Trump once said he could shoot someone and his robot supporters will still support him. back then i thought he was kidding, but today i think he was right
Trump once said he could shoot someone and his robot supporters will still support him...
Typical tricks Schlomo
I don't know what you just typed, but I saw your flag and want to let you know I fully support you.
Best ally
Trump is the least worst option
Bernie literally wanted to get money out of politics, that is one of the most important issues that are plaguing america right now, and bernie is the cure for it.
Bernie is 1000 times better than trump
>Rare flags but no France
Now I am offended.
Why are you concerned with that, he supports your people.
>wanted to get money out of politics
And he did.
You think i'm so much of a simpleton that the only issue i care about is whether he supports israel or not?
Besides every single politician in your country supports israel more than they should, so why the fuck does it even matter?
Might want to change that flag.
he doesn't actually. maybe he pays them lip service, but his america first policies are likely anti israel policies
>life time ban of foreign government lobbyists
oy gevalt, it's anudda shoah
Do you understand what getting money out of politics even mean, user?
If you look at the approval ratings of the US house and senate, it's ranging between 9% and 20%. do you know why the approval ratings are so horrendous? it's because the majority of senators are not voting according to the opinion of the public, but according to the opinion of their donors.
Actually, there was a study about this, and the study found that the opinion of senators is more influenced by their donors than the opinion of the general public.
Bernie wants to get money out of politics to make the government represent the general public again instead of representing the donors
Trump could shoot some lib lob or cuckservative piece of shit and I would support him. If he then told me I had permission to murder our enemies, I would tell the God Emperor that I would bleed for him
Trump approved a military operation to help Saudi Arabia in yemen which got a US soldier killed
How can you support a man that put soldiers in risks for saudi arabia is beyond me
You're right, it was a figure of speech at the time but things changed.
The media shoveled bullshit on the general public even the most brain dead redneck caught onto the shilling. The MSM have been 'crying wolf' for over year and guess what, people stopped caring. When the wolf eventually comes nobody will listen anymore because they lost all credibility.
>Trump is a Nazi
>Trump supports David Duke
>Trump raped an underage girl in public
>Trump hates LGBT people
>Trump is Putins lapdog
>Trump won't build a wall
>Trump won't bring jobs back.
I would have figured the media would have realized they shot themselves in the foot by now but the shilling keeps on going.
Typical tricks mer-
I don't care to fact check this but if it is true this is apples to oranges Schlomo
I wish he would shoot someone
KEK you're alright frog bro.
I hope its initals are hc followed by bs
You seem upset. Did Aladdin fuck you?
Did you love it?
You didn't hear about this yemen raid? it was pretty big news, even conservative outlets like fox news reported this
>Actually, there was a study about this
>Bernie wants to get money out of politics
yes, that's how he managed to lose 200$ million and go meet the pope in a private jet
Yes you was.
He could make a poll about who he would shoot...the question is not if it was ok..the only question is when does the stream start
no i didnt hear of it
Here is the study
Go to page 10 in this PDF file and notice how the opinions of senators are DIRECTLY correlated to the opinions of their donors, but not the opinions of the general public.
Fox is ultra backwards and conservative.
It's just that nowdays there are outlets that are even more retarded than fox.
But who is behind all of this? Who is (((they)))?
>back then i thought he was kidding, but today i think he was right
And? What's your point? Sure, he does some things that many Sup Forumsacks hate. Supports your pathetic excuse of a country, is vague as fuck when he talks about repealing obamacare yet says "we won't let people die in the streets", and a few more tidbits that are so minuscule I can't even think of them right now but besides that theres no problem.
Deporting illegals, calling out the media for their bullshit to their face, makes other foreign leaders bend the knee during interviews who were beforehand talking shit on social media, grabbed Clinton by the pussy, and the list goes on.
>muh conman
Muh ovens bitch, now wait for another four years to get any publicity due to our election cycle and pray you don't get killed beforehand you subhuman filth.
The donors are mostly multinational corporations and rich individuals with special interests
change your ip address next time, schlomo
>No France
>No Australia
Is there any way to fix this to make it more accurate?
like yeah I so much believe you lib lob xDDDDD :^)
You just described every single mainstream media organization, Sh'mu'el.
Don't you have to go practice playing your favorite your instrument, Schlomo?