As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could...
Supporting Milo was a mistake and we should all distance ourselves as quickly as possible.
Fuck this Kike.
I've seen this exact same post like 3 or 4 times now.
Reported as spam.
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement
tits or get out
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement
I'm a Trump voter who voted for him in the primaries and the general election and I agree completely. Milo is a disgraceful bigot and that is not what the alt-right movement is. We are better than that.
i support Milo
>as a woman
fuck off
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement
Thank you ma'am. Would you care to be our new leader?
>As a woman
stopped reading
Already saw this spammed in other threads. Nice try, CTR. Screencap this shit yo
As a gold dubloon, I'd appreciate if you would wash your asscrack now And then.
As a woman I say stop posting this retarded shit and kill yourself
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.
Feminists are not alt right. But anyway, do you have a boyfriend?
Anyone notice how these anti-Milo shills post exactly like the Martin Schulz shills?
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement
>File: 1487636319208.jpg (143 KB, 641x470)
>As a woman
>misogynist fucker
>alt-right has no place for him
You do realise that if we get our way (alt-right), you're on your way back to the kitchen on a fucking motorbike?
If yes then you're a perfect being and I wish you all the best.
roasties out.
obv shill thread fuck of ctr
>tits or get out
this is the only response anything else is shilling.
hahahahaha them slutty rage-tears
tits or gtfo
Shill thread, seen this same bot posting the exact same paragraph all over /pol today.
Misogyny is NOT acceptable on /pol.
Day of the rake soon
I always think it's funny how desperate white nationalists became to more or less embrace some Jew fag as a leader of their movement. Wasn't fagism part of "muh cultural marxism" and all that shit? All of a sudden some edgy gay lord says some pro-white shit and everyone looks the other way that he's some degenerate fag.
Yeah I don't like gay kikes either but I don't have a problem with throwing cunt feminists like you off a building either.
"As a woman"
I don't care what you think.
>OP actually calls himself part of the alt-right
jesus she's insecure
> takes b8
As a woman, you are a fucking failure and should kys (As a woman, I endorse this 3x). Milo is fucking hilarious and a better representative than you deserve.
As a woman you should be seen and not heard.
Femanon here. I only have sex with guys who wear cargo shorts in all seasons
>a woman
>on Sup Forums
Fuck off shill. Obvious bait thread is obvious
Fuck off, talking onahole.
This is why only men should be allowed on the internet
own it dipstick.
The smart move is not to defend but to attack.
Take everything the lefties have done to promote pedos and throw it at them.
That is the strongest tactical move to make right now. Use the momentum they have created and mow them over with it.
Sure, my cucked friend, your wife free on Saturday?
With fucking Rainbows
>As a woman
Stopped reading there
>tits or gtfo
There was no reason for you to bring up your gender. In the future only bring it up when it is necessary or you will get bombarded with tits or gtfo as standard rules of this site.
Not going to lie. Actual Milo supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching the Alt-Right crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy near the Catholic priests.
fuck milo and fuck white people
why do you think being a woman is relevant to the rest of your opinion?
>As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could.
You just hate him because you're vagina has no power over him and he steals big black cocks from you.
Tits or GTFO
And anyone else reading this, don't think I like Milo. He's been an annoying faggot from day one, but the one good thing about him was that he was the annoying faggot who annoyed the left.
>Misogyny is NOT acceptable on /pol.
Damn fucking tootin. It's mandatory here.
BTW, first Pewdiepie, now Milo. These are deliberate attacks. Pewdiepie got sacrificed for the greater good: What if all of Youtube / new media turned into alt-right holocaust jokes? They had to nip this in the bud. Milo actually spoke out against Pedowood and the Catholic Church, he joked about it to mask his insecurity, and as a kind of gallows humor. Now he is to be the example: Expose it and suffer total reputation breakdown.
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement!
She brought it up because the guy openly says things like women belong in the home, birth control shouldn't exist, etc. I'm also a grill and it's irritating to hear shit like that outside of Sup Forums but it's not really that hard to ignore the guy.
Then I go back to taking my birth control and working a 6 figure engineering job, kek
Not gonna lie... BuZZ... Hummm.. Frizzle-frizzle