This painting sold for $300M

This painting sold for $300M

Prove to me that art isn't a money laundering front

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As an artist, I can tell you it's a beautiful, well-thought out work by DeKooning, who was a genius.

Guess what type of person buys it? Usually a power hungry mongoloid.

I can't. I've seen absolutely beautiful paintings go for what seems to be pennies on the dollar of what it SHOULD be worth.

Yet I've seen stuff like your painting and pic related go for fucking millions. "Oh the scattered and erratic strokes of paint display the artist's fractured ego fighting with his sense of morality"

That's usually the stupid fucking shit "artists" throw at you when they're selling you their 1st grader tier garbage.

I just made this, critique pls


this is the man who bought it

Free market, bro

>Sup Forums whines about art again
stick to your huntin' mags and muddin' trucks you stupid hicks. We're not all braindead, but many of you are.

Post what you consider to be exceptional art

You need more fiber.

would smear on myself an eat/10

I actually like that painting. I would consider paying a couple hundred dollars for it if I saw in a gallery.

>Prove to me that art isn't a money laundering front
prove to the DoD aren't...

Are there any good documentaries covering this topic?

>the highest people in power are into romantic satanism

>Prove to me that art isn't a money laundering front

This is an interesting theory, and it may be true, or sometimes true.

But I also think these astronomical prices are a product of the growth of the super-wealthy in the past 20 years, and there being a limited supply of super-prestigious, show-offy art (a lot of it is already in museums, where it can't be purchased for any price).

The high-demand/limited supply dynamic drives up the price.

Result: $300M for a top-tier DeKooning.

Lol ALL OF WALL STREET is a money laundromat. 911 was to hide all the fraud at the SEC and shitty shadow gubbermint.

>Prove to me that art isn't a money laundering front
It is and it has been for nearly a century.

It's also a tax fraud scheme. Muh charitable donations.

That's a lot of pizza moving around.

It looks like a Fking pedo

I stare into his eyes and feel fear

I look at him a feel like he is a sicko that needs to be disposed of for the good of the tribe.

Looks like a room full of musicians and dancers, lit by a small 1940s-looking lamp. Trippy.

Looks,like shit a pedo shakes off his dick after killing a 5 year old.

If your intrepretation is correct then it is worth every penny of that 300 million. Pure genius, however, was that the genuine intention? Because if not, it is worth about 200$ tops.

I call it "Day of the rake"...

What if I tell you that my grandfather went to war with him?
Give me 1 hour and I will make.. erm.. get one for you

yeah .. you need way more fiber. looks like a meat, dairy diet... look how greasy your stool is!

KEK underrated

Now that's art!