We did it, Sup Forums! We finally got him!
We did it, Sup Forums! We finally got him!
Other urls found in this thread:
Does this mean you faggots will stop shilling for him or what?
Thought Milo was stupid before, think Milo is stupid now. Nothing has changed for me
what a fair an unbiased news source.
who cares? Any "symbols" of ours needs to be internet only. No ties to media corporations - including Infowars or even Breitbart.
Yassssss! Kill him! Slay him!
Honestly, this is the first time in my life I've ever defended him.
Strange times.
We haven't gone far enough. We need to get him fired from Breitbart, and get him banned from every platform he tries to speak on.
YAS! You go gurl! Fuck those evil racist alt righters
Where? Seriously what the fuck has he said that's racist?
Sure, you could say he's Islamophobic, insofar as he often bullies Muslim members of his audience (he has valid points of criticism about Islam too though, like Sam Harris)
Who the fuck isn't phobic of mentally ill people who think they're the opposite sex when they're not?
Again, what exactly has he said that's misogynist? Does he ever say things like "women should be in the kitchen" or anything like that? No, he just dislikes modern feminism, because he thinks it isn't about substantial issues anymore (which he's right about)
>Gay Jew who sucks nigger dicks ruined.
Nothing of value was lost.
We'll never let him speak at Berkley again!
Sup Forums isn't alt right
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.
Why are you trying so hard to defend a man who likes to fuck little boys?
HAHAHAHHA based Zoe Quinn drinking the tears of Milo faggots
this is the best day EVER HAHAHAHAH
Why would you defend him? Fuck off shill
Yes! We need to get this fucking raci... I mean homo jew thrown out of the public eye!
Who cares how many people he redpills? He is gay and probably a pedo aswell, that's what huffpo said!
sigh...he didn't say that.
What exactly did milo say? I'm curious. That seems to be missing from every thread? He is still a fag.
strike while the iron is hot let outed those libsite that support pedo example
I stand by him.
You cowards.
>Sup Forums is one person
>He is gay and probably a pedo aswell
Those were by his own admission. For once the fake news is not to blame.
Defending someone as degenerate as him is impossible for me to do.
Eat shit, angry mob.
>ad hominem
>conveniently leaves out "child rape victim" out
not very huffpo-ish
He defended pedophilia and talked about having sex with young boys
Could you link me to that?
We did it reddit
no he did not
Holy shit, surely someone has archive links of those articles
>Defending someone as degenerate as him is impossible for me to do.
This. While the news is obviously after his ass, no pun intended, Milo is just too degenerate and not worth defending. I never liked that faggot he's on the same tier as that other Breitbart Jew whose name I forget.
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Don't let them polarize right wing figures. This is a coordinated attack, clear as day
Seriously though? Why defend him?
Cmon convince me to defend him, pitch this idea to me.
Now they like walls
>Sup Forums routinely says gays are degenerates and pedos
>turns out milo is a degenerate pedo
literally no one is surprised by this except /r/the donald
Milo was talking about how he was sexually assaulted as a teen but doesn't think it affected him
He said that some victims of that abuse actually benefit from it because the lack of a father figure
He never advocated for minors to have sex with older men
The right wing on Sup Forums deserves the slow, painful death it's about to receive by cheering and siding with the left.
You guys are making a suicide pact.
defend him and what he meant, not what he said taken out of context
defend all the myriad absolutely righteous things he stands for
all he did was mispoke
"young boy" instead of "young man" which is what they always means, even clarifying right after he did NOT mean pedophilia, as defined as attraction to PRE-PUB males
Link to what milo said?
he didnt condone pedophilia, and dropping him is exactly what the legacy media wants you to do.
biased? is the book deal still alive or are you just that triggered
this is why you shouldn't adopt e celebs. same thing is gonna happen with spencer and make spencerfags look even more retarded.
Not yet, he needs to kill himself.
Oh no
I guess he'll just go to another publisher and get it done there instead
And make light of ACTUAL PREDATORY pedophiles in high places
How will he recover?
We did it, reddit!!!!!!!
I figured the odds of him being a pedophile were astronomical considering his two afflictions: faggotism and being a Jew.
It's the same thing that happened with TRS a month ago. Shills make stupidly obvious posts as a red herring while real shills celebrate silencing conservative figures under the guise of purging degenerates. Sup Forums is too stupid to figure it out.
can't tell if Sup Forums actually hates milo or is just pretending they did and dropping him like dead weight now
you dont understand gay slang and you don't understand what happened so why don't you do us a favor and explain why we should angry mob him or feel free to leave swede
>not what he said taken out of context
But he has also said he "misspoke" and it wasn't out of context.
>"young boy" instead of "young man" which is what they always means, even clarifying right after he did NOT mean pedophilia, as defined as attraction to PRE-PUB males
He was using himself as an example and he was 13 then. Not a young man. Doesn't matter if he was prepubescent or not
>Video of Milo Yiannopoulos passionately defending pedophilia resurfaces
>Milo Yiannopoulos, an alt-right troll and Breitbart editor, defended pedophilia as a way for young boys to "discover who they are" in a newly released video of a 2016 appearance on the Drunken Peasants podcast.
Just stop. You're not convincing anyone and making yourself look bad in the process.
Feels like bait. Equating Milo to an actual pedo is not going to do him any favors (unless you dont like him anyway ofc).
"S-see? The left has pedos too! Double standard!"
>A cancelled book will still have more readers than Quinn's shit
God hates fags like Milo
Neither, faggot. You know Sup Forums is inundated with shills right now, that's not even a question
This is a character assasination. All the signs are there
> oh look how many people I can offend
> I'm such a naughty boy
> Nothing will ever stop me from getting all the attention I love
> Whoops
Milo is under planned attack, and it's obvious. I'm not a die hard Milo guy but I enjoy listening to him when he pops up. Nothing has changed for me.
I'm not and I think he's a fucking degenerate in every single fucking way
The reason I care about those issues is that I don't want myself, or other people on the right, to be attacked for "sexism" when they haven't been sexist; "racism" when they haven't been racist
Milo isn't a pedo, but I think it's still fair to point out the double standard
>This is a character assasination.
No it's more like character suicide. He did this all to himself.
linking to those libsite too
Milo "Little girl love unfurl" Y.
I think that's pretty much the opinion that most non-shill people hold. Voluminous shitposting changes no minds.
Just like what happened to Sam Hyde.
Dude, he's being targeted for character assassination because he discussed how a priest molested him when he was a teen
I don't doubt he has some mental hangups from that experience
But he never advocated for pedophilia. Full stop, did not do that
yep that proves it this was planned ahead of time.
Go back you utter fucking faggot
Holy shit, they did delete it
You're swedish. His sexual experience was legal in your country, unless you're on a proxy. In that case, fuck off.
What a bunch of ungrateful scumbags Pol turned out to be...
Such a shame.
kek BTFO milo pedo fgt
Fuck off leddit. No one liked this cancerous nigger lover here
>The reason I care about those issues is that I don't want myself, or other people on the right, to be attacked for "sexism" when they haven't been sexist; "racism" when they haven't been racist
Except that's not why his career is tanking, it's mostly because of the whole pedophilia thing. Nobody cared when people called him racist or sexist.
Fucking stupid faggots posture and preen about muh freeze peaches when Milo got the boot from a university, then CuckPAC kicks him from the biggest flagship conference of conservatism in America and the press release given by the president is basically a replica of Berkley's.
I thought you conservatives were so much higher and more enlightened than the leftists, but you look like a bunch of fucking triggered cucks today.
This is actually a pretty ironclad hit job on this faggot. By interpreting his comments in the worst possible way and then removing any and all context in reporting on it and creating clickbait headlines that suggest Milo LITERALLY endorsed pedophilia, in exact words, it becomes completely impossible for anyone to to defend him. Anyone attempting to do so can be immediately shut down by autistic screeching that they're ALSO endorsing pedophilia.
It's pretty brilliant, all things considered. Clearly some people have been sitting on this for awhile (the interview has been out there for awhile), and pulled the trigger following Milo's growing influence and time in the spotlight following Berkeley and Maher.
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
Good, maybe you faggots will learn your lesson about putting your trust in e-celebs. I know you all desperately want to have your views validated by the popular kids so you'll latch on to anything.
Can anyone link me to milo's paedophile statements? No? Then he isn't a paedophile.
I don't care about Milo. Also, id be surprised if this kills his career. Controversy seems to do good things for him.
Anyone else think it's kinda fucked up to attack Milo for talking about his fucked up childhood? It's not like he goes around talking about his fucked perspective. He said his shit a year ago.
he was the young boy in the scenario, dumbass
>I wont believe in X until someone spoon feeds me X.
>denizens of a troll image board
you must be jew here
Syria is to Iran as Milo is to Bannon.
Milo is only the immediate direct target.
Victim blaming at its utmost.
Sup Forums was right again. homos and pesos are one in the same. anyone defending him deserves the oven.
No we aren't, pedophiles should be gassed.