The world is about to end and there is nothing you can do about it.
The world is about to end and there is nothing you can do about it
Yeah pretty much. Thanks pedophilic sodomitical right. Thanks. This board. Thanks bibi. Thanks froggers. Praise Christ.
Nice pic OP.
Whats nice about it? The shitty imagery of the foreboding shadows against a queer and the concept of freedom?
Prepare for the end. It won't help but to quell your conscience for a bit.
Ive been seeing this coming intuitively as soon as i gained consciousness or shortly thereafter loooong loooong ago when I was maybe 7 or 8. I've always known of what to be sceptical. To live is Christ. To die is to gain
Aside from the statue of that faggot Lincoln, what is wrong with the picture?
I kinda hope you're right haha.
Absolutely nothing, it was blurry and low res. You know what this board need some more of?
More fucking threads about pedophilia and black cocks. Yeah, that'd be great.
Epstein is a great guy trial and kiss of putin youtube video. That is all.
damn there is just something about Melania. An intensity in her eyes that make her so hot.
Milfiest Milf ever.
actually its very accurate.
Lincoln grew up a hard working extremely religious American settler, then in politics he fought Democrats to preserve the union but also believed Africans should be sent back to Africa.
He is the definition of Christian populist Republican and the best representative of their beliefs. Trump is the next closest thing though "you have to go back"
(((They))) have just rewritten history so that Lincoln was a nigger lover that got assassinated for "no reason" but thats not true. He was a Christian populist who got assassinated by (((them))) before he could fully carry out his real plans.
All I was mentioning was his log cabin. And how the certain family casting their big dark asses in front of him
You trashing Lincoln? He died for your sins
She has that whole post-facelift leather-faceed space-alien-eye thing going on.
Born of a virgin? Raised from the dead three days after he died. Walked on water. Healed the sick. Brought in many fish and many men when none to be found. Changed water to wine and fed crowds with one loaf?
Where's Barron?
I have no problem with this
Some kind of symbolism in there. That he's not needed as an heir prolly
Sounds legit.
>(((They))) have just rewritten history so that Lincoln was a nigger lover that got assassinated for "no reason" but thats not true. He was a Christian populist who got assassinated by (((them))) before he could fully carry out his real plans.
[spoiler]It doesn't actually end.[/spoiler]
His judgement is coming.
Soon you will hear the final trump. When you do, look up. He is coming quickly on a cloud.
Sweden yes! You, too will be destroyed.
Is this keanu reeves sister?
Keep rackin up dem sixes
>three. posts. earlier.
>duh lincoln a Christian
>duh lincoln be God Himself!
You pushin for "another guy" to do the same but with his own mouth this time? Eh Jim?
He fought vampires an sheeit too.
Autistically fucking around behind Dahneld.
And you?
No he wasn't there that whole day
>The world is about to End.
>There is nothing you can do about it.
Yes, there is.
Get close to God.
Pray to the Lord.
Before the End.
Look for Salvation, before it's too late.
Concordant Literal Version free online helped me
>And you?
Yes. All of us.
No idea, he must've been in a time out.
It is still my honest opinion (and always will be) that the world should have ended in 1991 with complete nuclear annihilation. And yes, i was there at the frontlines.
I shed a tear each time the nuclear destruction air raid sirens went off for testing purposes and then fuck all happened and the world still continued to exist.
Awful feeling.
>t. oldfag german fag
Peace, brother.
What's this shit now?
Pictures don't work that way. Or at least there would have been a presser about it. Or two official words uttered on the matter in some capacity. And you said all of us just now. There is the 144,000. And there is millennial saints. So we'll see. No man knoweth both the day and the hour so yeah nice larp and all but other anons have been right in their advice
Nothing of value will be lost
You say that like its a bad thing.
Not at all. Great right with God and just prepare for it all to be over. Soon.
Is your new strategy just to have as many dumb shills post as much disinformational garbage as possible to flood the forum 24/7 and make it unreadable?
Took long enough.
I think you are meaning to reply to someone else in this thread. Happens to the best of us. What drugs you on tonight buddy? Not joking it sounds fun.
God Bless you and yours. Let's pray for a pre trib rapture. First goes the third temple. Somewhere in there believers are taken home instantaneously. If we gotta stay and innawoods you can still be saved or chosen or whatever is His plan. And even this. Has its end and there will be new epochs and new creations here and in Heaven
There's a lot to get up for each morning still and also much to lament and rage about
One thing is certain: We have exceeded the limits of human organization and this will all collapse or we will cease to be humans.
Thank God.
Go drink maple syrup leaf.
fuck off faggots, come at me
Already in the whitehouse conmand center
The world never existed, the universe is a illusion, a dream. all that exists, its you and its me and its everything, we are all one.
We are pure consciousness having a human experience and we often think that we are our bodies and that brains create our consciousness, but its consciousness that creates the brain, the body and the whole universe.
pray for me brother,im having trouble with sins
What sins trouble you brother?
Stop shilling for the Jew NWO leaf.
Unless you are a filthy Jew, then you should continue because that's in your best interest.
Real Aryans
Well OP, if the world is about to end, at least ITT we all got to see such a nice picture which you kindly posted. Thank you user
I will and I pray they are taken away from you or that you can carry your crosses and please pray for my sins as I'll pray for and against my own
that is a nice collection of words