>this was Sup Forums's leader
kek, no wonder you guys always lose.
>this was Sup Forums's leader
kek, no wonder you guys always lose.
>talking shit about leaders
How can I kill myself without my family being sad?
>>this was Sup Forums's leader
stop speaking about Sup Forums like you know Sup Forums
>brainlet tier
leaving your room to piss in the toilet
>enlightened tier
Kill your family first
Milo did nothing wrong.
Please don't fall for the ShareBlue jew.
Not a leader, he's more like Sup Forumss date rape drug
You know who owns the white house and Congress don't you?
>Xe doesn't know who's in the Oval Office
Break me off a piece of that Kek Kat bar
Next time put a trigger warning for snowflakes like
uh? they are already sad.
Mfw Milo, Sam, Pewnis combine forces...not going to happen but fuck Vice and censorship
But Sup Forums is always right. By the way Milo is suing Shareblue for slander
Don't you have a dog to blow around now you photosynthesising faggot
True story? Sauce?
If he really is the leader then he will come and adress pol and drop some knowledge
What do you by "was"?
It's all fake news. That clip was clearly fake and Yanno was played by a liberal lookalike.
Most people here didn't like the guy. He always seemed like he was forced, just like that Spencer guy.
Set up to fail.
How can he recover tho amarite??? In all seriousness though, we can't let the ayys get the nuclear codes!
Daily reminder to sage and hide all leafposts.
>>brainlet tier
>leaving your room to piss in the toilet
>>enlightened tier
Thank you for another confirmation, to wit:
Slowly become a complete disappointment to they become numb to your very existence.
Oh, wait.
>another Milo thread
holy shit please have sex OP. Sad!
>When you lose a game of 4D Chess to a Billionaire Hustler
Ask Milo
He was fitting right at Breitbart. I'm sure he had a ton of pizza parties there.
That's because Milo is a stepping stone- a degenerate conservative. We understand his importance but are way past what he represents to truly invest in him, which is why many here are directly writing him off or defending him. He is divisive, even to Sup Forums which means he has a much larger role than we believed he did. This will make him even bigger-in theory. I don't know what media/publishing company will be willing to team up with him. I've really taken a liking to OR publishing recently, especially w/ the Assange books and Clinton speeches-I sent them a message just to plant the seed
>what is a joke
How much is CREW paying you friendo?
I'm pre med and have a wife and kid, I just want to be dead without my wife, kid, mom and dad and brother and sister and niece and nephew and wife's family and friends and coworkers caring
>40 threads about this twink
>not sliding