>Live in Los Angeles
>Go to college that's majority Hispanic
>Everyone is polite, intelligent, speaks perfect English, and distinguishable from white people only by skin color, height, and admittedly terrible music taste
Sup Forums lies to you. Mexicans are fine.
Live in Los Angeles
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you just move into LA five minutes prior to making this thread?
I actually find that believable. Even on HWNDU streams spics speak in perfect English and I respect that. I would take Mexicans instead of hordes if muzzies who can't even speak English.
Literally no normal person dislikes immigrants who assimilate. Assimilated citizens and migrants are model citizens. They loved America enough to not only move here, but to BECOME American.
When we talk about spics, we are talking about the violent illegals who harm our country.
Mexicans are christians at least
>things that never happened
Carlos why do you lie?
The thing about hispanics, it's literally 50/50.
Because half of them literally inherited their brain-forming genes from a white ancestor, whereas the other half got it from sacrifice-loving savages.
what college?
i literally live up the street from ELAC (east l.a. college).
let's kick it
Just moved from LA to the bay area, I miss Mexicans. They're polite, hardworking, and have strong family values. Now i'm surrounded by rude, lazy niggers ;_;
OP here. I'm at Pierce College right now before I transfer.
Fuck you lying spic.
>Sup Forums lies to you. Mexicans are fine.
Had pretty much the same experience in Texas.
Mexicans are pretty cool after living around blacks in STL my whole life.
>guns make mexicans even more polite
latin american
>they are loud and annoying
>those who live in US got a crazy birthrate
>a considerable percentage collect welfare
>they are loud and annoying
>crazy birthrates in their countries and in those where they have immigrated
>100% collect welfare
>extremely aggressive (worse if they are jungle niggers) if you don't believe in their pedo prophet
>women must wear that fucking veil all the time or else she'll get rekt
>killing kiffar is something MORALLY good for they don't worship pedo prophet
>blow themselves up to show up how devoted muslim you are
>have hated western world, or rather anything non muslim for over fourteen hundred fucking years
i know chicanos suck as hell, but muslims are far worse...
>>Everyone is polite, intelligent, speaks perfect English
thats how i know your a spic
Yes that is the American dream. Some of them also become shitlib SJW, but luckily that meme has already peaked, hopefully. Does your college call it "Latinx" instead of Latino or Latina? Is everyone bisexual or gay? Does it feel like the end times?
As long as you MAKE them assimilate into american culture Mexicans will be "ok", but if you let them have their mexican culture in america then might as well get ready for Mexico 2.0
The Mexican mindset is one of the worst in the world, do not let anyone tell you otherwise, and that's the reason you fags need the wall. Do not let those filthy faggots turn America into Mexico.
Texasfag here.
You are wrong.
catholics, christians are crazier.
THANK YOU FOR BACKING ME UP HERE. I only like the race-aware Mexicans with high standards for themselves, basically. I'm in Orange County and yes there are Mexican families who are hard working and a handful even become rich through legal businesses, technology based. The stereotypes are true for many but not everyone. There are lots of white Mexicans, but in California they are maybe 5 to 10%. The ones you are seeing in college are okay people for the most part I am not advocating racism as much as I am advocating race realism.
Good parenting has way more to do with "acting white" than liking classical music or european culture. And I'm saying that as someone who loves european culture and classical music and as a white nationalist. We can co-exist with the non-whites, and we should encourage a civilized attitude, but we cannot debase ourselves in the satanic temple of marxism, which is what the younger generations are doing whether they are white or latino. I don't consider latinos white even tho they are told for demographic reasons to put white. Unless you are really a white skinned Mexican, then yes I would consider you white. I've met some very light skinned civilized (and often more wealthy and from good families) people from Mexico city and yes generally they depise the peasant class of mexico and they assume many of the worst have come to california. I know a few mexican millionaires tho, like three, all self-made all tech businesses. having over a million dollars in the bank is really easy now so this isn't quite as amazing as this sounds, living in california.
I've been in LA for a few days and even I know it's a shit hole
Deport all spics, keep the chola girls.
I'm in Texas (Dallas) and Mexicans are no big deal. Their parents can't speak English but are nice and hard working. 2nd gem kids are pretty much Americans and speak perfect English.
Kind of loud tho
Study funded by ACLU, so expect the numbers to be fudged somewhat to make minorities look better than the prison statistics somehow.
google image search "cholo girls" to see what they really look like. that picture if a non-cholo, clearly. chola girls are like female gangsters scary only a few steps from being insane clown posse tier.
College tends to shift out the bad Mexicans from the good ones. Most are OK and behave like normal citizens, but their are tons that need to be sent back.
The gangster in your picture is from the gang Mara Salvatrucha (aka MS-13) which is a gang from El Salvador, not Mexico.
>indistinguishable from white people
L.A. college student here.
Hispanics are fine, They aleast work and the ones that assimilate are decent people. They at least gave us Taco Trucks niggers give us rape and uncontrollable crime
>be driving down Central
>stop at red light
>two spics circle around my car
>one of them has a bloodied face
>go on down the line of cars
>fight each other some more before dispersing
Fuck you bitch, these people are criminals. In broad day light, criminals on the street.
It's funny that any time there's a thread about Mexican-Americans (aka Chicanos) on Sup Forums all the Mexicans from Mexico need to make it a mission to get validation from white posters by mentioning how much they dislike Mexican-Americans. That's super pathetic and sad how upset you are. A lot of white people in Los Angeles either hate Mexicans, are indifferent toward Mexicans, or like Mexicans. However that is not the cause with the Mexican Sup Forums person who obsesses with Mexican-Americans always saying, "AS LONG AS THEY ASSIMILATE". Why does that even matter to you since the USA isn't even your nation? Worry about Mexico and not the USA or its immigrants.
for you
>tfw 3rd gen legal castizo
>Dad never spoke spanish to me
>speak perfect Inland Northern American English
>5'10" with white skin
>everyone assumes I'm white despite black hair and eyes
>then they see my last name and I'm everyone little hombre
>when your chola gf makes you learn the words to every chalino song
Fuck off, Mexicans are shit (present Mexican poster excluded) I don't want any coming here. I don't care if they "assimilate" they still have Aztec midget blood.
It doesn't matter what you want. You are nothing. A lot of Mexicans are already in the USA like it or not (whether you want it or not). That's not going to change any time soon. I don't like the cold weather but I can't do shit about it.
You mong, if they have integrated into American society as well as you claim and are here legally then they are Americans. If, however, they are here illegally, hang out on their front lawn drinking cheap beer in their oversized Jean shorts because their A/C is broke, wave the Mexican flag, tattoo their face to macho signal their toughness and run around autistically screeching about "la raza" and other beaner shit that has no place in American society then they are Mexicans and have a whole fucking country where that shit is common place and so they should go back there.
You're a faggot, we just elected Trump to keep the fuckers out. You are a pussy and you are nothing, you will accomplish nothing, because you have no will power. Losers like you ran the GOP into the ground through appeasing and defeatism. Bitch made nigger.
Yeah because you don't see all that shit you just described with white trash all over the USA. Instead of waving the Mexican flag they wave the "rebel flag".
chicano fag
we don't seek validation from neets and faggots, we are like the Africans, Asians, and Europeans. the first generation immigrants are actual hardworking people, while 2nd and 3rd are utter complete shit that give us a bad rep
WRONG they were probably selling you something like oranges you tard
FIU and all those California schools are spic central
Worst part is that if you're a spic you're just a number and not a special snowflake that benefits from SUPER affirmative action (better than blacks since spics go to college less than black on average and are all concentrated in 2-3 schools)
Miamian of Nicaraguan descent
Not even #1 of my class
#1 of my class ended up going to the University of Miami
What a waste
It's always FIU or UM if you're a bit smarter
I never understood that stay at home for college meme the spic community lives
except that those people are fucking native to the country that they are doing it in
Shut the fuck, nigger. Sup Forums always acts like facts come first and that they don't care about muh feelings but as soon as a Mexicans comes out and says that indeed Mexico is shit like you say it is then we are pathetic, eat a dick.
Also you get super defensive about it when it comes to how much whiteys like you, so I'm assuming you are a retarded chicano, well, if you lived here you would know that we do have white people, retard, I don't care about how do they see me or how do I see them, I care that this country is not good and great reason for it comes from how Mexicans think. Of course they won't tell you that because most people are stupid. Or what? Should I believe all whites hate Trump and that he's racis just because a white friend told me so? Don't be retarded.
>go to mcdonalds
>workers are majority spic
>"que peso order"
>"buenos hola"
>"me que pesa"
I hate you spics so much can't even get my order correct. Good thing you're getting replaced by robots.
latinos are good people and the ones that didn't breed with niggers are genetically as far away from niggers as you can be
Mexicans are great - they work hard and value education. There's some scumbags and they are mostly chicanos. American culture is cancer
I think it's funny how upset you are over a "nothing". I expected this reaction from a savage who gets emotional like a bitch. Clean yourself up, go change your tampon, and come back once you're level headed.
First of all, Trump was elected for many reasons. He was a populist, people hated Hillary more than they dislike Trump, she had a corruption scandal, people wanted their jobs back, people wanted to try something new, all other candidates sucked, etc. There is no "we elected". You don't know the reasons why others voted. You probably didn't even vote either because you seemed like the type to bitch about things without actually doing anything about it.
>ayy el chicanito
>come back once you're level headed
you say you're so level headed, just curious what the size of your head is?
Mine is 25 inches and according to this calculator calculatorsoup.com
I'm asking you to measure around your head with a tape measure and tell me the length so I can calculate it.
If your not up to do that then I think that says everything we need to know.
It's economics, I'd imagine Mexicans who write in perfect english and post on a right-leaning imageboard tend to come from good, rich families, but they don't make more money than itinerant laborers up in los youniteds who barely speak english
Sure thing Indio. I bet you are the same person that posts photos of "white Mexicans" on Sup Forums to try and prove to others who don't care if Mexicans are white or not. You're so butt hurt because you're stuck in Mexico, but want to see "Europe" to go "find yourself" like the typical self-hating Mexican.
I bet if it was up to you there would be all this talk about being an immigrant, doing things "The right way", getting a good job and seeing "europe", and making white friends. In the end you're nothing more than some sad pathetic dude hating on Chicanos because you are just stuck and will never be accepted.
Go post on other threads about how Mexicans are "white" to make yourself feel better.
Just want to say, we wouldn"t consider you having any european connection.
Be happy with being an american
digits confirm
mexicans are /ourguys/
Born and raised in California. Spics are cancer and if you can't see that, there's no help for you.
Haha, you're probably right. They think themselves as "aristocrats", but make less than some day laborer.
No more carnitas for you.
I dunno chico. Watched Sicario, they got some Bad Hombres.
>Le Lazy Mexican Meme
Yeah they are like half Aztec or whatever, and those fuckers were sacrificing every single person in sight before the Spaniards came.
>go to mcdonalds
>sees flag
>stop reading
pls quit being a lardass muh fellow patriot.
>yes goy, let them all in, they're just like you
>implying 3rd generation white-washed well off spics smart enough for college represent the avg mexican
>implying the avg mexican america didn't barely pass HS, has below avg IQ, short, fat, brown, more prone to crime, literally stinks like piss, and proudly waves mexican flag putting mexico first despite being born in US
t. LA native
Gas yourself
Come to Chicago.
the ones that go to college are the white ones, the ones that fucking ruin society are fucking natives with big fucking boot lips
What the fuck are you even talking about? Nigger, it's simple: Stop trying to suck up to whites. Be proud to be Mexican. It doesn't mean you can't assimilate into American culture. There's a ton of Mexicans who are proud to be Mexicans, but embrace American culture. Like be proud to be of Mexican heritage, but still celebrate American holidays and events. Watching the super bowl, celebrating the 4th of July and thanksgiving, going to company picnics, etc.
You can assimilate without trying to suck up to whites. And of course Mexico has whites. it also has asians, arabs, blacks and many others. Yet the only mexicans on Sup Forums from Mexico have some sort of inferiority complex. They want to be accepted so bad by whites that they try to be white. Meanwhile actual light skin blonde blue eyed mexicans are proud to be mexicans. It's just the people who are light skinned but not fully white. They wished they were a few shades lighter with the inferiority complex. You guys are worse than the people from argentina .
I'm saying that x generations back my ancestors left Europe. I'm talking about that influence on the gene pool, which of course gets Americanized, but still retains some anglo and continental European influenced gene pools.
I have lots of respect for the Swiss people and its nation state which has endured and been sovereign longer than any other in europe. when i say european connection, i mean entirely from the immigration out of europe, not that americans have any racial purity once they get here, although yes in some communities generally both sides of the family were from germany or ireland, for instance, but very rarely. European seeded the genetics of the white settlers of America, there is no question about that is there?
>you cannot say your country is shit right now without being patriotic
I love my country, retard. I don't know where the fuck you are getting this idea that knowing your country is a corrupt hell hole full of cartels and idiots means I hate my mexican heritage. In fact I'm only mad because I know Mexico could be a great nation, I could do like most mexicans and just point fingers at the goverment, cartels and others, but I know that's not the case, Mexicans are just unwilling to change and that's why I don't like most of them, of course I won't say I hate all mexicans, but living here around the upper middle class and the upper class in Mexico has taught me that there's really nothing wrong with the higher class (aside from politicians) but rather with the poor class, they don't work, refuse to learn, suck up everything by the media and you even have a couple of people in the south that refuse to learn proper Spanish.
>muh sucking up to the white people
Get a hold of yourself nigger, for this is the list of acomplishments you've had for me to have you in such a high regard:
t. Humberto Contreras Velazquez
You're so full of shit. You're so arrogant. This isn't a Mexican problem. That's a human problem. The poor & uneducated always work against their own best interests. It's not a "mexican poor" people thing. The same happens in the USA, Africa, China, everywhere. All nations (not just Mexico) have potential to be great, but a lot of things won't happen because the majority of the people tend to be stupid and easily led astray. Hasn't this been always the case EVERYWHERE since the history of man?
What upsets you is the fact that you want to be in control. You want to wake up the masses and you want them to work in their own best interests... and then they don't do it. So you hate them and blame them. You're so worried about what others are not doing to improve Mexico that it's just a waste of time. You can't control people. Most systems are rigged that way for peasants to work against their own interests. Government propaganda keeps the people stupid and drug cartels keep the people stupid too.
However it's also not that simple of just "get educated" and "fix mexico". Most peasants have no upward mobility. They have no time to be educated, they have no safety net to abandon what they're doing right now, and they really can 't afford to fix themselves. Mexico (or any other nation in the world) will never become better if you blame peasants and are upset that they don't see the world through your eyes.
t. the offspring of some stupid wetbacks
You have to come back. And Make Mexico Great Again whenever you like it or not.
You still haven't given me your head measurements
in 5 years you will still be posting on Sup Forums about the same things, nothing ever changing in your life.
Yeah, right. And you will still be taking it up the ass, go figure.
Sure chicanolard - next I'm gonna hear your filthy wetback parents are the same too.
Haha, you are so butt hurt. In the end you're just jealous that a day laborer will move upward in the usa while you will be "rich" and stuck in mexico.
That makes no sense, retarded-kun.
Sure thing, Oaxaca-kun.
>bay area.
>miss mexicans
Nigger are you high? There are mexicans everywhere up here.
Shit I've been in SF for 17yrs (born raised in LA) and I don't see a difference. The mission district is beaner central with nortenos and surenos robing and killing people.
The Mexican food is better up here than LA too.
Light skinned (whiteish) Mexicans who are upper middle class+ are ok.
The Mexicans we have in the US are trash from the south.
>the only measure of a man is how much money his family has
Is there a more bluepilled point of view than this
>implying the avg mexican america didn't barely pass HS
You stupid nigger. Non-Tejano hispanics in America are, 9 times out of 10, absolutely terrible. (What is Tejano?) Tejano basically means those hispanics who are descended from those who fought in the Mexican Revolution or, more modern use, Hispanics born and raised in Texas that LOVE Texas to death.
Nobody likes California, not even Californians.
just depends. first generation and some 2nd suck. the rest arent even mexican they assimilate and just become this random thing. the main problem is the ones who recently came here. these people live here 2 years and they feel like they own everything.
i love california its a learners paradise
You clearly don't know Mexican culture.
In Mexico class is what determines most things. Families with more money have culture that's closer to American values since they're inevitably more exposed to media from the US.
>You guys are worse than the people from argentina .
That was hard stuff
The majority of the world likes California. Only you and Sup Forums don't.
Yeah, that image screams sheltered white teen
Eh, I didn't mean to be a dick about it. A lot of them are okay in my eyes. It's just the ones that are part of the meme of "Argentina is white" that are annoying. A lot of Mexicans in Sup Forums are going towards that meme too and it's sad.
>live in Sterling VA
>Once restricted in the 60's mo niggers no jews
>Now Majority SPic
>Place is a shit hole
>I am the last white guy on my block
whats its like when I see another white face in Sterling VA
>living here around the upper middle class and the upper class in Mexico has taught me that there's really nothing wrong with the higher class (aside from politicians)
This has to be the most colossally idiotic thing I've read in Sup Forums in a while.
And that's saying something
>Implying politicians aren't making dirty business with mexican upper class
Hacete dar por un pardillo en celo pedazo de imbécil de mierda
>Implying white people with Irish/German/British blood are native to California/Nevada/Arizona/Mexico/New Mexico/etc.
The indio migrant workers from shit poverty towns with no english who move here and kind of become self made men will very obviously be lionized in the culture a couple decades from now
and i'm not even CHI but like, this is obvious, this is the story that has always played well here, this is how america is
Contrary to popular belief, not everyone is Mexico is a corrupt drug dealer, retard. I won't deny that there's probably a good bunch of people that made their money from drugs, but at the end most of the mexican upper class has earned it's riches.
Are you a white male over 6 feet tall that doesn't look like a baby?
I guarantee you the only Mexicans that are gonna be nice to you are the white boy chasing young girls.
What the fuck did you mean by this?
Why do you think that dirty business equals drug business and that there aren't a zillion other ways to be corrupt?
Oh, ok, because you're an imbecile. That's what I was thinking.
>most of the mexican upper class has earned it's riches.
Good to know that you have outlawed inheritances.
Spotted the chilango manlet
I live in Los Angeles too. And lots of Mexicans are trash, too. So don't leave that out. Every day on my street Mexicans almost run down kids speeding in their trucks to show off their machismo.
definitely better than muslims, we definitely got first pick here in the west.
They're alright in general but we do need a better system of immigration not just letting whoever randomly walks through our southern border citizenship etc..