to an end we end up taking the rest of world with us. Happened almost 12,000 years ago.
8 to 5 in northern europe and in the anglo countries.
Spain have 8 to 11 and then 2 to 5.
>True, every time America is the center of civilization and it comes to an end we end up taking the rest of world with us. Happened almost 12,000 years ago.
You smoking crack again, Jimmy?
russia keked their gold lel
they're arabs in denial
>Implying the Younger Dryas impact wasn't caused by pre-Ice Age American magicians channeling forces they couldn't hope to understand.
Stay asleep pleb.
his name is graham handcock and you will address him properly, copper commando.
retard.. Norway is not rich because of their minerals or fishing ressources (even their oil). They are rich because the unusual high productivity per capita.
This is a common theme, rather than natural ressources, the capita is the main ressource.
Culture and ethnicity appear to be the most prominent driving factor for success. In my opinion; this of course still leave some space for your crypto Jared mentality, since environment and evolution are intertwined and thus the geography will to some extent determine ethno traits.
>copper commando
>Why isn't Spain the richest country in the world again?
There are here now, 100% debt of GDP. They will suck German dicks for next 200 year or more.
This, Those fucking lazy Mexicants work 6 hours a day and do shit all day long.
Are you retarded?
You can't call someone retarded, whom call another person retared.
To call someone retarded is like saying "i call dibs on this insult, for the duration of this conversation".
Shhhhhh, they're sleeping!
>they're sleeping!
aye, since they returned from America, they was to busy spending your gold to decades. apparently they spend much more that they got.
Don't talk about things that you don't know
Well, what are the hours then, Jose?
She wants me and not you.
Clean your mouth you smelly Gabacho, you don't know anything about my country
>They are poor because they are lazy and selfish.
This is the truth.
Yeah we are poor but half of your country is living Spain, you gypsi
suck my dick loser, we have about 1 mil in Spain, you have 4 mils in Romania, so fuck off with your assumptions
Stolen weath never lasts long...
Lets see what happens with america though
and besides lazy you are stupid as fuck also, must be because you are fucking lazy to educate yourself, haha
9 to 14 and then 16 to 20
1 mil what? 790K romanishits in Spain. And 90% criminals
deal with it
Spain vs Romania; its like watching a fight between crippled retards (i still have dibs).
Sure, copper criminal
You live in a parallel world
Shut up , palenigger It is not about you
That'll do it..
cry me a river.. as i said, deal with it, oh wait, you are to fucking lazy to even think to a solution, ok.. stop crying here.. you are an embarrassment.
constant butthurped about "muh franco" and the past are keeping Spain from moving forward. Notice how there are no real right wing parties in Spain
>Spain vs Romania; its like watching a fight between crippled retards
fuck off leaf, we are latins, that's why we burn some times :D
Spanish Armada failed.
they're lazy
Do you think i want to be in this thread? do you think i enjoy interfering?
I do this because i have no choice..
cause they some beaners
I'm Portuguese and emigrated to Sweden (cuckistan, but not as bad as many muricans think if you actually socialize only with swedes/europeans), I know both perspectives.
Southern European peoples need a fucking slap in the face, a real cultural change. Most people are ignorant, uninterested, don't have hobbies, spend way too much time watching shit programs on TV and are prone to petty conflicts or office gossiping. Leadership is authoritarian and based on ancient principles that do not promote the general advancement of the organizations (whether it's a hospital, school, company or office).
In contrast, the work culture here in Sweden is amazing, no wonder this country is 9.5 million people and an economical power, producing world class innovation and startups everywhere (from Volvo to Spotify, including even successful videogame companies). People are honest, hard-working and productive (working 8 hours here is equivalent to 20 hours of portuguese labor).
Working here and living here is genuinely making me a better person, I thank this great country for that, despite the obvious problems that will be solved when SD wins next election. GG Sverige, Du gamla du fria.
- you forget what actually fuel Sweden
- Sweden is 8 mil population, not hard to control/manage
- they have more "degenerates" that south, no wonder why the government want to breed niggers.
- all of your points are false because you come from Portugal, aka shithole of EU, anything looks better for you.
hours don't go past 12
>But, but muh based, traditionalist Catholicism.
>Muh Luther destroyed europe.
>The inbreed habsburgs are the rightful rulers of europe.
pirates taking dem galleons bruh
I want to move to spain just so i have thw chance of landing me a beautiful spanish wife and having children
Sweden's economy is fueled by an incredibly strong industry sector, supported by strong IP creation and new business. Our countries' economy is based on bullshit like non-unique IP products, food and small manufacturing parts that any kid in Pakistan can produce.
Sweden is now 10 million people and the same argument could be made that since they are small they should not be economically powerful. It's very impressive what this country accomplishes with such small population.
The degenerate part, 100% true, we're trying to solve that, voting SD as soon as I can.
Nice try with that last one, fellow romance speaker.
>you come from Portugal, aka shithole of EU
Serious question; but i honestly thought Romania or Bulgaria was the shithole of Europe. Is my view on Romania inaccurate? would you rate it worse or better than Poland for instans, or Hungary?
you asking those haters to en-light you?? hahaha
I would say that Romania is better than Polan, but I've only been in Romania. Just by idea of the country...
spanish women are the worst Mediterranean women
because they are a race of muslim sand niggers and saharan niggers coupled with whites
they are literally the scum of the earth
burger pls go
This empire never existed.
It was always a jewish empire
>8 to 5 in northern europe and in the anglo countries.
>Spain have 8 to 11 and then 2 to 5.
Wrong, we work from 8:30 to 1:30 and then from 4:30 to 8:30.
>over 50% never leave home
>why aren't they the richest
with all the money they save by not paying rent I don't know why they aren't richest
oh they are supposed to "suffer" to "build up their souls" because catholic tards think suffering is good for you
the spanish inquisition was to be expected
you dont need to be catholic or even religious to understand that certain types of suffering are good for you both self inflicted and circumstantial
reality is some hotheaded bitch raggin on yo dumb ass all day
you can't handle kids so don't have them
>American education
My american girlfriend has trouble discerning the meaning of european digital clocks too.
No. Not until the 1900s.
They are the richest in spirit. Brits are richer in money, but then we have to slave away during the cold, rainy mornings for Mr. Shekelstein to pay for a shitty flat and what little alcohol we can afford to hasten our death and end our misery. The Spaniards don't even show up to work half the time and they still live better, healthier lives than us.
>with all the money they save by not paying rent
Sure bra, here in spain you cant rent and if theres somtihg you can rent its expensive or its a 50 years old building in mide of no mans land.
nah there's just only 12 hours simple.
even danemarks believe it too.
>spanish education
literally the worst in all of europe
>over 50% never leave home
Just FYI, most of those stadistical numbers out there are stated considering that there are lots of fascist 65+ old mans thinking Franco did nothing wrong.
Anyway, our governments are pure bullshit, and so is our education. They dont encourage anyone to do anything, and it's an actual achievement to find someone who can speak english properly. I mean, some of "us" cant even speak spanish.
>le ebil refugees
10While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
12On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’a For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Matthew 9
if you want to go with the 12 h scale at least say AM or PM. Otherwise its totally correct to use 24 hour scale, where 13 h would be 1 PM, 14 h 2 PM, and so on. Even your military uses this system btw.
Spain is part of the periphery of Europe, therefore they tend to be poorer all other things equal. Just something that hasn't been said.
why do you care so much
Because it is the perfect example of the #yolo racing to death lifestyle idiots so adore.
They were alright till the Spanish Armada sank. They never recovered.