I am getting paid to spam concern posts on Sup Forums, and I'm not alone. AMA

There's probably about 10 of us at any given moment during the normal work day spamming Sup Forums now.

AMA, and I'll try to answer as honestly as I can while maintaining my anonymity.

nice b8 cuck.. nice b8

You're the cuck, buddy.

I just made another .05.

What is it like to talk to people that cannot get spammed and/or turn the spam into their own arsenal of memery?

>thinks he can't be spammed.

How did you get involved and why?

Also, 14/88?

Applied to an ad online to make a little extra cash while in school.

They don't get paid. They get blackmailed. You clicked on some shit you shouldn't have clicked and now you're working for the jews. If he even tries to quit he'll be fucked. Have fun.

Who you working for? Who is paying you?

How can we stop you?

post your contract or you're a larping faggot

Will you get in trouble if you're found out?


Can't say. It's one of many companies, though. Just research "paid content creation".

You can't. It's a business, and there's millions of other people, like me, willing to shitpost for a little extra cash.

We're not supposed to admit it, so yes.

Where 2 apply?

>You're the cuck, buddy.
I make 12 an hour for very little work,
whose the real cuck here?

You enjoy sucking Lucifers cock? & what's his girth? (missus wants to know).

Do you really think we can't tell?

>in before no one asks him to prove it

You guys wanna buy a bridge?

Research, like I did.

Does it really matter?

It's just like the news. If they broadcast 10 stories about how fucked up Trump is, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, because enough idiots will believe it is.

Same thing works here, or any other website.

Gookmoot/mods are in on it ye?

Is this you?

I think your bosses underestimate our conuter propaganda skills. Most of us know your fake as shit and won't believe you.

Actually, all you're really doing is securing Trump 2020.

I get a question for you though shill Are we red pilling you fuckers Have we gotten any of you faggots to commit suicide how long do you guys last Last time I saw one of these threads from an insider at CTR he mentioned how the turnover rate is so high. and how your basically worked like cheap chinese slaves.

Why do young people take such shitty jobs while in college? Did you guys all forget that you could be doing some type of physical labor for halfway decent money? Nah, lets work retail, fast food, or post on a fucking internet forum. LOL

it just backfires you fucking retard. why do you think trump won if the shilling works so well

Why should they care?

Traffic is what makes a web site marketable, not content.


In my time on the board, I've often spent time in threads about controversial topics ("conspiracy theories") and when I've felt that I was running up against I shill, I would keep at them without getting upset, hurling insults, etc. etc., basically forcing them to make non-arguments over and over, basically guiding them to discredit themselves. I would purposefully try to create a context in which the only way they could continue the conversation was to keep saying things that didn't make sense.

Every once a in a while, I would get a distinct impression that at a certain point, the shill passed the reigns over to someone who was a bit smarter and could make a more legitimate argument. Other times, one guy would go quiet, but then another user would crop up and say the exact same things.

Do you know of any type of shillery that uses any sort of hierarchy like that, where a particularly troublesome conversation gets "passed up" the chain to a more experienced shill or something like that? Or do you think these people were more likely sticking with lazy, cheap tactics right up until they realized that they weren't working?

Pretty much.

I work at home though, and just send copies of the posts I make to the company, and after enough posts, I get cash in a pay pal account.

Not too shabby.

how much do they pay you?


Ohh Vey goyim go 6 digits into debt. go to our Liberal indoctrination centers get useless degree and work the rest of your life working a job barely better than minimum wage.

If this is you KYS just KYS your to fucking retarded for this world you will die miserably Might as well end your suffering now why prolong decades on misery. Just end it goyim KYS drink a glass full of bleach and just end it you have no hope no future the jews have you by the balls and they will bleed you dry you won't escape the jews. So just end it.

Do it faggot KYS

>the turnover rate is so high. and how your basically worked like cheap chinese slaves.

That's true.

You're not going to make a living doing this shit, and it's easy to get burned out.

As far as getting "red pilled", I doubt most posters even bother to read anything on this board, and even if they did, it wouldn't matter.

Lol your such a fag

>It's just like the news
confirmed the news is just a public relations firm now.

>Do you know of any type of shillery that uses any sort of hierarchy like that

Personally, no.

We're given a list of sites to post on, and acceptable themes, and that's pretty much it.

There could be other companies doing what you imply though.

The company I work for pretty much exists to create the impression that a site has a certain amount of traffic that shares a common interest or supports a common theme or agenda.

It's ok I wouldn't expect a bunch of subhuman niggers with an IQ below 50 fresh out of the liberal indoctrination center we call schools to understand the red pill. It is something you accept over time as you get older as the mind becomes more soft. The truth will come out. those who are to indoctrinated we may have to dispatch though.

Is that reply aimed at me? I roofed through college while getting my CS degree. I live in the midwest. I get paid $50 an hour to work a couple hours a day. I spend the rest shit posting or trading stocks (watch $OCUL this week. FDA should give class 1). I'm barely over 30 and have an investment account over a mill. I can post a pick of that if you want.

You kill yourself, broke nigger faggot

Rates very depending on the post.

Here, you'll make about .02 per post.

Ok your a fucking larper no way is this true.

bullshit, no way you're in the US and doing it for 2 cents per post

No it's aimed at every Pussy assed faggot who went 5-6 figures into debt to get some useless ass degree. well congratulation you have no fucking future.

But hey good for you.

How do I get a job like that?

You should expose them.
Even making this thread means you're gonna lose your shit posting job.
So if you're gonna get fired, expose them user.
Be the hero.

When are you gonna get off my board you kike shill faggot?

What are the acceptable themes? Post original source screenshot

How can I apply?

What type of shitposting have you done in particular? What were some common themes?

I do this about an hour a day, send the posts in, and forget about it. Then, after enough posts, I get cash in my pay pal account.

It's easy low stress cash I can use for beer, food, or whatever.

Well, you've got a point there, with your nothing.

Do you want a fucking job like that I mean even by internet standards you can make more money better by doing a zillion other things. Check our r/beermoney

Can't wait for all dem (You)'s relling me to KYS because of reddit.

Not even all are truly "useless". A buddy's wife is a lawyer for the state and has been salary capped at 75k since starting four years ago, LOL. She went to Marquette and I believe has around 300k in student loans?

Another mutual friend has been out of law school for a couple years and is still a law clerk :O :D :(

People making stupendous life decisions...

David Brock isn't physically watching over your shoulder ?

Exactly he's lying. The 0.02 cents per post was a meme and you'd need to do hundreds of posts an hour to make the federal minimum or else his shitty shilling company is breaking the law.

This is a larp

Yah and I know someone who went to trade school for 2k and got a 150k job starting. paying because there are to many lazy assed pussy that fall for the collage jew.

Expose them for what?

There's been paid posters around for years now, and they exist in every single platform on the net.

You can buy views and subscribers / followers for youtube, twitter, facebook, you name it. And there's countless companies and forums that pay for views/posts/whatever, to help build an actual following. It's all about the money, or setting the narrative.

If you think news and political groups are taking advantage of this to forward their agenda and narrative, well, there's nothing I can do for you user.

About 5 minutes, then I gotta roll.

Why do you shill here? It's obvious, and it's not like anyone will change their opinion based on a "DRUMPF BTFO XDDD" post

All CTR shareblue employees are likely working in a building somewhere closely monitored. Ever see videos of chinese workers in huge computer labs farming likes virtual currency whatever lazy ass niggers in the first world want yah It's like that.

Because it's more fun than facebook.

Regardless, I'm done for the day and gotta' roll.

See you tomorrow.

Enjoy more of the Milo posts Sup Forums.

I just want you to know

YOU WILL FAIL You've failed in the past and failed in the future your shillposting has no effect on hardened meme warriors. We're coming for your kike master that is paying you and when the masses finally awaken they will wish the holocaust the real. The jews are scared and they should be.

You're getting paid a pathetic wage to get saged and ridiculed

Standard cuckold behaviour

Reported, enjoy getting b& faggot

This ain't reddit kiddo, top kek if you think you're doing shit except for pissing off Sup Forums and making us hate liberals even more.

>12 an hour

Why are you larping like a moron on Sup Forums mate.
Are you that pathetic that you need attention from us but have no valid contributions to make?
Boredomn? Autism? What is the point?

how is your individual effectiveness measured? e.g. what kind of "goals" are you given?

Never a dull moment

What are the chances this kid wasn't talking absolute shit?
1%? 0.5? 2c a post, and sending all of those posts in to be counted by someone before money comes in by PayPal? Fucking LARPers are worse than real shills.

ITT: Autism and Fantasy Role Playing