All this fucking milo shit is false flag slide bait.
10 threads talking about the exact same thing mainstream media is regurgitating, think about that.
Meanwhile the only pizza gate thread gets locked despite 300 replies in less than 3 hours.
All this fucking milo shit is false flag slide bait.
10 threads talking about the exact same thing mainstream media is regurgitating, think about that.
Meanwhile the only pizza gate thread gets locked despite 300 replies in less than 3 hours.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah it's more than 10 by now user
Catalog looks like shit
this m8, here's a bump
fuck milo
Back to the /r/thedrumpfnald or /x. Stop posting this fake news shit on pol.
bump lets meme down the real pedo's
>shill against pedogate
>be pedo-enabler
you are complicit and deserve public execution
Professional shill here. We are doing this intentionally. Also we are working on getting your IPs. Expect to see our cars near your homes soon. I'm only telling you this because I am a demon worshipper and enjoy your fear and anxiety on a spiritual level. I literally get off to your paranoia. Stop taking your medication and get a fucking gun if you want to survive.
Oh look a brit denying occult pedophilia, never seen that before
>/our goy/
and you are out of your mind on recreational narcotics
What more is there to talk about? We can't arrest all those involved without taking down the government.
Alefantis already admitted to it via facebook message and text and threatened a researcher from Voat, there's been many pedo busts, and the instagrams clearly show there's a whole subculture dedicated to mkultra pedo shit. If people don't believe it still fuck em, they'll read about it in history books
Good collage will dl
We really need a twitter/fb bomb of some kind to spin this milo pedo buzz back onto the real issue
The The CIA podesta pig mansion
the turkey run connection-broke first live in a Sup Forums thread →
podesta pig farm days in college →
"Talk of pig roasting and slaughter kept popping up during dinner and was the
last tale Podesta told before the guests left. To earn money while attending
law school at Georgetown, he spent two years working at TURKEY RUN Farm in McLean,
now called the Claude Moore Colonial Farm, an 18th-century re-creation."
Turkey Run? That mansion in McClean that burned down this morning was TURKEY RUN Rd.
Weirdly, it's owned by Abrahim Al-Naimi, a former president of University of Qatar and
Islamic Online University.
podesta was at turkey run farm, this house today by CIA, was at turkey run rd, random nothing
>mansion has diplomatic ties
>fire visible 7 miles away
>propane tanks exploded
>occupied by staff of UAE
holy shit
trumps not involved,
webb is obvious phony, just like guy in podesta mansion hoax, all to distract from podesta video
pizzagate has a lot piggyback shills for the next few days, check other posts for real breaks
webb and mansion guy are just youtube trolls, not even shill level
guys I'm scared
Inforgraphic created. Google maps search of pedosta college pig farm, leads directly to Turkey run Rd. By CIA
completing the turkey run pizzagate connection
Lawyer was last to leave, but he had children, why did he have to stay and talk?
Why did he appear the next day on alex jones to say "I'm just a poor arab man trying to eat my pizza"
Same guy, last to leave, ... and next day appears on Alex Jones show.
Arab lawyer who just happens to work with the SAUDI's who own the entire block.
It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy
registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B.
Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience
in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security.
It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction
and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).
>UAE already connected to comet
all part of the A R G nothing to worry about
better for you than HBO, get cozy with tendies
no we know why there was a fake podesta mansion
this is the moment a conspiracy theory becomes an external confirmation rather than an internal delusion.
robert anton wilson(sicko) called this "chapel perilous"
this was also the title of Alefantis movie he produced in 2015 chapel perilous
well done you magnificent autists
we hear there message all day in college
24/7 on CNN
and blocking are streets with antifa/sjw's
only when the m o d s sleep do any productive threads occur
It's true the shilling drops off 3am est
I never saw this article, holy shit lol
where are the fucking mods? theres like 50 milo threads.
It's not a slide but a normalization op.
Pizzagate served its purpose in identifying people who would fight the pedo agenda. Now the shills are doing targeted marketing to brainwash us. Milo is a false flag judo move. Let Milo get steamrolled by big media for his pederasty, get the right to counter the big media by allying with milo, and thus normalize his pederasty.
We must stop the pedo and pederast agenda.
we are getting shilled hard, the day of reckoning for the pedos is getting closer
have a BUMP
Everythings a false flag, including my digits.
Digits confirm
I'm tired of seeing good threads dying but Milo shill threads still around
The mods are faggots m8. Sup Forums is kept nice and docile.
This was my exact thought, just didn't want to bump a slide thread.
Well put
We have an administrator and a few moderators working for the Darkside. But they are not fast enough!!!
>goes fast
> Am shill faggot
> Will be stalking your homes
> Thinks I'll need a gun
kek you'll wish a gun is how I deal with you.
Has any new info came to light regarding pizzagate? I was under the impression the relentless milo slide threads were to keep people from discussing sweden.
Maybe if you dipshits had actual video like the media has with Milo...
sign69 connected to comet's site in 2010.
worldcorp is connect to sign69
world corp is 44min from DC in VA
worldcorp connected to ARG channel that uploaded callou
so comet is connected to ARG channels which uploaded darkweb type vids for online scavenger hunts for kids
unfortunately wikileaks tipped off right wingers to comet's building ARG empire, meant for kids which is why the breadcrumb trail Sup Forums has followed has been so obvious, it was made for kids, in order to lure them in, but with wikileaks, the right wingers got accidentally baited, and now have discovered what was meant for a bluepillable audience(remember they didn't hide anything -it was all out on social media), since they run media matters the ARGs are based on conspiracies.
the shills are scared the right wingers will discover that comet was producing ARG conspiracy pedo videos. They could just shoa everything, but that creates striesand effect(like besta pizza's logo change)
so the ARG channels are still up with callou, and alefantis is still producing the ARG vids on schedule, since he is a producer after all.
he produced a movie about conspiracy theorists in 2015.
he says I'm just a kid then he say "I'm john podes" so you are correct
at 37 he legit says"i'm john podesta"
gave me chills
Justice bump
You're just gonna ignore this?
ye ye
Oh and abc fox nyt wapo twitter Facebook?? Seriously they will print anything. They are not long for this world though
Niggers suck
Good luck with your AIDS.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
You cannot seriously think it's okay what happened to 33 Haitian children just because of the color of their skin?
Hey you too?
Do you get your transfers from "ASP" Corp. or valiant? I'd like to share more, but yes a crackdown is coming and it's not what they expect,
Keep clicking those instagram galleries guys!
And fuck the shills.
Still waiting for the day we go to these fuckers homes and beat the shit out of them..
I'm just discovering this PizzaGate stuff. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.
Please, anyone with pics or info, post them and keep this thread alive.
They should have never been born. Giving IQ80 shitskins technology and money and civilization just caused more of their r gene population explosion. You dont really think people with a 12 year old IQ can run a modern economy and feed themselves right?
Once the "AID" stops the coming horrible shit that happens will be mass starvation in the 3rd world hellholes we have created a huge population problems in.
Fuck the shills.
Especially desperate faggots like this one.
Let em LARP.
Here u go
same shit we do.
we are thousands.
We see you guys...but one day..we will not find it entertaining anymore and then you will see why they call this here the endboss of the internet.
That user in the last thread said this bicycle pump didn't look like it was placed in a way to look like a cock pump.
What a colossal nigger cock sucking faggot.
resist the shills
I think they're really fucking pissed about those Podesta videos as well as Milo's popularity.
This attack is a way to mess up both of those things.
Can confirm. I'm getting paid by Soros to slide pizza related stories. We have also been responsible for absolutely no victims or families of victims from coming forward
This was drawn by John Podesta right after he killed a kid! I JUST KNOW IT
the only way pizzagate is real is if milo worked there
>Stop posting this fake news shit on pol.
>Now if you'll excuse me, I don't think there are enough "who's the leader of da alt-right now??? XD" and "milo BTFO" threads in the catalogue tonight
The digits
This thread is very related
At the same time the milo attack is launched, Salon removes its pro-pedophilia articles
Some poster from Laos is making a huge fuss over Milo and Accusing the CIA via Evan Mcmullen and tradcons of exposing him,
reminds me of Thailand poster...
It's so obvious he's a pedophile when he contains artwork like this in his own fucking house
The bullshit is so transparent it's disheartening the masses can't see it
Btw who is this Alex Podesta guy? His art looks pretty weird to me..
Oh does he? Or is that Tony? Or is it neither?
>Meanwhile the only pizza gate thread gets locked despite 300 replies in less than 3 hours.
and HWNDU threads being deleted every 15 min for past 40hrs straight
Try making a thread about John McCain those don't last either?
When did Hillary buy 4sham? At least is good to see the CTR team were able to finds mod jobs on Sup Forums
It's tony I'm pretty sure
How are they supposed to see something with their eyes wide shut?
Pizzagate threads everyday from now on. It I don't see them, I'm starting them.
True, guess we'll have to pry them open..
Please put /ewo/ Eyes Wide Open in the subject line
they are less likely to get culled by cucced mods that way
How is this video related to PizzaGate?
Wait this link is better:
Still confused as to who this "majestic ape" person is..
It's one of the bands that plays at comic ping pong
Remember when Shia said his dad died in the war?
Yea...that didn't happen
They have pedophilia all over their music videos.. it's seriously disturbing
>dat pic
in the second photo the lighting is coming from the lower portion. This room is above the band playing. There was a video explaining how the room is upstairs in comet pizza. This corroborates that.
Every color has its place
pizza culture grooming video, not fooling everyone in the comments, years ago
You're not gonna save any babies with "I'm pretty sure" ya fuckin' mook. Do your homework.
well shit since u post a jpg its gotta be real
Fine then. It IS Tony Podesta's artwork that is in his home.
Btw how many kids have you saved yet?
it's pretty simple common knowledge, dont make me school you,
do you google?