So is this a CTR board now? What the fuck happened
So is this a CTR board now? What the fuck happened
Pizzagate happened.
Trump won.
Sup Forums was overwhelmed by antifa and ctr shitposting. It's beyond repair and I suggest you find another chan.
Soros dropped millions into Brock's piggybank after the election so no we're going to have to deal with CTR/Shareblue/CREW/American Bridge for 8 years.
I'm not sure what they're endgame is, it's not like they're going to change anybody's mind here. It's gotten to the point where I just ignore the obvious bait threads.
I mean if every thread on page 1 is shilling whats the point of even coming here anymore?
Ctr, plebbit, /qa/, /leftypol/, hijacking.Naturally Sup Forums is giving them replies and is going full retard.
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
Kinda pathetic really.
Kikes triggered really hard that we go after their head snake now. Israel is getting the Kek treatment . Shadilay :)
This. I've never watched a pewdiepie, milo or Spencer video in my life. Why would I be bothered about them?
They are trying to make paint pewdiepie as a nazi when he really isn't.They are trying to say Milo is a pedophile when he clearly isn't.I don't like them but they were a good weapon for us.Also, Spencer can go fuck himself.
Money was spent. The shills were sent. Anons lied. Sup Forums died.
Rest in pepperoni.
If you were here during the election, this board looked like this quite often.They're attempting to disrupt information and the discussion of ideas. It won't work, even if we have to posted dicks everywhere Sup Forums style.If shit really hits the fan, theres other chans to retreat to, just remember to lurk for awhile.
Massive spending
The fear is strong on the left
Push them drag them into the camps but they have to go.
pol is always anti-authority. What the fuck did you expect to happen when /yourguy/ got into power?
WTF? I'm with her now.
o rly
>having the establishment rule for so long you believe authority is the enemy
Antifa pls go
Sup Forums is a liberal board
stormweenies go home
Hiro sold out at the surprise of nobody.
Trump won and now he's boring
(((They))) know the time of their destruction is close at hand.