ITT: Proof Milo endorses pedophilia, hebephilia, or ephebophilia.
I want a non-CTR driven thread with the truth...
What did he say about children capable of enjoying sex? I'm getting convoluted information.
ITT: Proof Milo endorses pedophilia, hebephilia, or ephebophilia.
I want a non-CTR driven thread with the truth...
What did he say about children capable of enjoying sex? I'm getting convoluted information.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
Kinda pathetic really.
He said:
>The age of consent is correct and shouldn't change
>Most people aren't ready to experience sexuality until they are older
>There are SOME, a VERY SMALL MINORITY, that can already experience sex from 13 up
This is literally all.
fuck off ctr stop making these threads
The full video...
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.
just google "milo", one of the first links will be an article linking to a video on twitter where he says 13yo boys having sex with grown men is a wonderful thing or somesuch
theres also an apology video somewhere. check one of the other threads for that
Basically Milo was raped by an adult while he was a teen. But, he, as a teen, wanted to do it and thought he was ready. So being a child who was molested makes you a pedo now apparently.
Watched the Drunken peasants and he is still talking about relationships between adults and 13 year olds... These children aren't mature enough to make intimacy decisions. The adults are seeking innocence and the body type not the character of the individual, which children have yet to develop.
Am I wrong?
Milo essentially took the position more-or-less endorsed by the black mother in the movie DOUBT.
Here Milo explicitly says that his sex with Father Micheal "wasn't abuse" which is quite the contradiction to his Facebook apologia.
He also asks Rogan if he has "ever seen a 15 year old girl you think is hot". Rogan vehemently denies that and questions Milo. Yiannopoulos was clearly projecting his predilections there.
Not CTR, but I know that's what CTR would say. I used to be very much behind Milo since he seemed like the only fellow gay conservative in the public, but now I know better than to trust a jew.
>There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Kill yourself you fucking kike.
>These children aren't mature enough to make intimacy decisions.
If maturity actually mattered then women would never be allowed to make those kinds of decisions.
Let me correct myself, he is talking about his 17 year old self?
The way he spoke was implying 13 because these children can be sexually stimulated.
In Washington D.C. (the capital) the age of consent is 16 and there is no age restrictions in place. A 60yo married politician can legally have sex with a 16yo. Why don't the democrats/ republicans talk about that?
He was speaking about his thirteen year old self when he was discussing Father Micheal. Later, he discussed how he thought inter-generational relationships would be helpful for 'boys'. He claimed 'boys' would be given security and love by 'older men'. What 'boy' means is left open to interpretation in that conversation, but Milo does later claim that some teenagers are 'ready to consent earlier' and offers himself as an example at the age of 13.
To me, it is pretty clear during that conversation that he meant ~13 years old when he used the term 'boy'.
It is true that in the gay community the term 'boy' is used pretty loosely and thrown around to mean a huge range of ages. Men up to probably 25 are sometimes referred to as boys by gays, no idea why they do it and it's always made me uncomfortable that they'd conflate boy/man.
what 13 year old male was not jerking it like a machine and praying to get laid?
1 hour in
Milo says that there are situations where a 13 year old boy and a MUCH older man could be in a sexual relationship together and it would be ok
I hear Ruinshin is a pederast, too.
Source: He touched me when I was a little boy.
We all were, but some of us understood that it was a bad idea. Desires do not immediately need to become actions.
Fuck off
who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?who cares?
ecelebs that are moderate are useful idiots the bring people into more RADICAL DUDE views such as white nationalism who fucking cares what this turd does
old Sup Forums wouldnt have gave a fuck i am sick of this reddit shit. Also Spencer did nothing wrong and David Duke is a hero. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF!
but its ok to to promote transgender operations of the same or younger age
dhit only reason I thought it weas a bad idea was id bust in seconds and embarrassment for life
Spencer and Duke are retards
Are you blind or just a lesbian
God damn I hate this pasta lol
>Milo does later claim that some teenagers are 'ready to consent earlier' and offers himself as an example at the age of 13.
This is child molestation between an adult and child. The adult knows better and is taking advantage of them. It doesn't matter what the child wants, they are wrong and can experiment with others their own age, not some adult that is convinced by the child.
Teenagers are not children.
You are a retard.
>He was speaking about his thirteen year old self when he was discussing Father Micheal. Later, he discussed how he thought inter-generational relationships would be helpful for 'boys'. He claimed 'boys' would be given security and love by 'older men'. What 'boy' means is left open to interpretation in that conversation, but Milo does later claim that some teenagers are 'ready to consent earlier' and offers himself as an example at the age of 13.
What Milo forgot to say is that many gay teenagers are left to their own devices by their parents who kicked them out while they were still in HS. Many end up runaways due to abuse or religious parenting. Many end up meeting an older guy via the internet or in the gay part of town to live with because they really have nowhere else to go. The relationships often turn sexual, sometimes the boys get taken advantage of, but often the relationships can be healthy if the older guy is truly wanting to help him the kid out and not use him as a sextoy.
>kill yourself
it's a pasta
52:47 is the start
Hey guys better watch out somef aggot who gets fucked in the ass by niggers all of a sudden says some other weird shit big fucking WHOOP DE FUCKING DO DA
Oh and btw hes mentioned that he fucking liked sucking some priests cock when he was just a young boy just proves more and more that homos are little kid diddlers but Sup Forums reddit users are flipping shit because he said this when it always works in Sup Forumss favor
this was a coordinated assault on Milo.
He was getting way to powerful and had no effective way to silence him, because he is a gay, minority, immigrant.
This is the first step in attaining ideological purity. Bannon and Trump will turn on the homos and root them out. Next, they will find all those people who bandwagoned for Trump and sidelined them. And in 2-4 years, a new generation of Trump followers will purge Sup Forums or maybe the FCC will ban the domain. And good riddance, how can Trump tolerate a place like Sup Forums supporting him with all the filth this place makes? He wants true patriots not degenerate waifu fags
He said in an interview that he had to been to parties hosted by gets where underage boys were being fuck ed. As far as I know, he didn't endorse anything. All he said was that he had encountered pedos in the gray underground.
Fucking kike shills pretending we don't know you guys exist
Godfuckingdammit *hosted by gays and the gay underground
>No you
Wew lad
>i its just trolls, nothing to see here, goyim!
timeless classic.
>What did he say about children capable of enjoying sex? I'm getting convoluted information.
Watch the video in question. He says that as a 13-year old, when he was raped by an adult priest, he consented to it. He even joked that he was the real predator because he forced himself on the priest. He also talked about young gay men (he used the phrase "younger boys", ridiculously stupid on his part since he was apparently referring to himself as a 17-year old) hooking up with dudes in their 30s after being disowned for being gay.
He never said pedos should be tolerated or encouraged. He was trying to be an edgy faggot and laugh off his own abuse, and it came back to bite him about a year later.
Skip to about 56 minutes into the video. The incident with the priest is something he's referenced and joked about in a bunch of speeches, so it's either real or a very well-planned-out lie.
>the quote in question below:
Milo: “And you know what, I’m grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn’t give nearly such good head if it wasn’t for him.”
Other people talk. Oh my God, I can’t handle it, one man says. The next thing in line is going to be pedophilia…says another man.
Milo: “You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet. Who have not gone through puberty. Who are too young to be able (unclear and cut off by others)…That’s not what we are talking about. You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”
Another man said, “You are advocating for cross generational relationships here, can be honest about that?”
Milo: “Yeah, I don’t mind admitting that. I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, from desolation, from suicide (people talk over each other)… providing they’re consensual.”
>conservatives surprised that gays have gay sex
But are you a faggot? Because Milo is a faggot. That makes a big difference.
Yeah its not like what you said was worth much either fuckhead.
Good to see cancer is alive and well on Sup Forums still.
Nothing. His appearance on Bill Maher attracted (((attention))) and so pressure was applied and now apparently he is a pedo. Same thing they did with Michael Jackson.
The fact is that this whole thing is a smear. Milo is not a pedophile and he is being taken out of context.
But when it comes to children, people are not rational. Milo is basically going to be destroyed. He flew too close to the sun.
But, factually, anyone who calls Milo a pedophile is ignorant.
The problem is that he said "young boys". He claims he meant boys 16+, which would be the age of consent in the uk and most of the us. Other people claim otherwise.
It's a case of "he said, leftist media said". "Boys" could mean any male (we've heard plenty of music where Tyrone Barkavious Jackson talks about "his boys"), could mean a literal's just like the word "girl". It's his own damn fault for using those words. A public figure with any sense of self-control would have immediately thought "oh shit, that came out wrong" and immediately clarified, instead of waiting until got in trouble.
Yeah, I don't think it's a coincidence that he mocked Larry Wilmore and that CIA guy and this happened just days later.
Who cares though? The fact that everyone here is defending him or attacking him is proof enough that this board is currently filled with fucking low IQ reddit users.
If his usefullness has run out just drop him and move on. Who gives a fuck only reddit alarmist cock sucking gamergate faggots that can't move on past civic nationalism, libertarianism, or cuckservatism care.
From what I have seen, there were two statements edited to appear next to each other.
>13 year olds can be sexually stimulated.
>Gays who are older teens sometimes benefit from relationships with older men, especially when they lack support at home.
Both of these statements seem true to me, especially since the first doesn't seem to be implying any actions that are permissible because of the fact. 13 year olds are often beginning sexual exploration, and can be capable of reproducing. This is a fact, and it didn't seem to me that Milo was saying people should be having sex with them.
The only question is how young of a teenager he was referring to in the second statement. I haven't seen any good evidence that he meant 13 year olds, except from people saying that's totally what he meant before refusing to supply a link.
Its more then a little sketchy as to what he was saying and what he might have meant, but this was an obviously deliberate attempt to smear Milo just when he had an upswell of further hype from appearing on Maher by sitting on these dubious clips for a while and then pulling them out now to paint a narrative around Milo as a pedophile.
The worrisome take away from this is seeing just how far the media will go to counter political opposition, and how effective they can be when they plan out an attack like this.
>There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Good one
Yeahhh... okay CTR.
Problem with you clowns is you can't help but out yourself. The word misogynist was your first mistake; the second was referring to yourself as alt-right; the third was attempting to state who should and shouldn't be in the so called "alt-right" which, frankly there is no definition for.
That's what you people just don't get about the "alt-right". It doesn't exist the way you think it does.
But thank you for correcting the record!
THIS We have a chance to roll out all this shit and nail pedos to the wall and nail all the people (the left and the cucks) who have openly defended them and even celebrated them. Time to strike the iron while it's fucking hot.
>Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature.
He wanted to break it down to this point, even if to justify his encounter, so people have to decide on hebephilia or ephebihpilia. All three are wrong and most people consider it to be pedophilia, even if it isn't the definition.
>Proof Milo endorses pedophilia
Why do you say the priest raped him if Milo forced himself on the priest and consented?
Is this anti-pasta pasta?
Because legally speaking, it's still rape even if both parties were consenting.
WATCH THE WHOLE INTERVIEW or at least more then the edited 5sec GARBAGE BS clip is trying to make you think you fking downie
Alex Jones said that he had sex with an 18 year old woman when he was 13. He claims that they loved each other and he wanted a grown woman.
The child can't make that decision. The adult can. Child molestation.
i do it all the time :^)
You can make it delicious if you want, but I typed it, so it ain't pasta yet.
> As a woman
Ffs user, do you think the brits told the germans they had cracked the enigma code?
Fuck no, you don't tell your enemy shit like this or they will evolve and adapt
prove it.
Regardless its child molestation even if the child is pushing for it because the adults know better.
sauce on that
I can't prove shit. This is what Alex said in one of his radio shows.
Milo has already explained that he was talking about young adult men. His only mistake was using gay slang that was twisted by the left to attack him.
Then watch the video for yourself faggot.
Also underlines the continued and strengthening bond between the far left and the neocons as this was a joint effort. They are now essentially one in the same.
bullshit when i was 13 I would dream of an 18 yr teaching me the way, im now grown and still regret it never happened.
I endorse ephebophilia though. It's normal
Milo seems to condone 13 year old sexual interaction with adults if its consensual. When Milo or Alex Jones go after older people its lustful, ignorant to intimacy, and they don't care about the other parties consequences. Adults should know this is lustful behavior and turn away from the predators in this case.
This is child molestation because the adult still gave into an undeveloped child.
For the millionth time, he's just a garden-variety faggot.
The "old experienced gay teaches young boyish confused twink" is the rock homosexuality is built on. Ask any faggot you know, and pretty much every one has a variation of the story,
He's not some special kind of degenerate. He's just reciting what's basically the plot of 90% of "Gay Interest" movies and books.
The left lies.
The left dies.
An undeveloped child makes bad decisions the adult in't supposed to condone.
Just a fantasy when the adults shut you down. Go dream about your waifu...
>from the comments
"Here in America we often charge teens as adults for certain crimes. Murder being number 1 on the list and your skin color still matters. On the other hand if you're 15 and a female things shift quickly. If a 34 year old fucks a 15 year old girl suddenly she wasn't capable of making her own decisions. This hypocrisy is what Dave is speaking about. It's his most intellectual moment to date."
They can't keep getting away with it.
Where is the full video?
Also this. But it's an incredibly common story that most gay men will tell you. That older camp counselor, or priest, or piano teacher. Some older male stand-in for daddy who got sexual with them, and they enjoyed it. Molestation and old men preying on young men, teaching the confused young twink the ropes, is the foundation of homosexuality.
I say this as a straight guy who went to music conservatory for college. Easy pussy and a crash course in faggotry, as girls outnumber guys and half of the dudes are gay.
So is this the moment in time when the left became homophobic and the right became pro-gay?
absolutely, we cannot forget that most of the Republican party are just as traitorous and hostile to Trump's ascension. So far the only attacks that ever stick are joint efforts by the Neocons and the Left (aka Grab em by the Pussy and now this with Milo's pedo comments).